News and Ramblings from the World of Geekdom, and just pretty damn spiffy stuff.
Check out these sites for updates and news of all that does not suck...!
Friday, December 9, 2011
Monday, August 1, 2011
Just picked up a nice collection this past weekend, on the cheap. Highlight(s) include: Swamp Thing, 69 - 150, Excalibur, 1 - 115, Fantastic Four, 1 - 501 (starting with the Heroes Reborn series, that was later re-number back to original...about 50 books total), Quasar 1 - 50, Wonder Woman 30 - 60, Full run of Marvel's Thunderbolts, Full run of X-Force, etc....and full run of Age of Apocalypse!!!
All in all about 3-4 longboxes of books.
All in all about 3-4 longboxes of books.
This Week's Comic List: New Releases 08/03/2011
ComicList: New Comic Book Releases List for Wednesday, August 3, 2011. This work, a list of the comic books, graphic novels, and other products that should be available in your local or online comic book shop this week, is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License, and is © 2011 by Charles LePage.
Information provided by our friends at Things From Another World. To find a local comic book shop, please browse The Master List of Comic Book & Trading Card Stores. Check out the Comiclist Community Page and FriendFeed ComicList Room for discussions about your favorite comics.
PLEASE NOTE- Not all of these titles will actually arrive in all stores. Let me know if any of the names or numbers are wrong. Items being released this week per sources other than Diamond Distribution are individually noted.
TITLE, ISSUE NUMBER, PRICE IN U.S. DOLLARS ("AR" means "ask your retailer for the price")
Krazy Kat And The Art Of George Herriman A Celebration HC, $29.95
Rachel Rising #1, $3.99
Diary Of A Zombie Kid TP, $14.95
Victorian Secret Girls Of Steampunk Summer Catalog (One Shot), $3.99
Megamind #3, $3.95
Megamind #4, $3.95
Penguins Of Madagascar Volume 2 Wonder From Down Under TP, $6.95
Strawberry Shortcake Berry Fun #1 (Of 4), $3.95
BLAM GN (not verified by Diamond), $14.95
Kagagi The Raven GN (not verified by Diamond), $14.95
Kord And Harley GN (not verified by Diamond), $19.95
Mwumba GN (not verified by Diamond), $7.95
Pistolfist GN (not verified by Diamond), $14.95
Spy School GN (not verified by Diamond), $14.95
Woody And The Noble GN (not verified by Diamond), $14.95
Feeding Ground #6 (Of 6), $3.95
Best Of Archie Comics TP, $9.99
Betty #193, $2.99
Sabrina The Teenage Witch Animated Series Volume 1 TP, $9.95
Sonic The Hedgehog #227, $2.99
World Of Archie Double Digest #9, $3.99
Flash Gordon Invasion Of The Red Sword #3 (Cover A Eduardo Garcia), $3.99
Flash Gordon Invasion Of The Red Sword #3 (Cover B Eduardo Garcia), $3.99
Flash Gordon Mercy Wars #1 (Limited Variant Edition), $3.99
Broken Pieces #0 (Cover A Micah Kaneshiro), $2.50
Broken Pieces #0 (Cover B Jason Fabok), $2.50
Caligula #3 (Of 6)(Jacen Burrows Regular Cover), $3.99
Caligula #3 (Of 6)(German Nobile Wraparound Cover), $3.99
Caligula #3 (Of 6)(Jacen Burrows Golden Variant Cover), AR
Night Of The Living Dead Death Valley #3 (Of 5)(Michael Dipascale Regular Cover), $3.99
Night Of The Living Dead Death Valley #3 (Of 5)(Matt Martin Gore Cover), $3.99
Night Of The Living Dead Death Valley #3 (Of 5)(Michael Dipascale Classic Black & White Variant Cover), AR
Night Of The Living Dead Death Valley #3 (Of 5)(Mike Wolfer Wraparound Cover), $3.99
Elric The Balance Lost #2 (Cover A Francesco Mattina), $3.99
Elric The Balance Lost #2 (Cover B Erik Jones), $3.99
Elric The Balance Lost #2 (Cover C Francesco Mattina), AR
Irredeemable #28 (Cover A Damian Couceiro), $3.99
Irredeemable #28 (Cover B Jeffrey Spokes), $3.99
Irredeemable #28 (Cover C Damian Couceiro), AR
Roger Langridge's Snarked #0, $1.00
Zombie Tales Omnibus TP (resolicited), $19.99
Sita Daughter Of Earth GN (Campfire Graphic Novels)(not verified by Diamond), $12.99
Multiplex Enjoy Your Show Volume 1 TP, $19.95
Comic Shop News #1259, AR
Killing Velazquez GN (not verified by Diamond), $20.00
Ron English Presents MC's Secret Circus (One Shot)(not verified by Diamond), $3.99
Cardcaptor Sakura Omnibus Volume 2 TP (resolicited), $19.99
Domo And Friends Figure Set, $17.99
Kult #1 (Of 4), $3.50
Star Wars Dark Times Out Of The Wilderness #1 (Of 5)(Pablo Correa Regular Cover), $2.99
Star Wars Dark Times Out Of The Wilderness #1 (Of 5)(Mark A. Nelson Variant Cover), $2.99
Usagi Yojimbo #139, $3.50
Adventure Comics #529, $2.99
Batman Arkham City #4 (Of 5), $2.99
Batman Beyond #8, $2.99
Batman Gates Of Gotham #4 (Of 5)(Trevor Mccarthy Regular Cover), $2.99
Batman Gates Of Gotham #4 (Of 5)(Dustin Nguyen Variant Cover), AR
Batman Incorporated Batman Action Figure, AR
Batman Incorporated Damian As Robin Action Figure, AR
Batman Incorporated Batman Knight Action Figure, AR
Batman Incorporated Man Of Bats Action Figure, AR
Blackest Night Violet Lantern 1:4 Scale Power Battery And Ring Prop Replica Set, $35.00
DC Comics Presents SHAZAM #2, $7.99
DC Comics Presents The Metal Men #1 (Retailer Replacement Copies), $7.99
DC Retroactive Batman The '80s #1 (One Shot), $4.99
DC Retroactive The Flash The '80s #1 (One Shot), $4.99
DC Retroactive Wonder Woman The '80s #1 (One Shot), $4.99
DC Universe Online Legends #13, $2.99
Firestorm The Nuclear Man TP, $17.99
Flashpoint #4 (Of 5)(Andy Kubert & Sandra Hope Regular Cover), $3.99
Flashpoint #4 (Of 5)(Andy Kubert Black & White Variant Cover A), AR
Flashpoint #4 (Of 5)(George Perez Variant Cover B), AR
Flashpoint Batman Knight Of Vengeance #3 (Of 3), $2.99
Flashpoint Deathstroke And The Curse Of The Ravager #3 (Of 3), $2.99
Flashpoint Secret Seven #3 (Of 3), $2.99
Flashpoint The World Of Flashpoint #3 (Of 3), $2.99
Green Lantern Super Spectacular #2, $7.99
History Of Violence TP (New Edition), $14.99
House Of Mystery #40, $2.99
I Zombie #16, $2.99
Jack Kirby Omnibus Volume 1 Starring Green Arrow HC, $49.99
Jonah Hex #70, $2.99
Looney Tunes #201, $2.99
Scalped #51, $2.99
Scooby Doo Where Are You #12, $2.99
Secret Six #36, $2.99
Superboy #10, $2.99
Superman #714 (John Cassaday Regular Cover), $2.99
Superman #714 (George Perez Variant Cover), AR
Superman Grounded Volume 1 HC, $22.99
Sweet Tooth #24, $2.99
Game Trade Magazine #138, $3.99
Previews #275 (August 2011), $4.50
Boys #57, $3.99
Red Sonja She-Devil With A Sword Volume 9 War Season TP, $16.99
Warlord Of Mars Dejah Thoris #5 (Ale Garza Regular Cover), $3.99
Warlord Of Mars Dejah Thoris #5 (Arthur Adams Regular Cover), $3.99
Warlord Of Mars Dejah Thoris #5 (Joe Jusko Regular Cover), $3.99
Warlord Of Mars Dejah Thoris #5 (Paul Renaud Regular Cover), $3.99
Warlord Of Mars Dejah Thoris #5 (Arthur Adams Virgin Variant Cover), AR
Warlord Of Mars Dejah Thoris #5 (Paul Renaud Red Variant Cover), AR
Zorro Rides Again #1 (Matt Wagner Regular Cover), $3.99
Zorro Rides Again #1 (Matt Wagner Black & White Variant Cover), AR
Comics Journal #301 (resolicited)(not verified by Diamond), $30.00
Willie And Joe Back Home HC (resolicited), $29.99
Willie And Joe The WWII Years GN, $39.99
Bad Island GN (not verified by Diamond), $12.99
Bad Island HC (not verified by Diamond), $24.99
Heavy Metal Volume 35 #6 (September 2011), $6.95
Steve Canyon The Complete Series Volume 1 HC, $49.99
30 Days Of Night Night Again #4 (Of 4)(Sam Kieth Regular Cover), $3.99
30 Days Of Night Night Again #4 (Of 4)(Davide Furno Variant Cover), AR
Caniff HC, $49.99
Crysis #3 (Of 6)(Peter Bergting Regular Cover), $3.99
Crysis #3 (Of 6)(Crysis 2 Concept Art Team Variant Cover), AR
Dungeons And Dragons #9 (Cover A Tyler Walpole), $3.99
Dungeons And Dragons #9 (Cover B Andrea Di Vito), $3.99
Dungeons And Dragons #9 (Andrea Di Vito Sketch Variant Cover), AR
G.I. JOE #4 (Cover A Tom Feister), $3.99
G.I. JOE #4 (Cover B Javier Saltares), $3.99
G.I. JOE #4 (Max Brooks G.I. JOE Hearts & Minds Variant Cover), AR
Hero Comics 2011 (One Shot)(Adam Hughes Regular Cover), $3.99
Hero Comics 2011 (One Shot)(J. Scott Campbell Regular Cover), $3.99
Hero Comics 2011 (One Shot)(J. Scott Campbell Sketch Variant Cover), AR
Robert Bloch's That Hellbound Train #3 (Of 3)(Menton J. Matthews III Regular Cover), $3.99
Robert Bloch's That Hellbound Train #3 (Of 3)(Mike Manomivibul Variant Cover), AR
Spinecrawler GN, $17.99
Suicide Girls #4 (Of 4)(Cameron Stewart Regular Cover), $3.99
Suicide Girls #4 (Of 4)(Photo Variant Cover), AR
Walter Simonson's Thor Artist's Edition HC, AR
Wynonna Earp The Yeti Wars #4 (Of 4), $3.99
50 Girls 50 #3 (Of 4), $2.99
68 #3 (Of 4)(Cover A Nat Jones & Jay Fotos), $3.99
68 #3 (Of 4)(Cover B Nat Jones), $3.99
68 #3 (Of 4)(Cover C Nat Jones), AR
Daomu #6, $2.99
Drums #3 (Of 4), $2.99
Green Wake #5 (Of 5), $3.50
Infinite #1 (Rob Liefeld Regular Cover), $2.99
Infinite #1 (Blank Sketch Variant Cover), AR
Infinite #1 (Deluxe Edition), $5.99
Infinite #1 (Leinil Francis Yu Variant Cover), AR
Infinite #1 (Rob Liefeld Variant Cover), AR
Infinite #1 (Todd McFarlane Variant Cover), AR
Meta 4 The Complete Series TP, $14.99
Moriarty #4, $2.99
Savage Dragon #172, $3.50
Screamland #3, $2.99
Severed #1, $2.99
Super Dinosaur #3 (2nd Printing Variant Cover), $2.99
Walking Dead Weekly #31, $2.99
Witch Doctor #1 (Of 4)(2nd Printing Variant Cover), $2.99
Knights Of The Dinner Table Bundle Of Trouble Volume 32 TP (not verified by Diamond), $12.99
Hocus Pocus GN (not verified by Diamond), $16.95
Luz Sees The Light GN (not verified by Diamond), $8.95
15-Love #3 (Of 3), $4.99
Acts Of Vengeance Crossovers Omnibus HC (Alan Davis Book Market Cover), $99.99
Acts Of Vengeance Crossovers Omnibus HC (Rob Liefeld Direct Market Cover), $99.99
Avengers Academy #17, $2.99
Avengers Academy Volume 2 Will We Use This In The Real World HC (Premiere Edition), $24.99
Dark Tower The Gunslinger The Battle Of Tull #3 (Of 5), $3.99
Dorothy And The Wizard In Oz Postcard (Promotional Item), AR
Essential Spider-Man Volume 1 TP (All-New Edition), $19.99
Fear Itself Poster Book, $6.99
Fear Itself Wolverine #2 (Of 3), $2.99
Herc #6, $2.99
Heroes For Hire #10, $2.99
Hulk #38, $2.99
Iron Man 2.0 #7.1, $2.99
Marvel Previews #96 (August 2011 For Products On-Sale October 2011), $1.25
Marvel Super Stars Magazine #6 (Marvel Adventures), $7.99
Mighty Avengers Dark Reign HC, $44.99
Moon Knight #4, $3.99
Mystic #1 (Of 4), $2.99
Oz The Marvelous Land Of Oz TP, $19.99
Punisher #1 (Bryan Hitch Regular Cover), $3.99
Punisher #1 (Blank Variant Cover), AR
Punisher #1 (Neal Adams Variant Cover), AR
Punisher #1 (Sal Buscema Variant Cover), AR
Red Skull #2 (Of 5), $2.99
Rocket Raccoon Guardian Of The Keystone Quadrant HC (Premiere Edition)(Book Market Edition), $24.99
Rocket Raccoon Guardian Of The Keystone Quadrant HC (Premiere Edition)(Direct Market Variant Edition Volume 72)(per Marvel Comics), $24.99
S.H.I.E.L.D. #2 (Gerald Parel Regular Cover), $2.99
S.H.I.E.L.D. #2 (Dustin Weaver Historical Variant Cover), AR
Spider-Man Big Time TP, $14.99
Spider-Man Newspaper Strips Volume 2 HC, $39.99
Spider-Man With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility #5 (Of 7), $3.99
Thor Heaven And Earth #2 (Of 4), $2.99
Thunderbolts #161, $2.99
Ultimate Comics Fallout #4 (Of 6)(Mark Bagley Regular Cover)(Polybagged), $3.99
Ultimate Comics Fallout #4 (Of 6)(Marko Djurdjevic Variant Cover), AR
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #160 (Mark Bagley 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99
Wolverine #13, $3.99
X-23 #13, $2.99
X-Factor #223, $2.99
X-Men Fallen Angels HC (Premiere Edition)(Book Market Edition), $29.99
X-Men Fallen Angels HC (Premiere Edition)(Direct Market Variant Edition Volume 73), $29.99
X-Men Schism #1 (Of 5)(Carlos Pacheco 2nd Printing 'Cyclops' Variant Cover), $4.99
X-Men Schism #1 (Of 5)(Carlos Pacheco 2nd Printing 'Wolverine' Variant Cover), $4.99
Famous Monsters Of Filmland #257 (Sep/Oct 2011)(Newsstand Edition), $9.99
Famous Monsters Of Filmland #257 (Sep/Oct 2011)(Previews Exclusive Edition), $9.99
Petrograd GN, $29.99
Kidnapping Kevin Smith GN (not verified by Diamond), $10.95
Tank Tankuro HC (With Slipcase), $29.95
Illustration Now Portraits SC, $39.99
Star Wars The Clone Wars Magazine #6 (September 2011), $4.99
Black Jack Volume 15 TP (by Osamu Tezuka)(not verfied by Diamond), $16.95
Big Book Of Adventure Stories SC, $25.00
AI ORE Love Me Volume 2 GN, $12.99
Bakuman Volume 6 TP, $9.99
Bleach 3-In-1 Edition Volume 2 TP (Contains Volumes 4-6), $14.99
Blue Exorcist Volume 3 GN, $9.99
Fullmetal Alchemist 3-In-1 Edition Volume 2 TP (Contains Volumes 4-6), $14.99
Gin Tama Volume 23 TP, $9.99
Haruka Beyond The Stream Of Time Volume 13 GN, $9.99
Kamisama Kiss Volume 4 TP, $9.99
Kaze Hikaru Volume 19 GN, $9.99
Natsume's Book Of Friends Volume 8 TP, $9.99
Nura Rise Of The Yokai Clan Volume 4 GN, $9.99
Otomen Volume 11 GN, $9.99
Pokemon Adventures Volume 14 TP, $7.99
Pokemon Black And White Volume 1 GN, $4.99
Pokemon Black And White Volume 2 GN, $4.99
Sakura Hime The Legend Of Princess Sakura Volume 3 GN, $9.99
Seiho Boys' High School Volume 7 TP, $9.99
Slam Dunk Volume 17 GN, $9.99
Story Of Saiunkoku Volume 4 GN, $9.99
Tegami Bachi Letter Bee Volume 6 GN, $9.99
Yu Gi Oh GX Volume 7 GN, $9.99
Kobato Volume 4 GN, $11.99
Brimstone #3 (Cover A Eric Basaldua), $3.25
Brimstone #3 (Cover B Marat Mychaels), $3.25
Grimm Fairy Tales #62, $2.99
Monster Hunters Survival Guide Case Files Sasquatch #1 (Cover A Al Rio), $4.99
Monster Hunters Survival Guide Case Files Sasquatch #1 (Cover B Pasquale Qualano), $4.99
Terminal Alice GN, $9.99
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA. Any questions regarding the use of this work should be directed to Charles LePage at
Information provided by our friends at Things From Another World. To find a local comic book shop, please browse The Master List of Comic Book & Trading Card Stores. Check out the Comiclist Community Page and FriendFeed ComicList Room for discussions about your favorite comics.
PLEASE NOTE- Not all of these titles will actually arrive in all stores. Let me know if any of the names or numbers are wrong. Items being released this week per sources other than Diamond Distribution are individually noted.
TITLE, ISSUE NUMBER, PRICE IN U.S. DOLLARS ("AR" means "ask your retailer for the price")
Krazy Kat And The Art Of George Herriman A Celebration HC, $29.95
Rachel Rising #1, $3.99
Diary Of A Zombie Kid TP, $14.95
Victorian Secret Girls Of Steampunk Summer Catalog (One Shot), $3.99
Megamind #3, $3.95
Megamind #4, $3.95
Penguins Of Madagascar Volume 2 Wonder From Down Under TP, $6.95
Strawberry Shortcake Berry Fun #1 (Of 4), $3.95
BLAM GN (not verified by Diamond), $14.95
Kagagi The Raven GN (not verified by Diamond), $14.95
Kord And Harley GN (not verified by Diamond), $19.95
Mwumba GN (not verified by Diamond), $7.95
Pistolfist GN (not verified by Diamond), $14.95
Spy School GN (not verified by Diamond), $14.95
Woody And The Noble GN (not verified by Diamond), $14.95
Feeding Ground #6 (Of 6), $3.95
Best Of Archie Comics TP, $9.99
Betty #193, $2.99
Sabrina The Teenage Witch Animated Series Volume 1 TP, $9.95
Sonic The Hedgehog #227, $2.99
World Of Archie Double Digest #9, $3.99
Flash Gordon Invasion Of The Red Sword #3 (Cover A Eduardo Garcia), $3.99
Flash Gordon Invasion Of The Red Sword #3 (Cover B Eduardo Garcia), $3.99
Flash Gordon Mercy Wars #1 (Limited Variant Edition), $3.99
Broken Pieces #0 (Cover A Micah Kaneshiro), $2.50
Broken Pieces #0 (Cover B Jason Fabok), $2.50
Caligula #3 (Of 6)(Jacen Burrows Regular Cover), $3.99
Caligula #3 (Of 6)(German Nobile Wraparound Cover), $3.99
Caligula #3 (Of 6)(Jacen Burrows Golden Variant Cover), AR
Night Of The Living Dead Death Valley #3 (Of 5)(Michael Dipascale Regular Cover), $3.99
Night Of The Living Dead Death Valley #3 (Of 5)(Matt Martin Gore Cover), $3.99
Night Of The Living Dead Death Valley #3 (Of 5)(Michael Dipascale Classic Black & White Variant Cover), AR
Night Of The Living Dead Death Valley #3 (Of 5)(Mike Wolfer Wraparound Cover), $3.99
Elric The Balance Lost #2 (Cover A Francesco Mattina), $3.99
Elric The Balance Lost #2 (Cover B Erik Jones), $3.99
Elric The Balance Lost #2 (Cover C Francesco Mattina), AR
Irredeemable #28 (Cover A Damian Couceiro), $3.99
Irredeemable #28 (Cover B Jeffrey Spokes), $3.99
Irredeemable #28 (Cover C Damian Couceiro), AR
Roger Langridge's Snarked #0, $1.00
Zombie Tales Omnibus TP (resolicited), $19.99
Sita Daughter Of Earth GN (Campfire Graphic Novels)(not verified by Diamond), $12.99
Multiplex Enjoy Your Show Volume 1 TP, $19.95
Comic Shop News #1259, AR
Killing Velazquez GN (not verified by Diamond), $20.00
Ron English Presents MC's Secret Circus (One Shot)(not verified by Diamond), $3.99
Cardcaptor Sakura Omnibus Volume 2 TP (resolicited), $19.99
Domo And Friends Figure Set, $17.99
Kult #1 (Of 4), $3.50
Star Wars Dark Times Out Of The Wilderness #1 (Of 5)(Pablo Correa Regular Cover), $2.99
Star Wars Dark Times Out Of The Wilderness #1 (Of 5)(Mark A. Nelson Variant Cover), $2.99
Usagi Yojimbo #139, $3.50
Adventure Comics #529, $2.99
Batman Arkham City #4 (Of 5), $2.99
Batman Beyond #8, $2.99
Batman Gates Of Gotham #4 (Of 5)(Trevor Mccarthy Regular Cover), $2.99
Batman Gates Of Gotham #4 (Of 5)(Dustin Nguyen Variant Cover), AR
Batman Incorporated Batman Action Figure, AR
Batman Incorporated Damian As Robin Action Figure, AR
Batman Incorporated Batman Knight Action Figure, AR
Batman Incorporated Man Of Bats Action Figure, AR
Blackest Night Violet Lantern 1:4 Scale Power Battery And Ring Prop Replica Set, $35.00
DC Comics Presents SHAZAM #2, $7.99
DC Comics Presents The Metal Men #1 (Retailer Replacement Copies), $7.99
DC Retroactive Batman The '80s #1 (One Shot), $4.99
DC Retroactive The Flash The '80s #1 (One Shot), $4.99
DC Retroactive Wonder Woman The '80s #1 (One Shot), $4.99
DC Universe Online Legends #13, $2.99
Firestorm The Nuclear Man TP, $17.99
Flashpoint #4 (Of 5)(Andy Kubert & Sandra Hope Regular Cover), $3.99
Flashpoint #4 (Of 5)(Andy Kubert Black & White Variant Cover A), AR
Flashpoint #4 (Of 5)(George Perez Variant Cover B), AR
Flashpoint Batman Knight Of Vengeance #3 (Of 3), $2.99
Flashpoint Deathstroke And The Curse Of The Ravager #3 (Of 3), $2.99
Flashpoint Secret Seven #3 (Of 3), $2.99
Flashpoint The World Of Flashpoint #3 (Of 3), $2.99
Green Lantern Super Spectacular #2, $7.99
History Of Violence TP (New Edition), $14.99
House Of Mystery #40, $2.99
I Zombie #16, $2.99
Jack Kirby Omnibus Volume 1 Starring Green Arrow HC, $49.99
Jonah Hex #70, $2.99
Looney Tunes #201, $2.99
Scalped #51, $2.99
Scooby Doo Where Are You #12, $2.99
Secret Six #36, $2.99
Superboy #10, $2.99
Superman #714 (John Cassaday Regular Cover), $2.99
Superman #714 (George Perez Variant Cover), AR
Superman Grounded Volume 1 HC, $22.99
Sweet Tooth #24, $2.99
Game Trade Magazine #138, $3.99
Previews #275 (August 2011), $4.50
Boys #57, $3.99
Red Sonja She-Devil With A Sword Volume 9 War Season TP, $16.99
Warlord Of Mars Dejah Thoris #5 (Ale Garza Regular Cover), $3.99
Warlord Of Mars Dejah Thoris #5 (Arthur Adams Regular Cover), $3.99
Warlord Of Mars Dejah Thoris #5 (Joe Jusko Regular Cover), $3.99
Warlord Of Mars Dejah Thoris #5 (Paul Renaud Regular Cover), $3.99
Warlord Of Mars Dejah Thoris #5 (Arthur Adams Virgin Variant Cover), AR
Warlord Of Mars Dejah Thoris #5 (Paul Renaud Red Variant Cover), AR
Zorro Rides Again #1 (Matt Wagner Regular Cover), $3.99
Zorro Rides Again #1 (Matt Wagner Black & White Variant Cover), AR
Comics Journal #301 (resolicited)(not verified by Diamond), $30.00
Willie And Joe Back Home HC (resolicited), $29.99
Willie And Joe The WWII Years GN, $39.99
Bad Island GN (not verified by Diamond), $12.99
Bad Island HC (not verified by Diamond), $24.99
Heavy Metal Volume 35 #6 (September 2011), $6.95
Steve Canyon The Complete Series Volume 1 HC, $49.99
30 Days Of Night Night Again #4 (Of 4)(Sam Kieth Regular Cover), $3.99
30 Days Of Night Night Again #4 (Of 4)(Davide Furno Variant Cover), AR
Caniff HC, $49.99
Crysis #3 (Of 6)(Peter Bergting Regular Cover), $3.99
Crysis #3 (Of 6)(Crysis 2 Concept Art Team Variant Cover), AR
Dungeons And Dragons #9 (Cover A Tyler Walpole), $3.99
Dungeons And Dragons #9 (Cover B Andrea Di Vito), $3.99
Dungeons And Dragons #9 (Andrea Di Vito Sketch Variant Cover), AR
G.I. JOE #4 (Cover A Tom Feister), $3.99
G.I. JOE #4 (Cover B Javier Saltares), $3.99
G.I. JOE #4 (Max Brooks G.I. JOE Hearts & Minds Variant Cover), AR
Hero Comics 2011 (One Shot)(Adam Hughes Regular Cover), $3.99
Hero Comics 2011 (One Shot)(J. Scott Campbell Regular Cover), $3.99
Hero Comics 2011 (One Shot)(J. Scott Campbell Sketch Variant Cover), AR
Robert Bloch's That Hellbound Train #3 (Of 3)(Menton J. Matthews III Regular Cover), $3.99
Robert Bloch's That Hellbound Train #3 (Of 3)(Mike Manomivibul Variant Cover), AR
Spinecrawler GN, $17.99
Suicide Girls #4 (Of 4)(Cameron Stewart Regular Cover), $3.99
Suicide Girls #4 (Of 4)(Photo Variant Cover), AR
Walter Simonson's Thor Artist's Edition HC, AR
Wynonna Earp The Yeti Wars #4 (Of 4), $3.99
50 Girls 50 #3 (Of 4), $2.99
68 #3 (Of 4)(Cover A Nat Jones & Jay Fotos), $3.99
68 #3 (Of 4)(Cover B Nat Jones), $3.99
68 #3 (Of 4)(Cover C Nat Jones), AR
Daomu #6, $2.99
Drums #3 (Of 4), $2.99
Green Wake #5 (Of 5), $3.50
Infinite #1 (Rob Liefeld Regular Cover), $2.99
Infinite #1 (Blank Sketch Variant Cover), AR
Infinite #1 (Deluxe Edition), $5.99
Infinite #1 (Leinil Francis Yu Variant Cover), AR
Infinite #1 (Rob Liefeld Variant Cover), AR
Infinite #1 (Todd McFarlane Variant Cover), AR
Meta 4 The Complete Series TP, $14.99
Moriarty #4, $2.99
Savage Dragon #172, $3.50
Screamland #3, $2.99
Severed #1, $2.99
Super Dinosaur #3 (2nd Printing Variant Cover), $2.99
Walking Dead Weekly #31, $2.99
Witch Doctor #1 (Of 4)(2nd Printing Variant Cover), $2.99
Knights Of The Dinner Table Bundle Of Trouble Volume 32 TP (not verified by Diamond), $12.99
Hocus Pocus GN (not verified by Diamond), $16.95
Luz Sees The Light GN (not verified by Diamond), $8.95
15-Love #3 (Of 3), $4.99
Acts Of Vengeance Crossovers Omnibus HC (Alan Davis Book Market Cover), $99.99
Acts Of Vengeance Crossovers Omnibus HC (Rob Liefeld Direct Market Cover), $99.99
Avengers Academy #17, $2.99
Avengers Academy Volume 2 Will We Use This In The Real World HC (Premiere Edition), $24.99
Dark Tower The Gunslinger The Battle Of Tull #3 (Of 5), $3.99
Dorothy And The Wizard In Oz Postcard (Promotional Item), AR
Essential Spider-Man Volume 1 TP (All-New Edition), $19.99
Fear Itself Poster Book, $6.99
Fear Itself Wolverine #2 (Of 3), $2.99
Herc #6, $2.99
Heroes For Hire #10, $2.99
Hulk #38, $2.99
Iron Man 2.0 #7.1, $2.99
Marvel Previews #96 (August 2011 For Products On-Sale October 2011), $1.25
Marvel Super Stars Magazine #6 (Marvel Adventures), $7.99
Mighty Avengers Dark Reign HC, $44.99
Moon Knight #4, $3.99
Mystic #1 (Of 4), $2.99
Oz The Marvelous Land Of Oz TP, $19.99
Punisher #1 (Bryan Hitch Regular Cover), $3.99
Punisher #1 (Blank Variant Cover), AR
Punisher #1 (Neal Adams Variant Cover), AR
Punisher #1 (Sal Buscema Variant Cover), AR
Red Skull #2 (Of 5), $2.99
Rocket Raccoon Guardian Of The Keystone Quadrant HC (Premiere Edition)(Book Market Edition), $24.99
Rocket Raccoon Guardian Of The Keystone Quadrant HC (Premiere Edition)(Direct Market Variant Edition Volume 72)(per Marvel Comics), $24.99
S.H.I.E.L.D. #2 (Gerald Parel Regular Cover), $2.99
S.H.I.E.L.D. #2 (Dustin Weaver Historical Variant Cover), AR
Spider-Man Big Time TP, $14.99
Spider-Man Newspaper Strips Volume 2 HC, $39.99
Spider-Man With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility #5 (Of 7), $3.99
Thor Heaven And Earth #2 (Of 4), $2.99
Thunderbolts #161, $2.99
Ultimate Comics Fallout #4 (Of 6)(Mark Bagley Regular Cover)(Polybagged), $3.99
Ultimate Comics Fallout #4 (Of 6)(Marko Djurdjevic Variant Cover), AR
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #160 (Mark Bagley 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99
Wolverine #13, $3.99
X-23 #13, $2.99
X-Factor #223, $2.99
X-Men Fallen Angels HC (Premiere Edition)(Book Market Edition), $29.99
X-Men Fallen Angels HC (Premiere Edition)(Direct Market Variant Edition Volume 73), $29.99
X-Men Schism #1 (Of 5)(Carlos Pacheco 2nd Printing 'Cyclops' Variant Cover), $4.99
X-Men Schism #1 (Of 5)(Carlos Pacheco 2nd Printing 'Wolverine' Variant Cover), $4.99
Famous Monsters Of Filmland #257 (Sep/Oct 2011)(Newsstand Edition), $9.99
Famous Monsters Of Filmland #257 (Sep/Oct 2011)(Previews Exclusive Edition), $9.99
Petrograd GN, $29.99
Kidnapping Kevin Smith GN (not verified by Diamond), $10.95
Tank Tankuro HC (With Slipcase), $29.95
Illustration Now Portraits SC, $39.99
Star Wars The Clone Wars Magazine #6 (September 2011), $4.99
Black Jack Volume 15 TP (by Osamu Tezuka)(not verfied by Diamond), $16.95
Big Book Of Adventure Stories SC, $25.00
AI ORE Love Me Volume 2 GN, $12.99
Bakuman Volume 6 TP, $9.99
Bleach 3-In-1 Edition Volume 2 TP (Contains Volumes 4-6), $14.99
Blue Exorcist Volume 3 GN, $9.99
Fullmetal Alchemist 3-In-1 Edition Volume 2 TP (Contains Volumes 4-6), $14.99
Gin Tama Volume 23 TP, $9.99
Haruka Beyond The Stream Of Time Volume 13 GN, $9.99
Kamisama Kiss Volume 4 TP, $9.99
Kaze Hikaru Volume 19 GN, $9.99
Natsume's Book Of Friends Volume 8 TP, $9.99
Nura Rise Of The Yokai Clan Volume 4 GN, $9.99
Otomen Volume 11 GN, $9.99
Pokemon Adventures Volume 14 TP, $7.99
Pokemon Black And White Volume 1 GN, $4.99
Pokemon Black And White Volume 2 GN, $4.99
Sakura Hime The Legend Of Princess Sakura Volume 3 GN, $9.99
Seiho Boys' High School Volume 7 TP, $9.99
Slam Dunk Volume 17 GN, $9.99
Story Of Saiunkoku Volume 4 GN, $9.99
Tegami Bachi Letter Bee Volume 6 GN, $9.99
Yu Gi Oh GX Volume 7 GN, $9.99
Kobato Volume 4 GN, $11.99
Brimstone #3 (Cover A Eric Basaldua), $3.25
Brimstone #3 (Cover B Marat Mychaels), $3.25
Grimm Fairy Tales #62, $2.99
Monster Hunters Survival Guide Case Files Sasquatch #1 (Cover A Al Rio), $4.99
Monster Hunters Survival Guide Case Files Sasquatch #1 (Cover B Pasquale Qualano), $4.99
Terminal Alice GN, $9.99
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA. Any questions regarding the use of this work should be directed to Charles LePage at
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
This Weeks Comic Releases 07/06/2011
Brought to you by the fine folks @
ComicList: New Comic Book Releases List for Wednesday, July 6, 2011. This work, a list of the comic books, graphic novels, and other products that should be available in your local or online comic book shop this week, is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License, and is © 2011 by Charles LePage.
Information provided by our friends at Things From Another World. To find a local comic book shop, please browse The Master List of Comic Book & Trading Card Stores. Check out the Comiclist Community Page and FriendFeed ComicList Room for discussions about your favorite comics.
PLEASE NOTE- Not all of these titles will actually arrive in all stores. Let me know if any of the names or numbers are wrong. Items being released this week per sources other than Diamond Distribution are individually noted.
TITLE, ISSUE NUMBER, PRICE IN U.S. DOLLARS ("AR" means "ask your retailer for the price")
215 INK
Vic Boone #1, $2.99
Elvis Van Helsing GN, $12.95
Misadventures Of Clark And Jefferson GN, $12.95
Dead Cell GN, $14.95
Demonslayer TP (Arcana Edition), $19.95
Last Ninja GN, $14.95
Misplaced TP (Arcana Edition), $14.95
Feeding Ground #5 (Of 6), $3.95
Secret History Book 15, $5.95
Skrumps (One Shot), $3.95
Archies World Tour GN, $9.95
Betty & Veronica Double Digest #192, $3.99
Life With Archie #11, $3.99
Mega Man #3 (Patrick Spaziante Regular Cover), $2.99
Mega Man #3 (Ben Bates Villain Variant Cover), $2.99
Charismagic #1 (2nd Printing Variant Cover), $2.99
Executive Assistant Iris Volume 2 #1 (Cover A Eduardo Francisco), $2.99
Executive Assistant Iris Volume 2 #1 (Cover B Joe Benitez), $2.99
Executive Assistant Iris Volume 2 #1 (Cover C Joe Benitez Sketch Variant Cover), AR
Brain Eaters Bible Sound Advice For The Newly Reanimated Zombie HC, $19.95
George R. R. Martin's Fevre Dream HC, $34.99
George R. R. Martin's Fevre Dream TP, $24.99
Fusillade Volume 1 TP, $15.99
Lucky Star Volume 8 GN (resolicited), $10.99
Atlas Infernal MMPB (Warhammer 40K), $8.99
Dead In The Water Audio Book (Warhammer 40K), $17.00
False Gods Audio Book (Warhammer 40K)(Horus Heresy), $29.95
Sigvald MMPB (Warhammer), $8.99
10th Muse Revenge Of Medusa (One Shot), $3.99
Comics #1 (George Carlin), $3.99
Vincent Price Presents #31, $3.99
Chip N Dale Rescue Rangers #8 (Cover A Leonel Castellani), $3.99
Chip N Dale Rescue Rangers #8 (Cover B Sabrina Alberghetti), $3.99
Ducktales #1 (Leonel Castellani 'Parachute Scrooge' 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99
Elric The Balance Lost #1 (Cover A Francesco Mattina), $3.99
Elric The Balance Lost #1 (Cover B Francesco Biagini), $3.99
Elric The Balance Lost #1 (Cover C Dennis Calero), AR
Elric The Balance Lost #1 (Cover D Tim Bradstreet), AR
Elric The Balance Lost #1 (Benjamin Carre Larry's Comics Variant Cover), AR
Hellraiser #2 (Tim Bradstreet 'Kirsty Cotton Laments' 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99
Irredeemable #27 (Cover A Scott Clark), $3.99
Irredeemable #27 (Cover B Drew Johnson), $3.99
Irredeemable #27 (Cover C Scott Clark), AR
Stan Lee's Starborn Volume 1 TP, $9.99
Save Yourself Mammal A Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal Collection SC, $18.00
Photo Booth GN (Campfire Graphic Novels), $9.99
Wright Brothers GN (Campfire Graphic Novels)(not verified by Diamond), $9.99
Comic Shop News #1255, AR
Art Of Doug Sneyd HC (Limited Edition), $100.00
Classic Archie Character #5 Reggie Statue (not verified by Diamond), $49.95
Conan The Frazetta Cover Series #8 (Of 8), $6.99
Doctor Solar Man Of The Atom #7, $3.50
Kull Volume 2 The Hate Witch TP, $15.99
Magic Knight Rayearth Omnibus Edition Volume 1 TP (resolicited), $19.99
Nude The Job Of Figure Drawing TP, $22.99
Solomon Kane Red Shadows #4 (Of 4)(Gregory Manchess Variant Cover), $3.50
Solomon Kane Red Shadows #4 (Of 4)(Guy Davis Regular Cover), $3.50
Star Wars Knight Errant Aflame TP, $17.99
Adventure Comics #528, $2.99
Batman And Robin #25 (Guillem March Regular Cover), $2.99
Batman And Robin #25 (J.G. Jones Variant Cover), AR
Batman Beyond #7, $2.99
Brightest Day Series 2 Firestorm Action Figure, AR
Brightest Day Series 2 Hawkman Action Figure, AR
Brightest Day Series 2 Martian Manhunter Action Figure, AR
Brightest Day Series 2 Mera Action Figure, AR
DC Comics Presents Superman #4, $7.99
DC Universe Online Legends #11, $2.99
Flashpoint #2 (Of 5)(Andy Kubert 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99
Flashpoint #3 (Of 5)(Andy Kubert & Sandra Hope Regular Cover), $3.99
Flashpoint #3 (Of 5)(Andy Kubert Black & White Variant Cover A), AR
Flashpoint #3 (Of 5)(Ivan Reis & George Perez Variant Cover B), AR
Flashpoint Abin Sur The Green Lantern #2 (Of 3), $2.99
Flashpoint Batman Knight Of Vengeance #2 (Of 3), $2.99
Flashpoint Secret Seven #2 (Of 3), $2.99
Flashpoint The World Of Flashpoint #2 (Of 3), $2.99
Gotham Central Volume 2 Jokers And Madmen TP, $19.99
Green Arrow Volume 1 Into The Woods HC, $22.99
House Of Mystery #39, $2.99
I Zombie #15, $2.99
Infinity Inc Volume 1 The Generations Saga HC, $39.99
Jonah Hex #69, $2.99
Looney Tunes #200, $2.99
Northlanders Volume 5 Metal TP, $17.99
Revolver TP, $19.99
Saga Of The Swamp Thing Volume 5 HC, $24.99
Scooby Doo Where Are You #11, $2.99
Secret Six #35, $2.99
Showcase Presents Doc Savage TP, $19.99
Superboy #9, $2.99
Sweet Tooth #23, $2.99
Titans Annual 2011 #1, $4.99
X-Files 30 Days Of Night TP, $17.99
Star Wars Official Figurine Collection Magazine #25 (Jango Fett), $14.00
Star Wars Official Figurine Collection Magazine #26 (Jabba The Hutt), $14.00
Star Wars Official Figurine Collection Magazine #27 (Bib Fortuna), $14.00
Star Wars Official Figurine Collection Magazine #28 (Lando Calrissian), $14.00
Star Wars Official Figurine Collection Magazine #29 (Greedo), $14.00
Star Wars Official Figurine Collection Magazine #30 (AT-AT), $14.00
Star Wars Official Figurine Collection Magazine #31 (Jawa), $14.00
Star Wars Official Figurine Collection Magazine #32 (IG-88), $14.00
Star Wars The Official Starships And Vehicles Collection Magazine #68 (Catamaran), $18.00
Star Wars The Official Starships And Vehicles Collection Magazine #69 (Sebulba Podracer), $18.00
Penny Arcade Volume 7 Be Good Little Puppy TP, $15.00
Transformers Exodus The Official History Of The War For Cybertron MMPB, $7.99
Comic-Con Episode IV A Fan's Hope HC, $24.99
DC Comics Ultimate Character Guide HC, $16.99
Halo The Essential Visual Guide HC, $16.99
Star Wars Character Encyclopedia HC, $16.99
Kirby Genesis #1 (Dynamic Forces)(Alex Ross Exclusive Virgin Cover), $10.00
Boys #56, $3.99
Galactica 1980 TP, $16.99
Garth Ennis' Complete Battlefields Volume 2 HC, $29.99
Green Hornet Golden Age Re-Mastered HC, $49.99
Kato Origins #10 (The Hellfire Club), $3.99
Kirby Genesis #1 (Alex Ross 'Marvelous Acetate' Variant Cover), AR
Queen Sonja Volume 2 The Red Queen TP, $19.99
Robert Jordan's Wheel Of Time The Eye Of The World #11, $3.99
Classic Marvel Figurine Collection Magazine #148 (Firestar), $14.00
Classic Marvel Figurine Collection Magazine #151 (Ares), $14.00
DC Superhero Figurine Collection Magazine #83 (Kyle Rayner Green Lantern), $14.00
DC Superhero Figurine Collection Magazine Special (Man Bat), $28.00
Emotes Adventure Comics Volume 1 GN, $10.99
Queen Of The Black Black GN, $19.99
Wandering Son Volume 1 HC, $19.99
Comics Buyers Guide #1679 (July 2011), $5.99
Phantom The Complete Newspaper Dailies Volume 3 1939-1941 HC, $49.99
Deadworld Classics Volume 2 TP, $24.99
Doctor Who II Volume 1 The Ripper TP, $17.99
Dungeons And Dragons Volume 1 Shadowplague HC, $24.99
Fallen Angel Return Of The Son TP, $17.99
G.I. JOE #3 (Cover A Tom Feister), $3.99
G.I. JOE #3 (Cover B Javier Saltares), $3.99
G.I. JOE #3 (Javier Saltares Sketch Variant Cover), AR
G.I. JOE #3 (Jonboy Meyer Triptych Variant Cover), AR
G.I. JOE A Real American Hero Volume 2 TP, $19.99
G.I. JOE Cobra Civil War #0 (Muzzle Flash Edition)(Retailer Incentive for Snake Eyes 2), AR
Godzilla Kingdom Of Monsters #4 (Cover A Eric Powell), $3.99
Godzilla Kingdom Of Monsters #4 (Cover B Jeff Zornow), $3.99
Godzilla Kingdom Of Monsters #4 (Matt Frank 'Mothra' Variant Cover), AR
Locke And Key Volume 3 Crown Of Shadows TP, $19.99
Locke And Key Volume 4 Keys To The Kingdom HC, $24.99
Robert Bloch's That Hellbound Train #2 (Of 3)(Menton Matthews III Regular Cover), $3.99
Robert Bloch's That Hellbound Train #2 (Of 3)(Mike Manomivibul Variant Cover), AR
Transformers #21 (Cover A Marcelo Matere), $3.99
Transformers #21 (Cover B Guido Guidi), $3.99
Transformers #21 (Alex Milne 16-Page Sketchbook), AR
Transformers #21 (Brendan Cahill Variant Cover), AR
Transformers Classics #1 (Hundred Penny Press Edition), $1.00
Transformers Dark Of The Moon Movie Adaptation #4 (Of 4)(Jorge Jimenez Moreno Regular Cover), $3.99
True Blood Tainted Love #5 (Of 6)(Cover A J. Scott Campbell), $3.99
True Blood Tainted Love #5 (Of 6)(Cover B Joe Corroney), $3.99
True Blood Tainted Love #5 (Of 6)(J. Scott Campbell Interconnected Sketch Variant Cover), AR
True Blood Tainted Love #5 (Of 6)(Photo Variant Cover), AR
Wynonna Earp Yeti Wars #3, $3.99
Zombies Vs Robots Undercity #3 (Of 4)(Cover A Mark Torres), $3.99
Zombies Vs Robots Undercity #3 (Of 4)(Cover B Garry Brown), $3.99
Zombies Vs Robots Undercity #3 (Of 4)(Fabio Listrani Variant Cover), AR
27 Volume 1 First Set TP, $14.99
50 Girls 50 #1 (Of 4)(2nd Printing Variant Cover), $2.99
50 Girls 50 #2 (Of 4), $2.99
Artifacts #3 (Of 13)(Billy Tucci Darkness VACC Variant Cover), $10.00
Artifacts #3 (Of 13)(Billy Tucci Witchblade VACC Variant Cover), $10.00
Blue Estate #4, $2.99
Broken Trinity Volume 2 Pandora's Box TP, $19.99
Chew #19, $2.99
Elephantmen #32 (Boo Cook Regular Cover), $3.99
Elephantmen #32 (J. Scott Campbell Variant Cover), AR
Green Wake #4 (Of 5), $3.50
Moriarty #3, $2.99
Mysterious Ways #1 (Of 6), $3.99
Red Spike #3 (Of 5), $2.99
Reed Gunther #2, $2.99
Rodd Racer (One Shot), $7.99
Screamland #2, $2.99
Shinku #1 (2nd Printing Variant Cover), $2.99
Shinku #2 (Lee Moder/Matthew Waite/Michael Atiyeh Regular Cover), $2.99
Shinku #2 (Stepjan Sejic Variant Cover), AR
Trailblazer (One Shot)(Dave Johnson Regular Cover), $5.99
Trailblazer (One Shot)(Amanda Conner Variant Cover), AR
Walking Dead Survivors Guide #4 (Of 4), $2.99
Walking Dead Weekly #27, $2.99
Cowboys And Aliens TP (It Books Edition), $15.99
Witch GN (resolicited), $8.99
Sam And Friends Mystery Volume 3 Mummy Mayhem GN, $7.95
Monster Hunter Orage Volume 1 TP, $10.99
Sayonara Zetsubo-Sensei Volume 9 GN, $10.99
Wallflower Volume 25 GN, $10.99
Middle School The Worst Years Of My Life HC, $15.99
Rue Morgue Magazine #113, $9.95
15-Love #2 (Of 3), $4.99
Anita Blake Vampire Hunter Circus Of The Damned Volume 1 The Charmer TP, $16.99
Astonishing Thor #5 (Of 5), $3.99
Avengers Thor And Captain America Official Index To The Marvel Universe #15, $3.99
Cap And Thor Avengers #1, $4.99
Captain America First Vengeance TP, $14.99
Captain America Hail Hydra TP, $14.99
Cars 2 #2 (Of 2), $3.99
Daredevil By Paolo Rivera Poster, $8.99
Dark Tower The Gunslinger The Battle Of Tull #2 (Of 5), $3.99
Essential Punisher Volume 1 TP (All-New Edition), $19.99
Fear Itself #3 (Of 7)(Steve NcNiven 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99
Fear Itself #4 (Of 7)(Steve McNiven Regular Cover), $3.99
Fear Itself #4 (Of 7)(Terry Dodson Variant Cover), AR
Fear Itself #4 (Of 7)(Stuart Immonen Variant Cover), AR
Fear Itself Uncanny X-Force #1 (Of 3), $2.99
Fear Itself Wolverine #1 (Of 3), $2.99
Fear Itself Youth In Revolt #3 (Of 6), $2.99
Ghost Rider By Adam Kubert Poster, $8.99
Halo Blood Line TP, $19.99
Heroes For Hire #9, $2.99
Heroes For Hire Control TP, $15.99
Hulk #36 (Patrick Zircher Regular Cover), $2.99
Hulk #36 (Mike Deodato 'I Am Captain America' Variant Cover), AR
Kick-Ass TP (resolicited), $19.99
Kick-Ass TP (resolicited)(Direct Market Variant Edition), $19.99
Marvel Adventures Avengers Captain America Digest TP, $9.99
Marvel Super Stars Magazine #5 (Marvel Adventures), $7.99
Moon Knight #3 (Alex Maleev Regular Cover), $3.99
Moon Knight #3 (Colin Wilson 'I Am Captain America' Variant Cover), AR
Ozma Of Oz #8 (Of 8), $3.99
Red Skull #1 (Of 5), $2.99
Scarlet Volume 1 HC (Premiere Edition), $24.99
Spider-Girl #8, $2.99
Spider-Island Daily Bugle (Promotional Item), AR
Spider-Man With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility #4 (Of 7), $3.99
Super Hero Squad MMO Magazine #1, $9.99
Supreme Power #2 (Of 4), $3.99
Thunderbolts #160, $2.99
Ultimate Comics Universe Reborn Postcard (Promotional Item), AR
Uncanny X-Men #540, $3.99
Vengeance #1 (Of 6)(Gabriele Dell'Otto Regular Cover), $3.99
Vengeance #1 (Of 6)(Mike Deodato 'Villain' Variant Cover), AR
Wolverine And Black Cat Claws 2 #1 (Of 3), $3.99
X-23 #12, $2.99
X-Men #14 (Ed McGuiness Regular Cover), $3.99
X-Men #14 (Greg Horn 'I Am Captain America' Variant Cover), AR
X-Men #14 (Paco Medina Variant Cover), AR
Black Bat GN, $8.99
Famous Monsters Presents Imagi-Movies 2011 Annual, $7.99
Classics Illustrated Deluxe Volume 6 Three Musketeers HC, $21.99
Classics Illustrated Deluxe Volume 6 Three Musketeers SC, $16.99
Garfield And Company Volume 1 Fish To Fry HC, $7.99
Garfield And Company Volume 2 Curse Of The Cat People HC, $7.99
Jack Magic The Life And Art Of Jack Kirby Volume 1 SC (Of 2)(resolicited), $25.00
Doctor Who The Dalek Handbook HC, $15.99
Shame Conception Volume 1 GN, $9.99
Sidekicks GN, $12.99
Amazing Agent Luna Volume 7 GN, $10.99
Dance In The Vampire Bund Volume 10 GN, $10.99
Toradora Volume 2 GN, $10.99
Disturbingly Perverted Diary Of Doktormentor Jail Babe Surgeon #2 GN (Of 3), $9.95
World Of A Wayward Comic Book Artist The Private Sketchbooks Of S. Plunkett SC, $24.95
Solomon Kane Official Movie Novelization MMPB (not verified by Diamond), $7.99
Star Trek Magazine #35 (Newsstand Edition), $9.99
Star Trek Magazine #35 (Previews Exclusive Edition), $9.99
Alter Ego #102, $7.95
Back Issue #49, $7.95
Brickjournal #15, $8.95
Chi's Sweet Home Volume 6 GN, $13.95
Flight Volume 8 GN, $27.00
Black Bird Volume 9 GN, $9.99
Death Note Black Edition Volume 4 TP, $14.99
Dengeki Daisy Volume 5 GN, $9.99
Eyeshield 21 Volume 36 TP, $9.99
Kekkaishi 3-In-1 Edition Volume 2 GN (contains Volumes 4-6), $14.99
Kimi ni Todoke From Me To You Volume 9 GN, $9.99
Mameshiba On The Loose GN, $6.99
Meet Mameshiba GN, $6.99
Naruto 3-In-1 Edition Volume 2 GN (contains Volumes 4-6), $14.99
Oresama Teacher Volume 3 GN, $9.99
Prince Of Tennis Volume 42 GN, $9.99
Rosario + Vampire Season II Volume 5 TP, $9.99
Skip Beat Volume 24 TP, $9.99
Stepping On Roses Volume 6 GN, $9.99
Taro And The Carnival Of Doom GN, $7.99
Ultimate Muscle Volume 29 GN, $9.99
Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's Volume 1 GN, $9.99
American Gods The Tenth Anniversary Edition HC, $26.99
Bamboo Blade Volume 9 TP, $11.99
Zombie Loan Volume 11 TP, $11.99
Brimstone #2 (Cover A Mike Debalfo), $3.25
Brimstone #2 (Cover B Stjepan Sejic), $3.25
Tales From Neverland #2 (Of 3)(Cover A Tim Seeley), $3.99
Tales From Neverland #2 (Of 3)(Cover B Nel Ruffino), $3.99
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA. Any questions regarding the use of this work should be directed to Charles LePage at
ComicList: New Comic Book Releases List for Wednesday, July 6, 2011. This work, a list of the comic books, graphic novels, and other products that should be available in your local or online comic book shop this week, is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License, and is © 2011 by Charles LePage.
Information provided by our friends at Things From Another World. To find a local comic book shop, please browse The Master List of Comic Book & Trading Card Stores. Check out the Comiclist Community Page and FriendFeed ComicList Room for discussions about your favorite comics.
PLEASE NOTE- Not all of these titles will actually arrive in all stores. Let me know if any of the names or numbers are wrong. Items being released this week per sources other than Diamond Distribution are individually noted.
TITLE, ISSUE NUMBER, PRICE IN U.S. DOLLARS ("AR" means "ask your retailer for the price")
215 INK
Vic Boone #1, $2.99
Elvis Van Helsing GN, $12.95
Misadventures Of Clark And Jefferson GN, $12.95
Dead Cell GN, $14.95
Demonslayer TP (Arcana Edition), $19.95
Last Ninja GN, $14.95
Misplaced TP (Arcana Edition), $14.95
Feeding Ground #5 (Of 6), $3.95
Secret History Book 15, $5.95
Skrumps (One Shot), $3.95
Archies World Tour GN, $9.95
Betty & Veronica Double Digest #192, $3.99
Life With Archie #11, $3.99
Mega Man #3 (Patrick Spaziante Regular Cover), $2.99
Mega Man #3 (Ben Bates Villain Variant Cover), $2.99
Charismagic #1 (2nd Printing Variant Cover), $2.99
Executive Assistant Iris Volume 2 #1 (Cover A Eduardo Francisco), $2.99
Executive Assistant Iris Volume 2 #1 (Cover B Joe Benitez), $2.99
Executive Assistant Iris Volume 2 #1 (Cover C Joe Benitez Sketch Variant Cover), AR
Brain Eaters Bible Sound Advice For The Newly Reanimated Zombie HC, $19.95
George R. R. Martin's Fevre Dream HC, $34.99
George R. R. Martin's Fevre Dream TP, $24.99
Fusillade Volume 1 TP, $15.99
Lucky Star Volume 8 GN (resolicited), $10.99
Atlas Infernal MMPB (Warhammer 40K), $8.99
Dead In The Water Audio Book (Warhammer 40K), $17.00
False Gods Audio Book (Warhammer 40K)(Horus Heresy), $29.95
Sigvald MMPB (Warhammer), $8.99
10th Muse Revenge Of Medusa (One Shot), $3.99
Comics #1 (George Carlin), $3.99
Vincent Price Presents #31, $3.99
Chip N Dale Rescue Rangers #8 (Cover A Leonel Castellani), $3.99
Chip N Dale Rescue Rangers #8 (Cover B Sabrina Alberghetti), $3.99
Ducktales #1 (Leonel Castellani 'Parachute Scrooge' 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99
Elric The Balance Lost #1 (Cover A Francesco Mattina), $3.99
Elric The Balance Lost #1 (Cover B Francesco Biagini), $3.99
Elric The Balance Lost #1 (Cover C Dennis Calero), AR
Elric The Balance Lost #1 (Cover D Tim Bradstreet), AR
Elric The Balance Lost #1 (Benjamin Carre Larry's Comics Variant Cover), AR
Hellraiser #2 (Tim Bradstreet 'Kirsty Cotton Laments' 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99
Irredeemable #27 (Cover A Scott Clark), $3.99
Irredeemable #27 (Cover B Drew Johnson), $3.99
Irredeemable #27 (Cover C Scott Clark), AR
Stan Lee's Starborn Volume 1 TP, $9.99
Save Yourself Mammal A Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal Collection SC, $18.00
Photo Booth GN (Campfire Graphic Novels), $9.99
Wright Brothers GN (Campfire Graphic Novels)(not verified by Diamond), $9.99
Comic Shop News #1255, AR
Art Of Doug Sneyd HC (Limited Edition), $100.00
Classic Archie Character #5 Reggie Statue (not verified by Diamond), $49.95
Conan The Frazetta Cover Series #8 (Of 8), $6.99
Doctor Solar Man Of The Atom #7, $3.50
Kull Volume 2 The Hate Witch TP, $15.99
Magic Knight Rayearth Omnibus Edition Volume 1 TP (resolicited), $19.99
Nude The Job Of Figure Drawing TP, $22.99
Solomon Kane Red Shadows #4 (Of 4)(Gregory Manchess Variant Cover), $3.50
Solomon Kane Red Shadows #4 (Of 4)(Guy Davis Regular Cover), $3.50
Star Wars Knight Errant Aflame TP, $17.99
Adventure Comics #528, $2.99
Batman And Robin #25 (Guillem March Regular Cover), $2.99
Batman And Robin #25 (J.G. Jones Variant Cover), AR
Batman Beyond #7, $2.99
Brightest Day Series 2 Firestorm Action Figure, AR
Brightest Day Series 2 Hawkman Action Figure, AR
Brightest Day Series 2 Martian Manhunter Action Figure, AR
Brightest Day Series 2 Mera Action Figure, AR
DC Comics Presents Superman #4, $7.99
DC Universe Online Legends #11, $2.99
Flashpoint #2 (Of 5)(Andy Kubert 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99
Flashpoint #3 (Of 5)(Andy Kubert & Sandra Hope Regular Cover), $3.99
Flashpoint #3 (Of 5)(Andy Kubert Black & White Variant Cover A), AR
Flashpoint #3 (Of 5)(Ivan Reis & George Perez Variant Cover B), AR
Flashpoint Abin Sur The Green Lantern #2 (Of 3), $2.99
Flashpoint Batman Knight Of Vengeance #2 (Of 3), $2.99
Flashpoint Secret Seven #2 (Of 3), $2.99
Flashpoint The World Of Flashpoint #2 (Of 3), $2.99
Gotham Central Volume 2 Jokers And Madmen TP, $19.99
Green Arrow Volume 1 Into The Woods HC, $22.99
House Of Mystery #39, $2.99
I Zombie #15, $2.99
Infinity Inc Volume 1 The Generations Saga HC, $39.99
Jonah Hex #69, $2.99
Looney Tunes #200, $2.99
Northlanders Volume 5 Metal TP, $17.99
Revolver TP, $19.99
Saga Of The Swamp Thing Volume 5 HC, $24.99
Scooby Doo Where Are You #11, $2.99
Secret Six #35, $2.99
Showcase Presents Doc Savage TP, $19.99
Superboy #9, $2.99
Sweet Tooth #23, $2.99
Titans Annual 2011 #1, $4.99
X-Files 30 Days Of Night TP, $17.99
Star Wars Official Figurine Collection Magazine #25 (Jango Fett), $14.00
Star Wars Official Figurine Collection Magazine #26 (Jabba The Hutt), $14.00
Star Wars Official Figurine Collection Magazine #27 (Bib Fortuna), $14.00
Star Wars Official Figurine Collection Magazine #28 (Lando Calrissian), $14.00
Star Wars Official Figurine Collection Magazine #29 (Greedo), $14.00
Star Wars Official Figurine Collection Magazine #30 (AT-AT), $14.00
Star Wars Official Figurine Collection Magazine #31 (Jawa), $14.00
Star Wars Official Figurine Collection Magazine #32 (IG-88), $14.00
Star Wars The Official Starships And Vehicles Collection Magazine #68 (Catamaran), $18.00
Star Wars The Official Starships And Vehicles Collection Magazine #69 (Sebulba Podracer), $18.00
Penny Arcade Volume 7 Be Good Little Puppy TP, $15.00
Transformers Exodus The Official History Of The War For Cybertron MMPB, $7.99
Comic-Con Episode IV A Fan's Hope HC, $24.99
DC Comics Ultimate Character Guide HC, $16.99
Halo The Essential Visual Guide HC, $16.99
Star Wars Character Encyclopedia HC, $16.99
Kirby Genesis #1 (Dynamic Forces)(Alex Ross Exclusive Virgin Cover), $10.00
Boys #56, $3.99
Galactica 1980 TP, $16.99
Garth Ennis' Complete Battlefields Volume 2 HC, $29.99
Green Hornet Golden Age Re-Mastered HC, $49.99
Kato Origins #10 (The Hellfire Club), $3.99
Kirby Genesis #1 (Alex Ross 'Marvelous Acetate' Variant Cover), AR
Queen Sonja Volume 2 The Red Queen TP, $19.99
Robert Jordan's Wheel Of Time The Eye Of The World #11, $3.99
Classic Marvel Figurine Collection Magazine #148 (Firestar), $14.00
Classic Marvel Figurine Collection Magazine #151 (Ares), $14.00
DC Superhero Figurine Collection Magazine #83 (Kyle Rayner Green Lantern), $14.00
DC Superhero Figurine Collection Magazine Special (Man Bat), $28.00
Emotes Adventure Comics Volume 1 GN, $10.99
Queen Of The Black Black GN, $19.99
Wandering Son Volume 1 HC, $19.99
Comics Buyers Guide #1679 (July 2011), $5.99
Phantom The Complete Newspaper Dailies Volume 3 1939-1941 HC, $49.99
Deadworld Classics Volume 2 TP, $24.99
Doctor Who II Volume 1 The Ripper TP, $17.99
Dungeons And Dragons Volume 1 Shadowplague HC, $24.99
Fallen Angel Return Of The Son TP, $17.99
G.I. JOE #3 (Cover A Tom Feister), $3.99
G.I. JOE #3 (Cover B Javier Saltares), $3.99
G.I. JOE #3 (Javier Saltares Sketch Variant Cover), AR
G.I. JOE #3 (Jonboy Meyer Triptych Variant Cover), AR
G.I. JOE A Real American Hero Volume 2 TP, $19.99
G.I. JOE Cobra Civil War #0 (Muzzle Flash Edition)(Retailer Incentive for Snake Eyes 2), AR
Godzilla Kingdom Of Monsters #4 (Cover A Eric Powell), $3.99
Godzilla Kingdom Of Monsters #4 (Cover B Jeff Zornow), $3.99
Godzilla Kingdom Of Monsters #4 (Matt Frank 'Mothra' Variant Cover), AR
Locke And Key Volume 3 Crown Of Shadows TP, $19.99
Locke And Key Volume 4 Keys To The Kingdom HC, $24.99
Robert Bloch's That Hellbound Train #2 (Of 3)(Menton Matthews III Regular Cover), $3.99
Robert Bloch's That Hellbound Train #2 (Of 3)(Mike Manomivibul Variant Cover), AR
Transformers #21 (Cover A Marcelo Matere), $3.99
Transformers #21 (Cover B Guido Guidi), $3.99
Transformers #21 (Alex Milne 16-Page Sketchbook), AR
Transformers #21 (Brendan Cahill Variant Cover), AR
Transformers Classics #1 (Hundred Penny Press Edition), $1.00
Transformers Dark Of The Moon Movie Adaptation #4 (Of 4)(Jorge Jimenez Moreno Regular Cover), $3.99
True Blood Tainted Love #5 (Of 6)(Cover A J. Scott Campbell), $3.99
True Blood Tainted Love #5 (Of 6)(Cover B Joe Corroney), $3.99
True Blood Tainted Love #5 (Of 6)(J. Scott Campbell Interconnected Sketch Variant Cover), AR
True Blood Tainted Love #5 (Of 6)(Photo Variant Cover), AR
Wynonna Earp Yeti Wars #3, $3.99
Zombies Vs Robots Undercity #3 (Of 4)(Cover A Mark Torres), $3.99
Zombies Vs Robots Undercity #3 (Of 4)(Cover B Garry Brown), $3.99
Zombies Vs Robots Undercity #3 (Of 4)(Fabio Listrani Variant Cover), AR
27 Volume 1 First Set TP, $14.99
50 Girls 50 #1 (Of 4)(2nd Printing Variant Cover), $2.99
50 Girls 50 #2 (Of 4), $2.99
Artifacts #3 (Of 13)(Billy Tucci Darkness VACC Variant Cover), $10.00
Artifacts #3 (Of 13)(Billy Tucci Witchblade VACC Variant Cover), $10.00
Blue Estate #4, $2.99
Broken Trinity Volume 2 Pandora's Box TP, $19.99
Chew #19, $2.99
Elephantmen #32 (Boo Cook Regular Cover), $3.99
Elephantmen #32 (J. Scott Campbell Variant Cover), AR
Green Wake #4 (Of 5), $3.50
Moriarty #3, $2.99
Mysterious Ways #1 (Of 6), $3.99
Red Spike #3 (Of 5), $2.99
Reed Gunther #2, $2.99
Rodd Racer (One Shot), $7.99
Screamland #2, $2.99
Shinku #1 (2nd Printing Variant Cover), $2.99
Shinku #2 (Lee Moder/Matthew Waite/Michael Atiyeh Regular Cover), $2.99
Shinku #2 (Stepjan Sejic Variant Cover), AR
Trailblazer (One Shot)(Dave Johnson Regular Cover), $5.99
Trailblazer (One Shot)(Amanda Conner Variant Cover), AR
Walking Dead Survivors Guide #4 (Of 4), $2.99
Walking Dead Weekly #27, $2.99
Cowboys And Aliens TP (It Books Edition), $15.99
Witch GN (resolicited), $8.99
Sam And Friends Mystery Volume 3 Mummy Mayhem GN, $7.95
Monster Hunter Orage Volume 1 TP, $10.99
Sayonara Zetsubo-Sensei Volume 9 GN, $10.99
Wallflower Volume 25 GN, $10.99
Middle School The Worst Years Of My Life HC, $15.99
Rue Morgue Magazine #113, $9.95
15-Love #2 (Of 3), $4.99
Anita Blake Vampire Hunter Circus Of The Damned Volume 1 The Charmer TP, $16.99
Astonishing Thor #5 (Of 5), $3.99
Avengers Thor And Captain America Official Index To The Marvel Universe #15, $3.99
Cap And Thor Avengers #1, $4.99
Captain America First Vengeance TP, $14.99
Captain America Hail Hydra TP, $14.99
Cars 2 #2 (Of 2), $3.99
Daredevil By Paolo Rivera Poster, $8.99
Dark Tower The Gunslinger The Battle Of Tull #2 (Of 5), $3.99
Essential Punisher Volume 1 TP (All-New Edition), $19.99
Fear Itself #3 (Of 7)(Steve NcNiven 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99
Fear Itself #4 (Of 7)(Steve McNiven Regular Cover), $3.99
Fear Itself #4 (Of 7)(Terry Dodson Variant Cover), AR
Fear Itself #4 (Of 7)(Stuart Immonen Variant Cover), AR
Fear Itself Uncanny X-Force #1 (Of 3), $2.99
Fear Itself Wolverine #1 (Of 3), $2.99
Fear Itself Youth In Revolt #3 (Of 6), $2.99
Ghost Rider By Adam Kubert Poster, $8.99
Halo Blood Line TP, $19.99
Heroes For Hire #9, $2.99
Heroes For Hire Control TP, $15.99
Hulk #36 (Patrick Zircher Regular Cover), $2.99
Hulk #36 (Mike Deodato 'I Am Captain America' Variant Cover), AR
Kick-Ass TP (resolicited), $19.99
Kick-Ass TP (resolicited)(Direct Market Variant Edition), $19.99
Marvel Adventures Avengers Captain America Digest TP, $9.99
Marvel Super Stars Magazine #5 (Marvel Adventures), $7.99
Moon Knight #3 (Alex Maleev Regular Cover), $3.99
Moon Knight #3 (Colin Wilson 'I Am Captain America' Variant Cover), AR
Ozma Of Oz #8 (Of 8), $3.99
Red Skull #1 (Of 5), $2.99
Scarlet Volume 1 HC (Premiere Edition), $24.99
Spider-Girl #8, $2.99
Spider-Island Daily Bugle (Promotional Item), AR
Spider-Man With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility #4 (Of 7), $3.99
Super Hero Squad MMO Magazine #1, $9.99
Supreme Power #2 (Of 4), $3.99
Thunderbolts #160, $2.99
Ultimate Comics Universe Reborn Postcard (Promotional Item), AR
Uncanny X-Men #540, $3.99
Vengeance #1 (Of 6)(Gabriele Dell'Otto Regular Cover), $3.99
Vengeance #1 (Of 6)(Mike Deodato 'Villain' Variant Cover), AR
Wolverine And Black Cat Claws 2 #1 (Of 3), $3.99
X-23 #12, $2.99
X-Men #14 (Ed McGuiness Regular Cover), $3.99
X-Men #14 (Greg Horn 'I Am Captain America' Variant Cover), AR
X-Men #14 (Paco Medina Variant Cover), AR
Black Bat GN, $8.99
Famous Monsters Presents Imagi-Movies 2011 Annual, $7.99
Classics Illustrated Deluxe Volume 6 Three Musketeers HC, $21.99
Classics Illustrated Deluxe Volume 6 Three Musketeers SC, $16.99
Garfield And Company Volume 1 Fish To Fry HC, $7.99
Garfield And Company Volume 2 Curse Of The Cat People HC, $7.99
Jack Magic The Life And Art Of Jack Kirby Volume 1 SC (Of 2)(resolicited), $25.00
Doctor Who The Dalek Handbook HC, $15.99
Shame Conception Volume 1 GN, $9.99
Sidekicks GN, $12.99
Amazing Agent Luna Volume 7 GN, $10.99
Dance In The Vampire Bund Volume 10 GN, $10.99
Toradora Volume 2 GN, $10.99
Disturbingly Perverted Diary Of Doktormentor Jail Babe Surgeon #2 GN (Of 3), $9.95
World Of A Wayward Comic Book Artist The Private Sketchbooks Of S. Plunkett SC, $24.95
Solomon Kane Official Movie Novelization MMPB (not verified by Diamond), $7.99
Star Trek Magazine #35 (Newsstand Edition), $9.99
Star Trek Magazine #35 (Previews Exclusive Edition), $9.99
Alter Ego #102, $7.95
Back Issue #49, $7.95
Brickjournal #15, $8.95
Chi's Sweet Home Volume 6 GN, $13.95
Flight Volume 8 GN, $27.00
Black Bird Volume 9 GN, $9.99
Death Note Black Edition Volume 4 TP, $14.99
Dengeki Daisy Volume 5 GN, $9.99
Eyeshield 21 Volume 36 TP, $9.99
Kekkaishi 3-In-1 Edition Volume 2 GN (contains Volumes 4-6), $14.99
Kimi ni Todoke From Me To You Volume 9 GN, $9.99
Mameshiba On The Loose GN, $6.99
Meet Mameshiba GN, $6.99
Naruto 3-In-1 Edition Volume 2 GN (contains Volumes 4-6), $14.99
Oresama Teacher Volume 3 GN, $9.99
Prince Of Tennis Volume 42 GN, $9.99
Rosario + Vampire Season II Volume 5 TP, $9.99
Skip Beat Volume 24 TP, $9.99
Stepping On Roses Volume 6 GN, $9.99
Taro And The Carnival Of Doom GN, $7.99
Ultimate Muscle Volume 29 GN, $9.99
Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's Volume 1 GN, $9.99
American Gods The Tenth Anniversary Edition HC, $26.99
Bamboo Blade Volume 9 TP, $11.99
Zombie Loan Volume 11 TP, $11.99
Brimstone #2 (Cover A Mike Debalfo), $3.25
Brimstone #2 (Cover B Stjepan Sejic), $3.25
Tales From Neverland #2 (Of 3)(Cover A Tim Seeley), $3.99
Tales From Neverland #2 (Of 3)(Cover B Nel Ruffino), $3.99
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA. Any questions regarding the use of this work should be directed to Charles LePage at
DC Comics Flashpoint series rolls on...
Just picked up issue number 3, with a big cliffhanger @ the end of #2 - I am anxious to see where this leads in the 3rd book. Barry Allen tried to re-create the incident that gave him superspeed as The Flash. Lightning, chemicals and a prayer was the formula....the result was depicted in a splash page where Barry was a smoldering corpse! As Batman looked on (Thomas Wayne!!!) we were left wondering if he had survived...I plan to catch up tonight, look for a new post tomorrow, details to follow. Looks like DC has big plans for our heroes' future!
Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.2
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Batman Arkham City Digital Comic
Check out DC Comics website for the digital issues of Batman: Arkham City, that bridge the gap between each printed issue. Batman: Arkham City is the official prequel to the upcoming video game.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Check out the link to see the free goodies offered today: (@ your local comic book store/retailer)
Update**** The gems I managed to pick up on FCBD were - DC's Green Lantern Special - Shows the "secret" origin of Hal Jordan - which is what the upcoming movie is based upon...also a Flashpoint preview as an extra.
Super Dinosaur by Robert Kirkman, Image Comics. Just a fun read...!
The Young Justice/Batman Brave and the Bold freebie was a good look into the kids side of the DCU, and even made me interested in the YJ animated series as well.
The Darkness II - Top Cow Productions/Image This book is a tie-in to the upcoming video game and the artwork sets a great tone throughout. I thought this was the best release of FCBD!!!
Update**** The gems I managed to pick up on FCBD were - DC's Green Lantern Special - Shows the "secret" origin of Hal Jordan - which is what the upcoming movie is based upon...also a Flashpoint preview as an extra.
Super Dinosaur by Robert Kirkman, Image Comics. Just a fun read...!
The Young Justice/Batman Brave and the Bold freebie was a good look into the kids side of the DCU, and even made me interested in the YJ animated series as well.
The Darkness II - Top Cow Productions/Image This book is a tie-in to the upcoming video game and the artwork sets a great tone throughout. I thought this was the best release of FCBD!!!
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Mass Effect 3 Delayed Until 2012 - News -
Mass Effect 3 Delayed Until 2012 - News -
Today, on the BioWare forums, the company's community coordinator Chris Priestly started a thread called "2 new screenshots and new release date information." His initial post revealed the earth-shattering news that two new screenshots have been added to the Mass Effect 2 screenshot gallery...oh...and the fact that Mass Effect 3 has been delayed until 2012.
An official quote was also presented:
Today we have confirmed that Mass Effect 3 will be released in the first three months of 2012. The development team is laser focused on making sure Mass Effect 3 is the biggest, boldest and best game in the series, ensuring that it exceeds everyone’s expectations.” said Casey Hudson, Executive Producer Mass Effect series.
While this is heartbreaking news for the millions of gamers that have been waiting for ME 3, the fact that BioWare is making the move to ensure that the game is of appropriate quality is promising.
The company said it will have more specific details about the new release date as the time approaches.
For more exclusive information, exclusive intereviews, podcasts, and video on Mass Effect, head on over to our hub page.
Source: BioWare forums
Today, on the BioWare forums, the company's community coordinator Chris Priestly started a thread called "2 new screenshots and new release date information." His initial post revealed the earth-shattering news that two new screenshots have been added to the Mass Effect 2 screenshot gallery...oh...and the fact that Mass Effect 3 has been delayed until 2012.
An official quote was also presented:
Today we have confirmed that Mass Effect 3 will be released in the first three months of 2012. The development team is laser focused on making sure Mass Effect 3 is the biggest, boldest and best game in the series, ensuring that it exceeds everyone’s expectations.” said Casey Hudson, Executive Producer Mass Effect series.
While this is heartbreaking news for the millions of gamers that have been waiting for ME 3, the fact that BioWare is making the move to ensure that the game is of appropriate quality is promising.
The company said it will have more specific details about the new release date as the time approaches.
For more exclusive information, exclusive intereviews, podcasts, and video on Mass Effect, head on over to our hub page.
Source: BioWare forums
This Weeks Comic Book Releases 05/04/11
ComicList: New Comic Book Releases List for Wednesday, May 4, 2011. This work, a list of the comic books, graphic novels, and other products that should be available in your local or online comic book shop this week, is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License, and is © 2011 by Charles LePage.
Information provided by our friends at Things From Another World. To find a local comic book shop, please browse The Master List of Comic Book & Trading Card Stores. Check out the Comiclist Community Page and FriendFeed ComicList Room for discussions about your favorite comics.
PLEASE NOTE- Not all of these titles will actually arrive in all stores. Let me know if any of the names or numbers are wrong. Items being released this week per sources other than Diamond Distribution are individually noted.
TITLE, ISSUE NUMBER, PRICE IN U.S. DOLLARS ("AR" means "ask your retailer for the price")
Kung Fu Panda #1 (Of 4), $3.95
Richie Rich #1 (Of 4), $3.95
Cyclops HC, $19.95
Mouse Guard Black Axe #2 (Of 6), $3.50
Archie Double Digest #218, $3.99
Night At The Comic Shop TP, $9.95
Sonic The Hedgehog #224, $2.99
Warlash Dark Noir Signed 3 Pack, $9.95
Robert Fawcett The Illustrator's Illustrator HC, $34.95
Crossed Psychopath #1 (Of 7)(Matt Martin Auxiliary Cover), $3.99
Neonomicon #1-4 Bag Set, $15.99
Night Of The Living Dead #4 (Of 5)(Raulo Caceres Auxiliary Cover), $3.99
Age Of Darkness MMPB (Horus Heresy)(Warhammer 40K), $8.99
Blood Reaver MMPB (Night Lords)(Warhammer 40K), $8.99
Caledor A Tale Of The Sundering MMPB (Time Of Legends)(Warhammer), $8.99
Fame The Cast Of Glee GN, $7.99
Royals Prince William Kate Middleton GN, $7.99
Royals Prince William Kate Middleton (One Shot), $3.99
Chip N Dale Rescue Rangers #6 (Cover A Leonel Castellani), $3.99
Chip N Dale Rescue Rangers #6 (Cover B James Silvani), $3.99
Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep #22 (Of 24), $3.99
Dracula The Company Of Monsters #1 (BOOM! Blast Edition), $1.00
Farscape Volume 4 Tangled Roots TP, $12.99
Hellraiser Masterpieces Volume 1 TP (was 'Hellraiser Masterworks'), $19.99
Irredeemable #25 (Cover A Dan Panosian), $3.99
Irredeemable #25 (Cover B Dimitri Armand), $3.99
Irredeemable #25 (Cover C Dan Panosian), AR
Irredeemable Incorruptible #1 (BOOM! Blast Edition), $1.00
Life & Times Of Scrooge McDuck #1 (BOOM! Blast Edition) , $1.00
Stan Lee Emerald City Comic Con Variant Set (not verified by Diamond), $39.99
Uncle Scrooge #403, $3.99
Tarot Witch Of The Black Rose #64 (Signed & Numbered Edition), $10.00
Tarot Witch Of The Black Rose #67 (Deluxe Edition), $19.99
Tarot Witch Of The Black Rose #67 (Photo Cover), $15.00
Lady Death #0 (Michael Dipascale Feral Cover), $9.99
Lady Death #1 (Michael Dipascale Auxiliary Cover), $3.99
Cereal Geek Magazine #1 (New Printing), $15.00
Unofficial Cartoon Guide To He-Man And The Masters Of The Universe SC, $24.00
Don Quixote Volume 1 GN (Campfire Graphic Novels)(not verified by Diamond), $9.99
Three Musketeers GN (Campfire Graphic Novels)(not verified by Diamond), $12.99
Comic Shop News #1246, AR
Esoterra The Journal Of Extreme Culture SC, $24.95
Archie Archives Volume 1 HC, $49.99
Art Of Alice Madness Returns HC, $34.99
Axe Cop Bad Guy Earth #3 (Of 3), $3.50
B.P.R.D. The Dead Remembered #2 (Of 3), $3.50
Classic Archie Character #1 Archie Statue, $49.95
Classic Archie Character #2 Veronica Statue, $49.95
Classic Archie Character #3 Betty Statue, $49.95
Conan Volume 10 Iron Shadows In The Moon TP, $17.99
Domo 2 Inch Qee Mystery Figures Series 3, $8.90
Solomon Kane Red Shadows #2 (Of 4)(Guy Davis Regular Cover), $3.50
Solomon Kane Red Shadows #2 (Of 4)(Gregory Manchess Variant Cover), $3.50
Toy Story Woody's Roundup #1 Woody Statue, $49.95
Toy Story Woody's Roundup #2 Bullseye Statue, $49.95
Toy Story Woody's Roundup #3 Jessie Statue, $49.95
Usagi Yojimbo #137, $3.50
Witchfinder Lost And Gone Forever #4 (Of 5), $2.99
Adventure Comics #526, $2.99
Batman Beyond #5, $2.99
Batman Long Shadows TP, $14.99
Brightest Day Volume 2 HC, $29.99
DC Comics Presents Son Of Superman #1, $7.99
DC Universe Online Legends #7, $2.99
Deliriums Party A Little Endless Storybook HC, $14.99
DMZ Volume 10 Collective Punishment TP, $14.99
Doom Patrol #22 (Final Issue), $2.99
Executor TP, $12.99
Freedom Fighters #9 (Final Issue), $2.99
Green Lantern Super Spectacular #1, $9.99
House Of Mystery #37, $2.99
I Zombie #13, $2.99
Jonah Hex #67, $2.99
Jonah Hex No Way Back TP, $14.99
JSA All-Stars #18, $2.99
Little Endless Storybook HC (New Printing), $14.99
Looney Tunes #198, $2.99
Scooby Doo Where Are You #9, $2.99
Secret Six #33, $2.99
Secret Six The Reptile Brain TP, $14.99
Superboy #7, $2.99
Sweet Tooth #21, $2.99
Tiny Titans Volume 5 Field Trippin' TP, $12.99
Weird Worlds #5 (Of 6), $3.99
Star Wars Official Figurine Collection Magazine #19 (Emperor Palpatine)(not verified by Diamond), $14.00
Star Wars Official Figurine Collection Magazine #20 (Boba Fett)(not verified by Diamond), $14.00
Star Wars Official Figurine Collection Magazine #21 (Clone Trooper)(not verified by Diamond), $14.00
Star Wars Official Figurine Collection Magazine #22 (Padme Amidala)(not verified by Diamond), $14.00
Liberty Vocational Volume 1 Will Supervillains Be On The Final Exam GN, $10.99
Game Trade Magazine #135, AR
Cupcakes Of Doom GN (not verified by Diamond), $12.95
Warlord Of Mars Dejah Thoris #2 (Dynamic Forces)(Arthur Adams Exclusive Cover), $8.99
Boys #54, $3.99
Jennifer Blood #3 (Tim Bradstreet Regular Cover), $3.99
Jennifer Blood #3 (Ale Garza Variant Cover), AR
Jennifer Blood #3 (Johnny Desjardins Variant Cover), AR
Jennifer Blood #3 (Jonathan Lau Variant Cover), AR
Jennifer Blood #3 (Tim Bradstreet Negative Art Cover), AR
Jennifer Blood #3 (Tim Bradstreet Virgin Cover), AR
L.A. Banks' Vampire Huntress The Hidden Darkness #4, $3.99
Patricia Briggs' Mercy Thompson Moon Called #6 (Of 8), $3.99
Red Sonja #56 (Geovanni Regular Cover), $3.99
Red Sonja #56 (Paul Renaud Regular Cover), $3.99
Vampirella #5 (Ale Garza Regular Cover), $3.99
Vampirella #5 (Jelena Kevic-Djurdjevic Regular Cover), $3.99
Vampirella #5 (Paul Renaud Regular Cover), $3.99
Vampirella #5 (Stephen Segovia Regular Cover), $3.99
Vampirella #5 (Jelena Kevic-Djurdjevic Virgin Variant Cover), AR
Vampirella #5 (Paul Renaud Blood Red Variant Cover), AR
Vampirella #5 (Stephen Segovia Black & White Variant Cover), AR
Melange The Art Of Dean Yeagle HC (Updated Edition), $40.00
Accidental Genius Of Weasel High SC, $9.99
Eye Of The Majestic Creature GN (not verified by Diamond), $18.99
Taking Punk To The Masses From Nowhere To Nevermind SC, $29.99
Comics Buyers Guide #1678 (Jun 2011)(not verified by Diamond), $5.99
Girasol Pulp Doubles The Spider Volume 19 (not verified by Diamond), $14.95
They're Here Already Comprehensive Guide To 1950s Science Fiction Movie Posters HC, $59.95
Ralph Steadman Book Of Dogs HC, $24.00
Alexandro Jodorowsky's Screaming Planet HC, $24.95
Angel Illyria Haunted TP, $17.99
Bat Boy The Complete Weekly World News Comics Strips By Peter Bagge HC, $17.99
Doctor Who Classics The Seventh Doctor #4 (Of 5), $3.99
Dungeons And Dragons Dark Sun #5 (Of 5)(Michael Stribling Regular Cover), $3.99
Dungeons And Dragons Dark Sun #5 (Of 5)(Michael Stribling Sketch Variant Cover), AR
Edge Of Doom #5 (Of 5), $3.99
Spike #8 (Of 8)(Franco Urru Regular Cover), $3.99
Spike #8 (Of 8)(Nick Runge Regular Cover), $3.99
Spike #8 (Of 8)(Jenny Frison Variant Cover), AR
Transformers Dark Of The Moon Rising Storm #4 (Of 4)(Brian Rood Regular Cover), $3.99
Transformers Dark Of The Moon Rising Storm #4 (Of 4)(Carlos Magno Variant Cover), AR
Illustration Magazine #33 (not verified by Diamond), $15.00
Artifacts #7 (Of 13)(Cover A Whilce Portacio), $3.99
Artifacts #7 (Of 13)(Cover B John Tyler Christopher), $3.99
Artifacts #7 (Of 13)(Foil Symbol Variant Cover), AR
Artifacts #7 (Of 13)(John Paul Leon Sketch Variant Cover), AR
Artifacts Playing Card Set #7 (Of 13)(Retailer Incentive), AR
Blue Estate #1 (2nd Printing Variant Cover), $2.99
Blue Estate #2, $2.99
Elephantmen Man And Elephantman #1 (2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99
Gladstones School For World Conquerors #1, $2.99
Green Wake #1 (Of 5)(2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.50
Green Wake #2 (Of 5), $3.50
Image Firsts Nightly News #1, $1.00
Image Firsts Phonogram #1, $1.00
Intrepids #3, $2.99
Proof Endangered #5, $3.99
Red Spike #1 (Of 5), $1.00
Walking Dead Survivors Guide #2 (Of 4), $2.99
Walking Dead Weekly #18, $2.99
Doctors Who's Who The Story Behind Every Face Of The Iconic Time Lord HC, $26.95
Seduction Of The Innocent HC (not verified by Diamond), $15.95
Deadline GN (resolicited)(not verified by Diamond), $14.99
Headache GN (resolicited)(not verified by Diamond), $14.99
Heavy Water GN (resolicited)(not verified by Diamond), $14.99
Dodgem Logic Magazine #8, $7.00
Locus #603, $6.95
Annihilators #3 (Of 4)(Alex Garner Regular Cover), $4.99
Annihilators #3 (Of 4)(Jelena Kevic-Djurdjevic Variant Cover), AR
Astonishing Thor #4 (Of 5), $3.99
Avengers Academy #13 (Billy Tan Regular Cover), $2.99
Avengers Academy #13 ('Thor Goes Hollywood' Variant Cover), AR
Avengers Academy Giant-Size #1 (Ed McGuinness Regular Cover), $7.99
Avengers Academy Giant-Size #1 (Chris Samnee Variant Cover), AR
Avengers Earth's Mightiest Heroes TP, $14.99
Avengers Thor And Captain America Official Index To The Marvel Universe #13, $3.99
Captain America Allies And Enemies TP, $16.99
Captain America First Vengeance #1 (Of 4), $2.99
Captain America Forever Allies HC, $24.99
Captain America Hail Hydra #5 (Of 5), $2.99
Captain America Poster Book #1, $5.99
Captain America Spotlight, $3.99
Deadpool Annual #1, $3.99
Essential X-Men Volume 7 TP (All-New Edition), $19.99
Fear Itself #2 (Of 7)(Steve McNiven Regular Cover), $3.99
Fear Itself #2 (Of 7)(Steve McNiven Variant Cover), AR
Fear Itself #2 (Of 7)(Stuart Immonen Variant Cover), AR
Fear Itself Spider-Man #1 (Of 3), $2.99
Fear Itself The Home Front #2 (Of 7), $3.99
Herc #2, $2.99
Heroes For Hire #6 (Doug Braithwaite Regular Cover), $2.99
Heroes For Hire #6 (Harvey Tolibao Variant Cover), AR
Iron Age Postcard (Promotional Item), AR
Jinx The Essential Collection HC, $24.99
Kick-Ass 2 #1 (Of 6)(4th Printing Variant Cover), $2.99
Marvel May 2011 Sneak Peeks (Promotional Item)(per Marvel Comics), AR
Marvel Super Stars Magazine #3, $7.99
Marvel Zombies Supreme #4 (Of 5), $3.99
Moon Knight #1 (Alex Maleev Regular Cover), $3.99
Moon Knight #1 (Bryan Hitch Variant Cover), AR
Moon Knight #1 (Humberto Ramos Variant Cover), AR
Moon Knight #1 (Mark Texeira Variant Cover), AR
Ozma Of Oz #6 (Of 8), $3.99
Spider-Man With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility #2 (Of 7), $3.99
Spidey Sunday Spectacular #1, $3.99
Taskmaster Unthinkable TP, $14.99
Thor For Asgard HC, $24.99
Thor Iron Man God Complex HC (Premiere Edition), $19.99
Thor The Art Of Thor The Movie HC, $49.99
Thor Wolves Of The North TP, $12.99
Tron Original Movie Adaptation TP, $9.99
Uncanny X-Force #9, $3.99
Wolverine Hercules Myths Monsters & Mutants #3 (Of 4), $2.99
Wolverine The Best There Is #6, $3.99
X-Force Angels And Demons #1 (Marvel's Greatest Comics), $1.00
X-Men Fall Of The Mutants HC, $99.99
X-Men First Class Magazine #1, $9.99
X-Men Prelude To Schism #1 (Of 4), $2.99
Rotten/Zombies Vs Cheerleaders Flips Out #1 (One Shot), $2.99
Hack Slash Tubby Time #1 (New Dimension Comics Exclusive), $9.99
Doctor Who Magazine #433, $8.99
Mister Wonderful A Love Story HC (by Dan Clowes)(not verified by Diamond), $19.95
Garden GN (not verified by Diamond), $24.95
Doctor Who Episode Guide HC (5th Edition)(not verified by Diamond), $19.95
Next Day GN, $16.95
Abyss Family Issues #3 (Of 4), $3.50
Atomic Robo And The Deadly Art Of Science #5 (Of 5), $3.50
Moon Girl #1 (Of 5), $3.50
I Will Bite You And Other Stories GN, $14.00
Blood Alone Omnibus Volume 1 TP, $15.99
Gunslinger Girl Omnibus Volume 2 TP (Of 2), $15.99
Disturbingly Perverted Diary Of Doktormentor Jail Babe Surgeon #1 (Of 3)(not verified by Diamond), $9.95
Pat The Zombie A Cruel Adult Spoof SC, $11.99
Stuff Of Legend Volume 2 The Jungle TP, $16.99
Hobby Japan Apr 2011, $14.90
Walt Before Mickey Disney's Early Years 1919-1928 HC, $35.00
7 Billion Needles Volume 4 GN, $10.95
Lychee Light Club Volume 1 GN, $16.95
Video Watchdog #162 (May/Jun 2011), $8.95
Huntington West Virginia On The Fly GN (resolicited), $19.95
AI ORE Volume 1 Love Me GN, $12.99
Bakuman Volume 4 TP, $9.99
Black Bird Volume 8 GN, $9.99
Death Note Black Edition Volume 4 TP, $14.99
Genkaku Picasso Volume 3 GN, $9.99
Gin Tama Volume 22 TP, $9.99
Haruka Beyond The Stream Of Time Volume 12 GN, $9.99
Hikaru no Go Volume 23 TP, $9.99
Kekkaishi 3-In-1 Edition Volume 1 GN, $14.99
Kimi ni Todoke From Me To You Volume 8 GN, $9.99
Naruto 3-In-1 Edition Volume 1 GN, $14.99
Oresama Teacher Volume 2 GN, $9.99
Otomen Volume 10 GN, $9.99
Panda Man Vs Chiwanda TP (not verified by Diamond), $7.99
Story Of Saiunkoku Volume 3 GN, $9.99
Tegami Bachi Letter Bee Volume 5 GN, $9.99
We Were There Volume 12 GN (resolicited), $9.99
Escape From Wonderland TP, $17.99
Grimm Fairy Tales Dream Eater Saga Crossover Prelude (Cover A Mike DeBalfo), $1.99
Grimm Fairy Tales Dream Eater Saga Crossover Prelude (Cover B Chris Cote), $1.99
Grimm Fairy Tales Myths & Legends #4 (Cover A Angel Medina), $2.99
Grimm Fairy Tales Myths & Legends #4 (Cover B Al Rio), $2.99
Grimm Fairy Tales Myths & Legends #4 (Cover C Al Rio 'Monster'), $2.99
Salems Daughter Volume 1 TP (resolicited), $15.99
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA. Any questions regarding the use of this work should be directed to Charles LePage at
Information provided by our friends at Things From Another World. To find a local comic book shop, please browse The Master List of Comic Book & Trading Card Stores. Check out the Comiclist Community Page and FriendFeed ComicList Room for discussions about your favorite comics.
PLEASE NOTE- Not all of these titles will actually arrive in all stores. Let me know if any of the names or numbers are wrong. Items being released this week per sources other than Diamond Distribution are individually noted.
TITLE, ISSUE NUMBER, PRICE IN U.S. DOLLARS ("AR" means "ask your retailer for the price")
Kung Fu Panda #1 (Of 4), $3.95
Richie Rich #1 (Of 4), $3.95
Cyclops HC, $19.95
Mouse Guard Black Axe #2 (Of 6), $3.50
Archie Double Digest #218, $3.99
Night At The Comic Shop TP, $9.95
Sonic The Hedgehog #224, $2.99
Warlash Dark Noir Signed 3 Pack, $9.95
Robert Fawcett The Illustrator's Illustrator HC, $34.95
Crossed Psychopath #1 (Of 7)(Matt Martin Auxiliary Cover), $3.99
Neonomicon #1-4 Bag Set, $15.99
Night Of The Living Dead #4 (Of 5)(Raulo Caceres Auxiliary Cover), $3.99
Age Of Darkness MMPB (Horus Heresy)(Warhammer 40K), $8.99
Blood Reaver MMPB (Night Lords)(Warhammer 40K), $8.99
Caledor A Tale Of The Sundering MMPB (Time Of Legends)(Warhammer), $8.99
Fame The Cast Of Glee GN, $7.99
Royals Prince William Kate Middleton GN, $7.99
Royals Prince William Kate Middleton (One Shot), $3.99
Chip N Dale Rescue Rangers #6 (Cover A Leonel Castellani), $3.99
Chip N Dale Rescue Rangers #6 (Cover B James Silvani), $3.99
Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep #22 (Of 24), $3.99
Dracula The Company Of Monsters #1 (BOOM! Blast Edition), $1.00
Farscape Volume 4 Tangled Roots TP, $12.99
Hellraiser Masterpieces Volume 1 TP (was 'Hellraiser Masterworks'), $19.99
Irredeemable #25 (Cover A Dan Panosian), $3.99
Irredeemable #25 (Cover B Dimitri Armand), $3.99
Irredeemable #25 (Cover C Dan Panosian), AR
Irredeemable Incorruptible #1 (BOOM! Blast Edition), $1.00
Life & Times Of Scrooge McDuck #1 (BOOM! Blast Edition) , $1.00
Stan Lee Emerald City Comic Con Variant Set (not verified by Diamond), $39.99
Uncle Scrooge #403, $3.99
Tarot Witch Of The Black Rose #64 (Signed & Numbered Edition), $10.00
Tarot Witch Of The Black Rose #67 (Deluxe Edition), $19.99
Tarot Witch Of The Black Rose #67 (Photo Cover), $15.00
Lady Death #0 (Michael Dipascale Feral Cover), $9.99
Lady Death #1 (Michael Dipascale Auxiliary Cover), $3.99
Cereal Geek Magazine #1 (New Printing), $15.00
Unofficial Cartoon Guide To He-Man And The Masters Of The Universe SC, $24.00
Don Quixote Volume 1 GN (Campfire Graphic Novels)(not verified by Diamond), $9.99
Three Musketeers GN (Campfire Graphic Novels)(not verified by Diamond), $12.99
Comic Shop News #1246, AR
Esoterra The Journal Of Extreme Culture SC, $24.95
Archie Archives Volume 1 HC, $49.99
Art Of Alice Madness Returns HC, $34.99
Axe Cop Bad Guy Earth #3 (Of 3), $3.50
B.P.R.D. The Dead Remembered #2 (Of 3), $3.50
Classic Archie Character #1 Archie Statue, $49.95
Classic Archie Character #2 Veronica Statue, $49.95
Classic Archie Character #3 Betty Statue, $49.95
Conan Volume 10 Iron Shadows In The Moon TP, $17.99
Domo 2 Inch Qee Mystery Figures Series 3, $8.90
Solomon Kane Red Shadows #2 (Of 4)(Guy Davis Regular Cover), $3.50
Solomon Kane Red Shadows #2 (Of 4)(Gregory Manchess Variant Cover), $3.50
Toy Story Woody's Roundup #1 Woody Statue, $49.95
Toy Story Woody's Roundup #2 Bullseye Statue, $49.95
Toy Story Woody's Roundup #3 Jessie Statue, $49.95
Usagi Yojimbo #137, $3.50
Witchfinder Lost And Gone Forever #4 (Of 5), $2.99
Adventure Comics #526, $2.99
Batman Beyond #5, $2.99
Batman Long Shadows TP, $14.99
Brightest Day Volume 2 HC, $29.99
DC Comics Presents Son Of Superman #1, $7.99
DC Universe Online Legends #7, $2.99
Deliriums Party A Little Endless Storybook HC, $14.99
DMZ Volume 10 Collective Punishment TP, $14.99
Doom Patrol #22 (Final Issue), $2.99
Executor TP, $12.99
Freedom Fighters #9 (Final Issue), $2.99
Green Lantern Super Spectacular #1, $9.99
House Of Mystery #37, $2.99
I Zombie #13, $2.99
Jonah Hex #67, $2.99
Jonah Hex No Way Back TP, $14.99
JSA All-Stars #18, $2.99
Little Endless Storybook HC (New Printing), $14.99
Looney Tunes #198, $2.99
Scooby Doo Where Are You #9, $2.99
Secret Six #33, $2.99
Secret Six The Reptile Brain TP, $14.99
Superboy #7, $2.99
Sweet Tooth #21, $2.99
Tiny Titans Volume 5 Field Trippin' TP, $12.99
Weird Worlds #5 (Of 6), $3.99
Star Wars Official Figurine Collection Magazine #19 (Emperor Palpatine)(not verified by Diamond), $14.00
Star Wars Official Figurine Collection Magazine #20 (Boba Fett)(not verified by Diamond), $14.00
Star Wars Official Figurine Collection Magazine #21 (Clone Trooper)(not verified by Diamond), $14.00
Star Wars Official Figurine Collection Magazine #22 (Padme Amidala)(not verified by Diamond), $14.00
Liberty Vocational Volume 1 Will Supervillains Be On The Final Exam GN, $10.99
Game Trade Magazine #135, AR
Cupcakes Of Doom GN (not verified by Diamond), $12.95
Warlord Of Mars Dejah Thoris #2 (Dynamic Forces)(Arthur Adams Exclusive Cover), $8.99
Boys #54, $3.99
Jennifer Blood #3 (Tim Bradstreet Regular Cover), $3.99
Jennifer Blood #3 (Ale Garza Variant Cover), AR
Jennifer Blood #3 (Johnny Desjardins Variant Cover), AR
Jennifer Blood #3 (Jonathan Lau Variant Cover), AR
Jennifer Blood #3 (Tim Bradstreet Negative Art Cover), AR
Jennifer Blood #3 (Tim Bradstreet Virgin Cover), AR
L.A. Banks' Vampire Huntress The Hidden Darkness #4, $3.99
Patricia Briggs' Mercy Thompson Moon Called #6 (Of 8), $3.99
Red Sonja #56 (Geovanni Regular Cover), $3.99
Red Sonja #56 (Paul Renaud Regular Cover), $3.99
Vampirella #5 (Ale Garza Regular Cover), $3.99
Vampirella #5 (Jelena Kevic-Djurdjevic Regular Cover), $3.99
Vampirella #5 (Paul Renaud Regular Cover), $3.99
Vampirella #5 (Stephen Segovia Regular Cover), $3.99
Vampirella #5 (Jelena Kevic-Djurdjevic Virgin Variant Cover), AR
Vampirella #5 (Paul Renaud Blood Red Variant Cover), AR
Vampirella #5 (Stephen Segovia Black & White Variant Cover), AR
Melange The Art Of Dean Yeagle HC (Updated Edition), $40.00
Accidental Genius Of Weasel High SC, $9.99
Eye Of The Majestic Creature GN (not verified by Diamond), $18.99
Taking Punk To The Masses From Nowhere To Nevermind SC, $29.99
Comics Buyers Guide #1678 (Jun 2011)(not verified by Diamond), $5.99
Girasol Pulp Doubles The Spider Volume 19 (not verified by Diamond), $14.95
They're Here Already Comprehensive Guide To 1950s Science Fiction Movie Posters HC, $59.95
Ralph Steadman Book Of Dogs HC, $24.00
Alexandro Jodorowsky's Screaming Planet HC, $24.95
Angel Illyria Haunted TP, $17.99
Bat Boy The Complete Weekly World News Comics Strips By Peter Bagge HC, $17.99
Doctor Who Classics The Seventh Doctor #4 (Of 5), $3.99
Dungeons And Dragons Dark Sun #5 (Of 5)(Michael Stribling Regular Cover), $3.99
Dungeons And Dragons Dark Sun #5 (Of 5)(Michael Stribling Sketch Variant Cover), AR
Edge Of Doom #5 (Of 5), $3.99
Spike #8 (Of 8)(Franco Urru Regular Cover), $3.99
Spike #8 (Of 8)(Nick Runge Regular Cover), $3.99
Spike #8 (Of 8)(Jenny Frison Variant Cover), AR
Transformers Dark Of The Moon Rising Storm #4 (Of 4)(Brian Rood Regular Cover), $3.99
Transformers Dark Of The Moon Rising Storm #4 (Of 4)(Carlos Magno Variant Cover), AR
Illustration Magazine #33 (not verified by Diamond), $15.00
Artifacts #7 (Of 13)(Cover A Whilce Portacio), $3.99
Artifacts #7 (Of 13)(Cover B John Tyler Christopher), $3.99
Artifacts #7 (Of 13)(Foil Symbol Variant Cover), AR
Artifacts #7 (Of 13)(John Paul Leon Sketch Variant Cover), AR
Artifacts Playing Card Set #7 (Of 13)(Retailer Incentive), AR
Blue Estate #1 (2nd Printing Variant Cover), $2.99
Blue Estate #2, $2.99
Elephantmen Man And Elephantman #1 (2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99
Gladstones School For World Conquerors #1, $2.99
Green Wake #1 (Of 5)(2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.50
Green Wake #2 (Of 5), $3.50
Image Firsts Nightly News #1, $1.00
Image Firsts Phonogram #1, $1.00
Intrepids #3, $2.99
Proof Endangered #5, $3.99
Red Spike #1 (Of 5), $1.00
Walking Dead Survivors Guide #2 (Of 4), $2.99
Walking Dead Weekly #18, $2.99
Doctors Who's Who The Story Behind Every Face Of The Iconic Time Lord HC, $26.95
Seduction Of The Innocent HC (not verified by Diamond), $15.95
Deadline GN (resolicited)(not verified by Diamond), $14.99
Headache GN (resolicited)(not verified by Diamond), $14.99
Heavy Water GN (resolicited)(not verified by Diamond), $14.99
Dodgem Logic Magazine #8, $7.00
Locus #603, $6.95
Annihilators #3 (Of 4)(Alex Garner Regular Cover), $4.99
Annihilators #3 (Of 4)(Jelena Kevic-Djurdjevic Variant Cover), AR
Astonishing Thor #4 (Of 5), $3.99
Avengers Academy #13 (Billy Tan Regular Cover), $2.99
Avengers Academy #13 ('Thor Goes Hollywood' Variant Cover), AR
Avengers Academy Giant-Size #1 (Ed McGuinness Regular Cover), $7.99
Avengers Academy Giant-Size #1 (Chris Samnee Variant Cover), AR
Avengers Earth's Mightiest Heroes TP, $14.99
Avengers Thor And Captain America Official Index To The Marvel Universe #13, $3.99
Captain America Allies And Enemies TP, $16.99
Captain America First Vengeance #1 (Of 4), $2.99
Captain America Forever Allies HC, $24.99
Captain America Hail Hydra #5 (Of 5), $2.99
Captain America Poster Book #1, $5.99
Captain America Spotlight, $3.99
Deadpool Annual #1, $3.99
Essential X-Men Volume 7 TP (All-New Edition), $19.99
Fear Itself #2 (Of 7)(Steve McNiven Regular Cover), $3.99
Fear Itself #2 (Of 7)(Steve McNiven Variant Cover), AR
Fear Itself #2 (Of 7)(Stuart Immonen Variant Cover), AR
Fear Itself Spider-Man #1 (Of 3), $2.99
Fear Itself The Home Front #2 (Of 7), $3.99
Herc #2, $2.99
Heroes For Hire #6 (Doug Braithwaite Regular Cover), $2.99
Heroes For Hire #6 (Harvey Tolibao Variant Cover), AR
Iron Age Postcard (Promotional Item), AR
Jinx The Essential Collection HC, $24.99
Kick-Ass 2 #1 (Of 6)(4th Printing Variant Cover), $2.99
Marvel May 2011 Sneak Peeks (Promotional Item)(per Marvel Comics), AR
Marvel Super Stars Magazine #3, $7.99
Marvel Zombies Supreme #4 (Of 5), $3.99
Moon Knight #1 (Alex Maleev Regular Cover), $3.99
Moon Knight #1 (Bryan Hitch Variant Cover), AR
Moon Knight #1 (Humberto Ramos Variant Cover), AR
Moon Knight #1 (Mark Texeira Variant Cover), AR
Ozma Of Oz #6 (Of 8), $3.99
Spider-Man With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility #2 (Of 7), $3.99
Spidey Sunday Spectacular #1, $3.99
Taskmaster Unthinkable TP, $14.99
Thor For Asgard HC, $24.99
Thor Iron Man God Complex HC (Premiere Edition), $19.99
Thor The Art Of Thor The Movie HC, $49.99
Thor Wolves Of The North TP, $12.99
Tron Original Movie Adaptation TP, $9.99
Uncanny X-Force #9, $3.99
Wolverine Hercules Myths Monsters & Mutants #3 (Of 4), $2.99
Wolverine The Best There Is #6, $3.99
X-Force Angels And Demons #1 (Marvel's Greatest Comics), $1.00
X-Men Fall Of The Mutants HC, $99.99
X-Men First Class Magazine #1, $9.99
X-Men Prelude To Schism #1 (Of 4), $2.99
Rotten/Zombies Vs Cheerleaders Flips Out #1 (One Shot), $2.99
Hack Slash Tubby Time #1 (New Dimension Comics Exclusive), $9.99
Doctor Who Magazine #433, $8.99
Mister Wonderful A Love Story HC (by Dan Clowes)(not verified by Diamond), $19.95
Garden GN (not verified by Diamond), $24.95
Doctor Who Episode Guide HC (5th Edition)(not verified by Diamond), $19.95
Next Day GN, $16.95
Abyss Family Issues #3 (Of 4), $3.50
Atomic Robo And The Deadly Art Of Science #5 (Of 5), $3.50
Moon Girl #1 (Of 5), $3.50
I Will Bite You And Other Stories GN, $14.00
Blood Alone Omnibus Volume 1 TP, $15.99
Gunslinger Girl Omnibus Volume 2 TP (Of 2), $15.99
Disturbingly Perverted Diary Of Doktormentor Jail Babe Surgeon #1 (Of 3)(not verified by Diamond), $9.95
Pat The Zombie A Cruel Adult Spoof SC, $11.99
Stuff Of Legend Volume 2 The Jungle TP, $16.99
Hobby Japan Apr 2011, $14.90
Walt Before Mickey Disney's Early Years 1919-1928 HC, $35.00
7 Billion Needles Volume 4 GN, $10.95
Lychee Light Club Volume 1 GN, $16.95
Video Watchdog #162 (May/Jun 2011), $8.95
Huntington West Virginia On The Fly GN (resolicited), $19.95
AI ORE Volume 1 Love Me GN, $12.99
Bakuman Volume 4 TP, $9.99
Black Bird Volume 8 GN, $9.99
Death Note Black Edition Volume 4 TP, $14.99
Genkaku Picasso Volume 3 GN, $9.99
Gin Tama Volume 22 TP, $9.99
Haruka Beyond The Stream Of Time Volume 12 GN, $9.99
Hikaru no Go Volume 23 TP, $9.99
Kekkaishi 3-In-1 Edition Volume 1 GN, $14.99
Kimi ni Todoke From Me To You Volume 8 GN, $9.99
Naruto 3-In-1 Edition Volume 1 GN, $14.99
Oresama Teacher Volume 2 GN, $9.99
Otomen Volume 10 GN, $9.99
Panda Man Vs Chiwanda TP (not verified by Diamond), $7.99
Story Of Saiunkoku Volume 3 GN, $9.99
Tegami Bachi Letter Bee Volume 5 GN, $9.99
We Were There Volume 12 GN (resolicited), $9.99
Escape From Wonderland TP, $17.99
Grimm Fairy Tales Dream Eater Saga Crossover Prelude (Cover A Mike DeBalfo), $1.99
Grimm Fairy Tales Dream Eater Saga Crossover Prelude (Cover B Chris Cote), $1.99
Grimm Fairy Tales Myths & Legends #4 (Cover A Angel Medina), $2.99
Grimm Fairy Tales Myths & Legends #4 (Cover B Al Rio), $2.99
Grimm Fairy Tales Myths & Legends #4 (Cover C Al Rio 'Monster'), $2.99
Salems Daughter Volume 1 TP (resolicited), $15.99
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA. Any questions regarding the use of this work should be directed to Charles LePage at
Total Recall Sequel hits stores soon!
Press Release:
Shipping this May, Dynamite Comics, inspired by the hit 1990 science fiction movie TOTAL RECALL starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, presents the story of what happens next in its new comic series: TOTAL RECALL.
The series begins with the death of the Mars mining colony chief, Cohaagen, and the creation of an atmosphere for the planet. Douglas Quaid, the undercover agent known as Hauser, and the man responsible for releasing the colony from the grips of Cohaagen, simply wants to live happily ever after with Melina the woman of his dreams. But with Mars in chaos, new enemies invading the red planet, and a mysterious stranger in their midst, will Quaid have his happily ever after? Check out issue TOTAL RECALL #1 to find out!
“Being given the opportunity to create a sequel to one of the coolest action films of the 1990s was too great pass up,” says first time comics writer Vincent S. Moore. “Resonating with one of the themes of the original movie, this is a dream come true and a great benefit for me. In order to fulfill my dream, I simply had to turn around and make the happy ending for Douglas Quaid on Mars into a new nightmare and show him to be the hero once again. It was easy and tons of fun. I threw everything I could think at Quaid, keeping with the flavor of the movie. I hope all of the readers enjoy the ride. My thanks to the folks at Dynamite for giving me this chance. And to all those fans of the original film, I hope you like what we came up with enough to give it a shot. Just remember: get your asses to Mars!”
Total Recall is an original Sci-Fi Carolco Pictures thriller, released in 1990. The film stars Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sharon Stone and is based on the Philip K. Dick short story “We Can Remember It for You Wholesale.” Directed by Paul Verhoeven and written by Ronald Shusett, Dan O’Bannon, Jon Povill, and Gary Goldman, TOTAL RECALL won a Special Achievement Academy Award for its visual effects. The Jerry Goldsmith soundtrack earned the BMI Film Music Award. The rights to publish a TOTAL RECALL comic book series were obtained from StudioCanal S.A. under a licensing agreement negotiated by The Licensing Group Ltd.
The story line is centered on an unsophisticated construction worker, Douglas Quaid (Schwarzenegger), and the aftermath of his visit to REKALL, a company offering vacations for the mind. The Rekall vacation triggers a mind plant in Quaid’s brain, leading him to discover that he is a freedom fighter from Mars who has been relocated to Earth. Quaid attempts to restore order, and reverse the corrupt influence of commercial powers, despite multiple challenges, not the least of which are his wife’s multiple attempts to kill him, attacks from thugs who want him dead; and his own confusion as to who he really is. Quaid conquers the corrupt hold of the Mars based mining company restoring order to the Mars community.
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DYNAMITE ENTERTAINMENT was founded in 2004 and is home to several best-selling comic book titles and properties, including The Boys, Green Hornet, Vampirella, Warlord of Mars, Project Superpowers, Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time and more!
In addition to their critically-acclaimed titles and best selling comics, Dynamite works with some of the most high profile creators in comics and entertainment, including Alex Ross, John Cassaday, Garth Ennis, Michael Avon Oeming, Mel Rubi, Marc Guggenheim, Stephen Sadowski, Mike Carey, Jim Krueger, Greg Pak, Brett Matthews, Matt Wagner and a host of up and coming new talent!
DYNAMITE is consistently ranked in the upper tiers of comic book publishers and several of their titles – including Alex Ross and Jim Krueger’s PROJECT SUPERPOWERS – have debuted in the Top Ten lists produced by Diamond Comics Distributors. In 2005 Diamond awarded the company a GEM award for Best New Publisher and another GEM in 2006 for Comics Publisher of the Year (under 5%). The company has also been nominated for several industry awards, including the prestigious Eisner Award.
via Dynamite Entertainment

![Total Recall [Blu-ray]](

Shipping this May, Dynamite Comics, inspired by the hit 1990 science fiction movie TOTAL RECALL starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, presents the story of what happens next in its new comic series: TOTAL RECALL.
The series begins with the death of the Mars mining colony chief, Cohaagen, and the creation of an atmosphere for the planet. Douglas Quaid, the undercover agent known as Hauser, and the man responsible for releasing the colony from the grips of Cohaagen, simply wants to live happily ever after with Melina the woman of his dreams. But with Mars in chaos, new enemies invading the red planet, and a mysterious stranger in their midst, will Quaid have his happily ever after? Check out issue TOTAL RECALL #1 to find out!
“Being given the opportunity to create a sequel to one of the coolest action films of the 1990s was too great pass up,” says first time comics writer Vincent S. Moore. “Resonating with one of the themes of the original movie, this is a dream come true and a great benefit for me. In order to fulfill my dream, I simply had to turn around and make the happy ending for Douglas Quaid on Mars into a new nightmare and show him to be the hero once again. It was easy and tons of fun. I threw everything I could think at Quaid, keeping with the flavor of the movie. I hope all of the readers enjoy the ride. My thanks to the folks at Dynamite for giving me this chance. And to all those fans of the original film, I hope you like what we came up with enough to give it a shot. Just remember: get your asses to Mars!”
Total Recall is an original Sci-Fi Carolco Pictures thriller, released in 1990. The film stars Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sharon Stone and is based on the Philip K. Dick short story “We Can Remember It for You Wholesale.” Directed by Paul Verhoeven and written by Ronald Shusett, Dan O’Bannon, Jon Povill, and Gary Goldman, TOTAL RECALL won a Special Achievement Academy Award for its visual effects. The Jerry Goldsmith soundtrack earned the BMI Film Music Award. The rights to publish a TOTAL RECALL comic book series were obtained from StudioCanal S.A. under a licensing agreement negotiated by The Licensing Group Ltd.
The story line is centered on an unsophisticated construction worker, Douglas Quaid (Schwarzenegger), and the aftermath of his visit to REKALL, a company offering vacations for the mind. The Rekall vacation triggers a mind plant in Quaid’s brain, leading him to discover that he is a freedom fighter from Mars who has been relocated to Earth. Quaid attempts to restore order, and reverse the corrupt influence of commercial powers, despite multiple challenges, not the least of which are his wife’s multiple attempts to kill him, attacks from thugs who want him dead; and his own confusion as to who he really is. Quaid conquers the corrupt hold of the Mars based mining company restoring order to the Mars community.
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DYNAMITE ENTERTAINMENT was founded in 2004 and is home to several best-selling comic book titles and properties, including The Boys, Green Hornet, Vampirella, Warlord of Mars, Project Superpowers, Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time and more!
In addition to their critically-acclaimed titles and best selling comics, Dynamite works with some of the most high profile creators in comics and entertainment, including Alex Ross, John Cassaday, Garth Ennis, Michael Avon Oeming, Mel Rubi, Marc Guggenheim, Stephen Sadowski, Mike Carey, Jim Krueger, Greg Pak, Brett Matthews, Matt Wagner and a host of up and coming new talent!
DYNAMITE is consistently ranked in the upper tiers of comic book publishers and several of their titles – including Alex Ross and Jim Krueger’s PROJECT SUPERPOWERS – have debuted in the Top Ten lists produced by Diamond Comics Distributors. In 2005 Diamond awarded the company a GEM award for Best New Publisher and another GEM in 2006 for Comics Publisher of the Year (under 5%). The company has also been nominated for several industry awards, including the prestigious Eisner Award.
via Dynamite Entertainment
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
This Weeks Comic Book Releases - 04/27/11
ComicList: New Comic Book Releases List for Wednesday, April 27, 2011. This work, a list of the comic books, graphic novels, and other products that should be available in your local or online comic book shop this week, is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License, and is © 2011 by Charles LePage.
Information provided by our friends at Things From Another World. To find a local comic book shop, please browse The Master List of Comic Book & Trading Card Stores. Check out the Comiclist Community Page and FriendFeed ComicList Room for discussions about your favorite comics.
PLEASE NOTE- Not all of these titles will actually arrive in all stores. Let me know if any of the names or numbers are wrong. Items being released this week per sources other than Diamond Distribution are individually noted.
TITLE, ISSUE NUMBER, PRICE IN U.S. DOLLARS ("AR" means "ask your retailer for the price")
Empire State A Love Story Or Not HC, $17.95
Steampunk Bible HC, $24.95
Remake Special Volume 2 GN, $9.95
Cavewoman Snow #1, $3.75
Cavewoman Snow #1 (Budd Root Special Edition), AR
Page By Paige GN, $9.95
Page By Paige HC, $18.95
Last Zombie TP, $14.95
Freakshow #2 (Of 3), $2.95
Shrek #4 (Of 4), $3.95
Archie #620, $2.99
Betty & Veronica #253 (resolicited), $2.99
Betty & Veronica Double Digest #190, $3.99
Life With Archie Married Life #9 (May/June 2011), $3.99
Code Geass Lelouch Of The Rebellion Queen Volume 2 GN (New Printing), $10.99
Writing And Illustrating The Graphic Novel SC, $23.99
Sleepyheads GN, $24.99
Political Power #9 (Bill Clinton)(Foil Edition), $19.99
Bart Simpson Comics #59, $2.99
Simpsons Classics #28, $3.99
Amory Wars In Keeping Secrets Of Silent Earth 3 #10 (Of 12), $3.99
Dracula The Company Of Monsters #9, $3.99
Dracula The Company Of Monsters Volume 2 TP, $12.99
Hellraiser #1 (Tim Bradstreet 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99
Incorruptible #17 (Cover A Garry Brown), $3.99
Incorruptible #17 (Cover B Matteo Scalera), $3.99
Incorruptible #17 (Cover C Garry Brown), AR
Insurrection V3.6 #2, $3.99
Planet Of The Apes #1 (Cover A Karl Richardson), $3.99
Planet Of The Apes #1 (Cover B Carlos Magno), $3.99
Planet Of The Apes #1 (Cover C Karl Richardson 'Damn Dirty Apes' Variant), AR
Planet Of The Apes #1 (Chad Hardin Larry's Comics Variant Cover), AR
Traveler #6 (Cover A Scott Clark), $3.99
Traveler #6 (Cover B Chad Hardin), $3.99
Traveler #6 (Cover C Scott Clark), AR
Walt Disneys Comics & Stories #718, $3.99
Cereal Geek Magazine #1 (New Printing)(not verified by Diamond), $15.00
Unofficial Cartoon Guide To He-Man And The Masters Of The Universe SC (not verified by Diamond), $24.00
Rasl #10, $3.50
Comic Shop News #1245, AR
Conan The Road Of Kings #4 (Of 6), $3.50
Doctor Solar Man Of The Atom #6, $3.50
Doctor Solar Man Of The Atom Volume 1 TP, $15.99
Eerie Archives Volume 7 HC, $49.99
King Conan The Scarlet Citadel #3 (Of 4), $3.50
Mighty Samson Archives Volume 3 HC, $49.99
Outlaw Prince HC (Alan Lathwell Deluxe Limited Edition Cover), $49.99
Star Wars Darth Vader And The Lost Command #4 (Of 5), $3.50
Star Wars Legacy War #5 (Of 6), $3.50
Strange Case Of Mr Hyde #1 (Of 4), $3.50
Turok Son Of Stone #2, $3.50
Turok Son Of Stone Archives Volume 8 HC, $49.99
Vampire Hunter D Volume 16 Tyrant's Stars Parts 1 and 2 TP (resolicited), $14.99
Goon Vs Mr Wicker Womens T-Shirt LG, $24.99
Goon W/Logo Womens T-Shirt LG, $24.99
Goon W/Logo Womens T-Shirt XL, $24.99
Action Comics #900 (David Finch Regular Cover), $5.99
Action Comics #900 (Adam Hughes Variant Cover A), AR
Action Comics #900 (Alex Ross Variant Cover B), AR
American Vampire #14, $2.99
Batman Black & White Statue The Joker By Lee Bermejo, $80.00
Batman Incorporated #5 (J.H. Williams III Regular Cover), $2.99
Batman Incorporated #5 (Yanick Paquette & Michael Lacombe Variant Cover), AR
Blackest Night Portfolio Set #2, $29.99
Brightest Day #24 (David Finch Regular Cover), $4.99
Brightest Day #24 (Ivan Reis Variant Cover), AR
Cartoon Network Action Pack #59, $2.99
DC Comics Presents Night Force #1, $7.99
Detective Comics #876, $2.99
Flash #11 (Francis Manapul Regular Cover)(resolicited), $2.99
Flash #11 (Scott Kolins Variant Cover)(resolicited), AR
Flash Rebirth TP, $14.99
Green Arrow #11 (Rodolfo Migliari Regular Cover), $2.99
Green Arrow #11 (Tyler Kirkham And Batt Variant Cover), AR
Green Lantern Emerald Warriors #9 (Felipe Massafera Regular Cover), $2.99
Green Lantern Emerald Warriors #9 (George Perez Variant Cover), AR
inFamous #4 (Of 6), $2.99
Jonah Hex Tall Tales TP, $14.99
Justice League Generation Lost #24 (Aaron Lopresti Regular Cover), $4.99
Justice League Generation Lost #24 (Kevin Maguire Variant Cover), AR
Justice Society Of America #50 (Felipe Massafera Regular Cover), $4.99
Justice Society Of America #50 (Darwyn Cooke Variant Cover), AR
MAD Magazine #509, $5.99
Mass Effect Series 1 Grunt Action Figure, AR
Mass Effect Series 1 Shepard Action Figure, AR
Mass Effect Series 1 Tali Action Figure, AR
Mass Effect Series 1 Thane Action Figure, AR
New York Five #4 (Of 4), $2.99
Sandman Volume 5 A Game Of You TP (New Edition), $19.99
Scalped #48, $2.99
Showcase Presents Green Lantern Volume 5 TP, $19.99
Wonder Woman #610 (Don Kramer And Jay Leisten Regular Cover), $2.99
Wonder Woman #610 (Alex Garner Variant Cover), AR
Xombi #2, $2.99
Y The Last Man Deluxe Edition Volume 5 HC, $29.99
Previews #272 (May 2011), $4.50
Star Wars Battles For The Galaxy HC, $12.99
Dean Koontz's Nevermore #1 (Of 6)(Dynamic Forces)(Darick Robertson Virgin Variant Cover), $19.99
Godzilla Kingdom Of Monsters #1 (Dynamic Forces)(Alex Ross Exclusive Sketch Cover), $8.99
Danger Girl And The Army Of Darkness #1 (J. Scott Campbell Regular Cover), $3.99
Danger Girl And The Army Of Darkness #1 (J. Scott Campbell Black & White Variant Cover), AR
Danger Girl And The Army Of Darkness #1 (J. Scott Campbell Red Variant Cover), AR
Danger Girl And The Army Of Darkness #1 (Nick Bradshaw Variant Cover), AR
Danger Girl And The Army Of Darkness #1 (Paul Renaud Black & White Variant Cover), AR
Danger Girl And The Army Of Darkness #1 (Paul Renaud Variant Cover), AR
Kato Origins #8 (The Hellfire Club)(Colton Worley Regular Cover), $3.99
Kato Origins #8 (The Hellfire Club)(Francesco Francavilla Incentive Cover), AR
Last Phantom Volume 1 Ghost Walk TP, $19.99
Red Sonja She-Devil With A Sword Omnibus Volume 2 TP, $29.99
Warlord Of Mars #6 (Joe Jusko Regular Cover), $3.99
Warlord Of Mars #6 (Lucio Parrillo Regular Cover), $3.99
Warlord Of Mars #6 (Joe Jusko Black & White Variant Cover), AR
Warlord Of Mars #6 (Lucio Parrillo Virgin Variant Cover), AR
Warlord Of Mars #6 (Patrick Berkenkotter Variant Cover), AR
Warlord Of Mars #6 (Stephen Sadowski Martian Red Variant Cover), AR
Warlord Of Mars #6 (Stephen Sadowski Variant Cover), AR
DC Superhero Figurine Collection Magazine Blackest Night Collection Binder, $14.00
Melange The Art Of Dean Yeagle HC (Updated Edition)(not verified by Diamond), $40.00
Hate Annual #9, $4.95
Love From The Shadows HC, $19.99
Taking Punk To The Masses From Nowhere To Nevermind SC (not verified by Diamond),$29.99
Gore #2 (Of 12), $2.99
Mediterranea #3 (Of 14), $2.99
Collected Captain Future Volume 2 HC, $40.00
Collected Edmond Hamilton Volume 3 Universe Wreckers HC, $40.00
Juxtapoz #124 (May 2011), $5.99
Angel #44 (Cover A Jenny Frison), $3.99
Angel #44 (Cover B Nick Runge), $3.99
Angel #44 (Elena Casagrande Variant Cover), AR
Doctor Who #4 (Tommy Lee Edwards Regular Cover), $3.99
Doctor Who #4 (Matthew Dow Smith Variant Cover), AR
Doctor Who #4 (Photo Cover), AR
G.I. JOE Disavowed Volume 3 TP, $19.99
Genius Isolated The Life And Art Of Alex Toth HC (resolicited), $49.99
Godzilla Kingdom Of Monsters #2 (Cover A Eric Powell), $3.99
Godzilla Kingdom Of Monsters #2 (Cover B Phil Hester), $3.99
Godzilla Kingdom Of Monsters #2 (Phil Hester Sketch Variant Cover), AR
Godzilla Kingdom Of Monsters #2 (Matt Frank 'Rodan' Variant Cover), AR
Infestation CVO Covert Vampiric Operations 100-Page Spectacular, $7.99
Locke & Key Keys To The Kingdom #6 (Of 6)(Gabriel Rodriguez Regular Cover), $3.99
Locke & Key Keys To The Kingdom #6 (Of 6)(Gabriel Rodriguez Variant Cover), AR
Phoenix Without Ashes HC (Signed & Numbered Limited Edition), $75.00
Spike Volume 1 HC, $21.99
Transformers Dark Of The Moon Foundation #3 (Of 4)(Brian Rood Regular Cover), $3.99
Transformers Dark Of The Moon Foundation #3 (Of 4)(Andrew Griffith Variant Cover), AR
True Blood Tainted Love #3 (Cover A J. Scott Campbell), $3.99
True Blood Tainted Love #3 (Cover B Jenny Frison), $3.99
True Blood Tainted Love #3 (Photo Variant Cover), AR
True Blood Tainted Love #3 (J. Scott Campbell Interconnected Sketch Variant Cover), AR
68 #1 (Of 4)(Cover B Nat Jones & Jay Fotos), $3.99
68 #1 (Of 4)(Cover C Nat Jones), AR
Bulletproof Coffin TP, $17.99
Echoes #5 (Of 5), $3.99
Haunt #15 (resolicited), $2.99
Image Firsts Elephantmen #1, $1.00
Image Firsts The Walking Dead #1 (2nd Printing Variant Cover), $1.00
Invincible Volume 14 The Viltrumite War TP, $19.99
Marineman #5, $3.99
Mission #3, $2.99
Morning Glories #9, $2.99
Velocity #4 (Of 4), $3.99
Walking Dead #84, $2.99
Walking Dead Weekly #17, $2.99
Sketch Card Mania How To Create Your Own Original Collectible Trading Cards SC, $24.99
Knights Of The Dinner Table #173, $5.99
No Girls Allowed Tales Of Daring Women Dressed As Men For Love Freedom And Adventure GN, $8.95
Age Of X Universe #2 (Of 2), $3.99
Amazing Spider-Man #659, $3.99
Anita Blake Circus Of The Damned The Ingenue #3 (Of 5), $3.99
Astonishing Spider-Man And Wolverine Another Fine Mess #1 (One Shot), $4.99
Avengers #12.1, $2.99
Captain America #617 (Marko Djurdjevic Regular Cover), $3.99
Captain America #617 (Khoi Pham 'Thor Goes Hollywood' Variant Cover), AR
Captain America Operation Rebirth HC (Premiere Edition), $24.99
Captain America Operation Rebirth HC (Premiere Edition)(Direct Market Variant Edition Volume 62), $24.99
Captain America The Trial Of Captain America HC (Premiere Edition), $24.99
Deadpool #36, $2.99
Doomwar TP, $15.99
Essential X-Men Volume 6 TP (All-New Edition), $19.99
Fantastic Four By Jonathan Hickman Volume 4 HC (Premiere Edition), $19.99
Fear Itself #3 Poster (Promotional Item)(not verified by Diamond), AR
FF #1 (Ed McGuinness 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99
FF #2 (Daniel Acuna Regular Cover), $2.99
FF #2 (Greg Horn 'Thor Goes Hollywood' Variant Cover), AR
FF #2 (Marko Djurdjevic Character Variant Cover), AR
Identity Wars Poster By Steve McNiven, $8.99
Incredible Hulks #627 (Doug Braithwaite Regular Cover), $2.99
Incredible Hulks #627 (Michael Del Mundo 'Thor Goes Hollywood' Variant Cover), AR
Marvel Masterworks The Fantastic Four Volume 6 TP (Book Market Edition), $24.99
Marvel Masterworks The Fantastic Four Volume 6 TP (Direct Market Variant Edition Volume 28), $24.99
Marvel Previews #93 (For Products On-Sale July 2011), AR
Mighty Thor #1 (Olivier Coipel Regular Cover), $3.99
Mighty Thor #1 (Blank Variant Cover), $3.99
Mighty Thor #1 (Thor Movie Variant Cover), AR
Mighty Thor #1 (Travis Charest Variant Cover), AR
Mighty Thor #1 (Walt Simonson Variant Cover), AR
Mighty Thor Saga (Promotional Item), AR
Namor The First Mutant #9, $2.99
New Mutants #24, $2.99
Osborn #5 (Of 5), $3.99
Power Man And Iron Fist #4 (Of 5), $2.99
Punisher Franken-Castle TP, $34.99
Runaways Volume 2 Teenage Wasteland Digest (New Printing), $9.99
Ruse #2 (Of 4), $2.99
Secret Avengers #12 (Mike Deodato Regular Cover), $3.99
Secret Avengers #12 (Michael Kaluta 'Thor Goes Hollywood' Variant Cover), AR
Secret Avengers #12.1, $2.99
Sensational She-Hulk By John Byrne Volume 1 TP, $24.99
Speaker For The Dead #4 (Of 5), $3.99
Spider-Girl #6, $2.99
Spider-Man #13 (Marvel Adventures), $2.99
Thor Asgard's Avenger #1 (One Shot), $4.99
Thor Official Index To The Marvel Universe TP, $19.99
Thor The Trials Of Loki HC (Premiere Edition), $19.99
Thor The Warriors Three Unleashed HC (Premiere Edition), $19.99
Thor The Warriors Three Unleashed HC (Premiere Edition)(Direct Market Variant Edition Volume 63), $19.99
Thunderstrike #5 (Of 5), $3.99
Tomb Of Dracula Presents Throne Of Blood #1 (One Shot), $3.99
Ultimate X-Men #1 (Marvel's Greatest Comics), $1.00
Uncanny X-Men #536, $3.99
Venom #2, $2.99
X-23 #9 (Kalman Andrasofszky Regular Cover), $2.99
X-23 #9 ('Thor Goes Hollywood' Variant Cover), AR
X-Men #10 (Terry Dodson Regular Cover), $3.99
X-Men #10 ('Thor Goes Hollywood' Variant Cover), AR
X-Men #10 (Chris Bachalo Variant Cover), AR
X-Men God Loves Man Kills TP (New Printing), $14.99
X-Men Omnibus Volume 2 HC (John Cassaday Book Market Cover), $99.99
X-Men Omnibus Volume 2 HC (George Tuska Direct Market Classic Cover), $99.99
X-Men Vs Avengers And Fantastic Four TP, $24.99
Famous Monsters Underground #1, $7.99
Fleagles Classic EC Artists SC, $25.00
Earp Saints For Sinners #3 (Of 4), $3.50
Judge Dredd Complete Case Files Volume 3 TP (Simon & Schuster Edition), $19.99
Judge Dredd Mega-City Masters Volume 3 SC, $19.99
Doc Savage Double Novel Volume 47, $14.95
Shadow Double Novel Volume 48, $14.95
I Will Bite You And Other Stories GN (not verified by Diamond), $14.00
Fangoria #303 (May 2011), $8.99
Whoops The Art Of Elias Chatzoudis SC, $21.99
Star Wars Insider #125 (Special)(Newsstand Edition), $7.99
Star Wars Insider #125 (Special)(Previews Exclusive Edition), $7.99
Qwaser Of Stigmata Volume 2 Holy Wars Ignite GN (not verified by Diamond), $12.99
Tomarts Action Figure Digest #197, $5.95
Undying Monsters Magazine #1, $9.95
Joss Whedon Conversations SC, $25.00
Vanguard Frazetta Classics Volume 2 White Indian SC, $24.95
Bakuman Volume 4 TP (not verified by Diamond), $9.99
House Of Five Leaves Volume 3 TP, $12.99
Kingyo Used Books Volume 3 GN, $12.99
Black Butler Volume 5 TP, $11.99
High School Of The Dead Volume 2 GN, $13.99
Higurashi When They Cry Volume 12 GN (Eye Opening Arc Part 2), $11.99
Jack Frost Volume 5 TP, $11.99
Laon Volume 5 GN, $11.99
Maximum Ride The Manga Volume 4 TP, $12.99
Omamori Himari Volume 3 GN, $11.99
Pandora Hearts Volume 5 GN, $11.99
Grimm Fairy Tales Myths & Legends #1 (2nd Printing Variant Cover), $2.99
Monster Hunters Survival Guide #4 (Of 5)(Cover A Pasquale Qualano), $2.99
Monster Hunters Survival Guide #4 (Of 5)(Cover B Steven Cummings), $2.99
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA. Any questions regarding the use of this work should be directed to Charles LePage at
Interview with Greg Rucka - New Punisher Ongoing Series
Marvel has officially pulled back the curtain on who will be writing the new Punisher series under the "Big Shots" banner. That man is none other than Greg Rucka. Following the announcement at C2E2, we caught up with Greg to chat about his plans for the character of Frank Castle. We cover everything from how the project got started, to Rucka's return to mainstream comics, to the tricky task of making Frank Castle fit in the main Marvel U., to handling violence in a mainstream Punisher book, and much more.
IGN Comics: Thanks for taking the time to talk to us, Greg. Now that the cat's out of the bag and you have officially been named the writer of the new Punisher series under Marvel's "Big Shots" initiative, I guess the best place to start is the genesis of this project; how did you get involved in taking over the Punisher?
Greg Rucka: Well, I wasn't actually initially approached to be part of the initiative as far as I know. Steve Wacker and I worked together on 52 and he has been in touch over the last year. There was this short story that I did, which Mike Hark drew, for I Am An Avenger and Steve edited that. Then he came back around a couple weeks later and basically said, "Look, we're doing a new Punisher book starting at #1 and I think you'd be really good at it."
And, you know, other people have called me, or suggested books to me, but every pitch just wasn't for me. My initial plan was to just take a year off. I just needed the time off. But it was a combination of Steve coming to me with the right offer, the right project at the right time. It wasn't until we were well into the process that I understood other stuff was going on with the "Big Shots" initiative.
IGN Comics: So how long ago did The Punisher project get started?
Greg Rucka: Steve and I have been talking about it for like 3-4 months now. He originally came to me with the pitch in December. I told him I had to think about it. So Steve being Steve, he kept asking about it [laughs]. I was really leery at the start of this project because there are certain difficulties in putting Frank in the mainstream Marvel universe, especially after you've had these Marvel MAX runs, which Jason Aaron is wrapping up now, and Garth [Ennis] did before him.
So there was a lot of conversation that happened beforehand where I figured out how to make this work for me.
IGN Comics: You've been away from the superhero game for a while now, especially in regards to Marvel, so it must have taken a seriously interesting project to bring you back full-swing.
Greg Rucka: Yes, it was like a year ago that I stopped working in mainstream comics. But it's been about seven years since I did anything consistent for Marvel. I did a few issues of Daredevil, but that was by invitation from Ed Brubaker. And even still, that was less working for a publisher, more working for a friend.
IGN Comics: So what was it about the pitch for Punisher that was really appealing to you?
Greg Rucka: One of the things I love about Frank is that he's simple to the point of elegance, in that there's a lot of nuance to the character. He's not a terribly difficult character to understand at first look. You take a look at him and he makes perfect sense. He's got no secret pain. He's not carrying this deep, dark anything. He's exactly as he appears. He is at war with crime and everything he does is so beautifully and elegantly directed towards one end. And when a character is that clean they actually become this wonderful source for stories about their world and the people around them.
I have no interest in fixing Frank. He doesn't need it. My only job is to give him people that really, really need to die. [laughs] There's something really delightful to go into something as fully realized as the Punisher is.
But the complication is that as beautifully realized as he is, he doesn't really fit into a universe of Marvel heroes.
IGN Comics: That's a great place to go next. How do you plan to make Frank Castle seem, for lack of a better word, relevant in a world where characters like Thor and Galactus exist?
Greg Rucka: Well, frankly, I'm not sure he needs to be "relevant." I have no interest in doing a Punisher slaughters the Marvel Universe storyline, or Punisher vs. Galactus one-off. You know, eventually I would like to write a Punisher vs. Wolverine showdown because that's something people would love to see.
There's a basic story question that's, how long can someone like Frank operate in the Marvel universe before someone like Thor says, "What art thou doing? [laughs] You're killing bad people and this is not appropriate behavior for a hero and we're putting a stop to it." When that happens it will be its own story. And that's something Steve and I are still wrestling with how to handle. And we'll deal with it when the time comes. That's not where we're starting from.
IGN Comics: So we should expect some really gritty, street-level drama stories from the start of this new Punisher series?
Greg Rucka: Yes, and that's where he works best. That's also the reason why he can survive. If you think about it in the grander scale of the Marvel universe, there's Fear Itself going on right now, there's not a lot of time for the heroes to spare on Frank Castle for shooting people in the face who really had it coming.[laughs]
You know, the moon might be crashing down to the Earth, I think they have to deal with that before they turn around and decide they need to take care of the Punisher.
IGN Comics: Now you mentioned earlier that when you and Steve were drafting up this Punisher series, you didn't know about this whole "Big Shots" initiative with the other street-level characters like Moon Knight and Daredevil. Now that you are aware, are there plans to cross-over the titles?
Greg Rucka: I think everyone is staying the hell out of each other's way. With all the people involved and knowing who they are, I think we're all giving each other enough room to run. It would be interesting to see if there's a time and place for that later though.
Honestly, I think it's kind of a cheap thing to do to your audience. You know, introduce a new book and tell them they need to buy all these other stories to get the whole picture. You should be able to buy Punisher #1 and know that, for at least the next half dozen issues, that the story will be told in full right there. You are not going to be required to pick up other books.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Xbox Live Event Calendar March 26 - 31
Saturday March 26 - XBOX ALL NIGHTER
Crysis 2
Monday March 28 - MUSIC MONDAY
Rock Band 3
Tuesday March 29 - FAMILY GAME NIGHT
NBA JAM - Live Arcade
PLAY Fight Night with EA Developers
Wednesday March 30 - GAMERCHiX LADIES NIGHT
Comics to Video Games: Nick Fury @
Comics to Video Games: Nick Fury
Added by Ray "StrongProtector' Carsillo on March 24, 2011 from COMICVINE.COM
Nick Fury's appeared in games before, but what could he do in his own stand alone title?
Nick Fury is one of the Marvel universe’s most important movers and shakers and his history is a long and storied one. World War II hero. Longest ever tenured director of SHIELD. Master manipulator of heroes and villains alike. But Nick Fury has never been the most dynamic of characters by his lonesome and is best known, especially nowadays, as working with a large group of people, whether leading a group of heroes or pulling strings behind the scenes in order to get to what he feels is best for the security of the world. So how could we make Nick the centerpiece of his own game while still playing to this strength?
The easy way out of an article like this would’ve been to just make this some World War II first-person shooter. But we’ve all seen that before and it’s not like Nick has some super powers to mix things up a bit. Plus, you move away from the group dynamic that I think Nick needs. No, this game would have to take place in the modern era and so I recommend featuring the Secret Warriors and making a hybrid game that combines RPG and gameplay elements from a game like Mass Effect 2 and action elements from a game like Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood.
The first problem we would need to consult is the plot and that Nick doesn’t typically leave one of his many secret bases unless it is a severe threat or he is meeting with someone in person (and even then it might just be a Life Model Decoy). Luckily, HYDRA and Leviathan have been pretty busy lately in the comics and keeping Nick active and so this could be our reason for him to have that more hands on approach.
Baron von Strucker would be a logical choice for an antagonist in Fury's game.
I’ve never been good at coming up with a great conspiracy theory, but I’m sure Jonathan Hickman would be willing to lend a hand on fleshing out the plot since we’re using the characters he’s currently writing and could help come up with an original story since we know all the players who will be involved. We have the Secret Warriors, Leviathan, and HYDRA all mixing it up once again for the fate of the free world. Contessa and Baron von Strucker would have to make an appearance somewhere I’m sure.
Now to get back into the gameplay. Much like Mass Effect 2, we’ll have Nick take point of a three-person party with the other two party members being chosen from the Secret Warriors. What would be interesting about this dynamic is while Nick is taking headshots at HYDRA agents, depending on whom you chose from the team, you could have Quake stunning enemies with concentrated seismic tremors while Druid acts like a mage from a fantasy based RPG boosting powers or casting spells from a distance to help strike down the foes of freedom. I’m still not sure if we’ll have Phobos or Hellfire available since they’re technically dead at this point, but this would still give you five Secret Warriors for Fury to choose from as he hops around the world quelling threat after threat.
The Secret Warriors would assist Nick in most of the game's missions.
It wouldn’t be an RPG though if there wasn’t a leveling up system. I still might include a morality meter like in Mass Effect 2, at least for how the team reacts to Nick, but the traditional leveling up system will be very different. Sure, you can upgrade powers, health, and weapons depending on what character is leveling, but Nick Fury is known for having many pieces in motion at once on his worldwide chessboard. So instead of there being a shared XP system like in most RPGs and everyone leveling up rather evenly, team members who are not with Nick on certain missions can be assigned various secondary tasks, much like your assassin trainees in Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood, and in only that way can they level up while you’re out performing your plot required duties. For example, if you always use Slingshot and Stonewall on your team, but then a mission comes up where Eden Fesi's teleportation powers might prove interesting and you haven’t been sending him on secondary missions, he might not be able to pull his own weight on the plot’s primary mission you want to use him for.
Nick will do whatever is necessary in order to complete the mission.
Another aspect of Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood I want to incorporate is the parkour movement aspect. Many, if not all RPGs, can feel very stiff when it comes to movement. Nick Fury is a secret agent though in peak physical condition and has trained all the members of the Secret Warriors himself. So why not have it where you can pull the camera back a little and climb and sneak through various bases and scenarios with your teammates to give it that real espionage feel? Or even have sections where you can choose to have members of your team break off from the group. Have Slingshot race around to the side of a base and flank your enemies or provide a distraction while Nick climbs up and crawls through some ventilation ducts. These choices could really provide a deep strategy aspect to the game as you try to decide what teammates to bring and how to progress through a level.
Another staple of Nick Fury stories is that he has a lot of flashbacks so even though we don’t want to make it the focus, we could have a couple of World War II levels to set up certain missions where Nick teams up with Captain America, Bucky, and/or Wolverine. This could help draw people in with some more name recognition and provide some variety incase we only use the five remaining members of the Secret Warriors as team choices. Or maybe have a few levels where Nick's agenda could go against those of the Avengers or other heroes to really put a twist on things as Nick and the Secret Warriors could face off against friends and allies.
So what do you think of a possible Nick Fury espionage RPG with his Secret Warriors? What twists and turns could be made to the plot? Should Nick call in favors from some more well-known heroes in the Marvel universe for cameos?
Added by Ray "StrongProtector' Carsillo on March 24, 2011 from COMICVINE.COM
Nick Fury's appeared in games before, but what could he do in his own stand alone title?
Nick Fury is one of the Marvel universe’s most important movers and shakers and his history is a long and storied one. World War II hero. Longest ever tenured director of SHIELD. Master manipulator of heroes and villains alike. But Nick Fury has never been the most dynamic of characters by his lonesome and is best known, especially nowadays, as working with a large group of people, whether leading a group of heroes or pulling strings behind the scenes in order to get to what he feels is best for the security of the world. So how could we make Nick the centerpiece of his own game while still playing to this strength?
The easy way out of an article like this would’ve been to just make this some World War II first-person shooter. But we’ve all seen that before and it’s not like Nick has some super powers to mix things up a bit. Plus, you move away from the group dynamic that I think Nick needs. No, this game would have to take place in the modern era and so I recommend featuring the Secret Warriors and making a hybrid game that combines RPG and gameplay elements from a game like Mass Effect 2 and action elements from a game like Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood.
The first problem we would need to consult is the plot and that Nick doesn’t typically leave one of his many secret bases unless it is a severe threat or he is meeting with someone in person (and even then it might just be a Life Model Decoy). Luckily, HYDRA and Leviathan have been pretty busy lately in the comics and keeping Nick active and so this could be our reason for him to have that more hands on approach.
Baron von Strucker would be a logical choice for an antagonist in Fury's game.
I’ve never been good at coming up with a great conspiracy theory, but I’m sure Jonathan Hickman would be willing to lend a hand on fleshing out the plot since we’re using the characters he’s currently writing and could help come up with an original story since we know all the players who will be involved. We have the Secret Warriors, Leviathan, and HYDRA all mixing it up once again for the fate of the free world. Contessa and Baron von Strucker would have to make an appearance somewhere I’m sure.
Now to get back into the gameplay. Much like Mass Effect 2, we’ll have Nick take point of a three-person party with the other two party members being chosen from the Secret Warriors. What would be interesting about this dynamic is while Nick is taking headshots at HYDRA agents, depending on whom you chose from the team, you could have Quake stunning enemies with concentrated seismic tremors while Druid acts like a mage from a fantasy based RPG boosting powers or casting spells from a distance to help strike down the foes of freedom. I’m still not sure if we’ll have Phobos or Hellfire available since they’re technically dead at this point, but this would still give you five Secret Warriors for Fury to choose from as he hops around the world quelling threat after threat.
The Secret Warriors would assist Nick in most of the game's missions.
It wouldn’t be an RPG though if there wasn’t a leveling up system. I still might include a morality meter like in Mass Effect 2, at least for how the team reacts to Nick, but the traditional leveling up system will be very different. Sure, you can upgrade powers, health, and weapons depending on what character is leveling, but Nick Fury is known for having many pieces in motion at once on his worldwide chessboard. So instead of there being a shared XP system like in most RPGs and everyone leveling up rather evenly, team members who are not with Nick on certain missions can be assigned various secondary tasks, much like your assassin trainees in Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood, and in only that way can they level up while you’re out performing your plot required duties. For example, if you always use Slingshot and Stonewall on your team, but then a mission comes up where Eden Fesi's teleportation powers might prove interesting and you haven’t been sending him on secondary missions, he might not be able to pull his own weight on the plot’s primary mission you want to use him for.
Nick will do whatever is necessary in order to complete the mission.
Another aspect of Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood I want to incorporate is the parkour movement aspect. Many, if not all RPGs, can feel very stiff when it comes to movement. Nick Fury is a secret agent though in peak physical condition and has trained all the members of the Secret Warriors himself. So why not have it where you can pull the camera back a little and climb and sneak through various bases and scenarios with your teammates to give it that real espionage feel? Or even have sections where you can choose to have members of your team break off from the group. Have Slingshot race around to the side of a base and flank your enemies or provide a distraction while Nick climbs up and crawls through some ventilation ducts. These choices could really provide a deep strategy aspect to the game as you try to decide what teammates to bring and how to progress through a level.
Another staple of Nick Fury stories is that he has a lot of flashbacks so even though we don’t want to make it the focus, we could have a couple of World War II levels to set up certain missions where Nick teams up with Captain America, Bucky, and/or Wolverine. This could help draw people in with some more name recognition and provide some variety incase we only use the five remaining members of the Secret Warriors as team choices. Or maybe have a few levels where Nick's agenda could go against those of the Avengers or other heroes to really put a twist on things as Nick and the Secret Warriors could face off against friends and allies.
So what do you think of a possible Nick Fury espionage RPG with his Secret Warriors? What twists and turns could be made to the plot? Should Nick call in favors from some more well-known heroes in the Marvel universe for cameos?
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Review: Streets of Gotham #21 from Gotham Knights Online
Review – Streets of Gotham #21
Title: The House of Hush Finale
Written by: Paul Dini
Art by: Dustin Nguyen, Derek Fridolfs
Cover by: Dustin Nguyen
Release Date: March 23, 2011
Official DC Snyopsis: The sequel to “Heart of Hush” concludes! The life of Tommy Elliot takes a shocking new turn as “House of Hush” reaches its final soul-searing chapter. Secrets are revealed, lives are torn apart and a deadly new villain rises to threaten the existence of Batman and his allies.
Review by: Cesar Rodriguez
Well, it’s here, the final issue of Streets of Gotham has arrived. All the characters and plots that Dini has been building over the last several months finally reach their climax in this concluding issue. Looking back at the entire series, if there is one character who stole the spotlight more than any other, it was definitely Hush. Dini obviously must have come to really love the character during his stint on Detective Comics, because it often felt like he couldn’t resist using him on this title repeatedly. Not that I’m complaining, because quite frankly he made Hush into kind of a bad ass. This chapter opens with Hush betraying his new ‘allies’, Judson Pierce and Doctor Death, only to then be captured by a very unsuspecting villain after trying to settle his own score by himself. Those friends of his really could have come in handy right about now. Pierce, while dying from a gunshot, then remembers how he came to this point by showing us in flashback just why he spent so many years in prison. After awakening Dr. Death, the two of them manage to escape but Pierce unfortunately has a little chemical accident, and if you read comics you know that for some reason strange chemicals always have a handy way of bringing out the most bizarre side effects, as opposed to deadly infection of course.
What’s great about this issue is that it really does feel like the final issue of a long story as many of the characters undergo some sort of change that wraps up their story for the time being. It looks like Pierce may have a future as a new addition to Batmans ever growing rogues gallery, and Hush… well, let’s just say that he won’t be posing as Bruce Wayne any longer. At the same time, it’s obvious that Dini had plans for many more issues as there were several subplots that were laid out but now abandoned (Catwoman, Bedbug) now that the book is being canceled. This certainly isn’t the end of Dini’s career on Batman, as he has a new mini series coming up, so there may be a chance that any future plans he had may be brought to another title someday. Dustin Nguyen’s art will probably be the first thing that pops into my head when I think about this book,as he brought his unique art style to render what is definitely the best rogues gallery in all comics, and while his work on Batgirl is great as well, I feel like his style just works so much better when dealing with the scummy and twisted villains of Gotham.
As a huge fan of crime fiction and film noir, I remember when Streets of Gotham was first announced and being quite intrigued by the street level nature of what at the time promised to be a successor to Gotham Central, a book I continually champion as being one of the best comic books ever made. It turned out that while Streets of Gotham was indeed a gritty street level comic, it chose to focus on the other side of the law, which I feel is just as interesting of a premise. I’m going to miss reviewing Streets of Gotham, especially considering that this was the first book that I was given to review for this website, and while not every issue was a home run, it sure was a fun ride. Obviously the adventures of Batman, and the various villains who appeared throughout this comic will never end, but with so many Bat-titles these days it is probably for the best to trim out a few.
Score: 3.5/5
Link to GKO website/review:
Review – Streets of Gotham #21
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