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Saturday, March 26, 2011
Xbox Live Event Calendar March 26 - 31
Saturday March 26 - XBOX ALL NIGHTER
Crysis 2
Monday March 28 - MUSIC MONDAY
Rock Band 3
Tuesday March 29 - FAMILY GAME NIGHT
NBA JAM - Live Arcade
PLAY Fight Night with EA Developers
Wednesday March 30 - GAMERCHiX LADIES NIGHT
Comics to Video Games: Nick Fury @
Comics to Video Games: Nick Fury
Added by Ray "StrongProtector' Carsillo on March 24, 2011 from COMICVINE.COM
Nick Fury's appeared in games before, but what could he do in his own stand alone title?
Nick Fury is one of the Marvel universe’s most important movers and shakers and his history is a long and storied one. World War II hero. Longest ever tenured director of SHIELD. Master manipulator of heroes and villains alike. But Nick Fury has never been the most dynamic of characters by his lonesome and is best known, especially nowadays, as working with a large group of people, whether leading a group of heroes or pulling strings behind the scenes in order to get to what he feels is best for the security of the world. So how could we make Nick the centerpiece of his own game while still playing to this strength?
The easy way out of an article like this would’ve been to just make this some World War II first-person shooter. But we’ve all seen that before and it’s not like Nick has some super powers to mix things up a bit. Plus, you move away from the group dynamic that I think Nick needs. No, this game would have to take place in the modern era and so I recommend featuring the Secret Warriors and making a hybrid game that combines RPG and gameplay elements from a game like Mass Effect 2 and action elements from a game like Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood.
The first problem we would need to consult is the plot and that Nick doesn’t typically leave one of his many secret bases unless it is a severe threat or he is meeting with someone in person (and even then it might just be a Life Model Decoy). Luckily, HYDRA and Leviathan have been pretty busy lately in the comics and keeping Nick active and so this could be our reason for him to have that more hands on approach.
Baron von Strucker would be a logical choice for an antagonist in Fury's game.
I’ve never been good at coming up with a great conspiracy theory, but I’m sure Jonathan Hickman would be willing to lend a hand on fleshing out the plot since we’re using the characters he’s currently writing and could help come up with an original story since we know all the players who will be involved. We have the Secret Warriors, Leviathan, and HYDRA all mixing it up once again for the fate of the free world. Contessa and Baron von Strucker would have to make an appearance somewhere I’m sure.
Now to get back into the gameplay. Much like Mass Effect 2, we’ll have Nick take point of a three-person party with the other two party members being chosen from the Secret Warriors. What would be interesting about this dynamic is while Nick is taking headshots at HYDRA agents, depending on whom you chose from the team, you could have Quake stunning enemies with concentrated seismic tremors while Druid acts like a mage from a fantasy based RPG boosting powers or casting spells from a distance to help strike down the foes of freedom. I’m still not sure if we’ll have Phobos or Hellfire available since they’re technically dead at this point, but this would still give you five Secret Warriors for Fury to choose from as he hops around the world quelling threat after threat.
The Secret Warriors would assist Nick in most of the game's missions.
It wouldn’t be an RPG though if there wasn’t a leveling up system. I still might include a morality meter like in Mass Effect 2, at least for how the team reacts to Nick, but the traditional leveling up system will be very different. Sure, you can upgrade powers, health, and weapons depending on what character is leveling, but Nick Fury is known for having many pieces in motion at once on his worldwide chessboard. So instead of there being a shared XP system like in most RPGs and everyone leveling up rather evenly, team members who are not with Nick on certain missions can be assigned various secondary tasks, much like your assassin trainees in Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood, and in only that way can they level up while you’re out performing your plot required duties. For example, if you always use Slingshot and Stonewall on your team, but then a mission comes up where Eden Fesi's teleportation powers might prove interesting and you haven’t been sending him on secondary missions, he might not be able to pull his own weight on the plot’s primary mission you want to use him for.
Nick will do whatever is necessary in order to complete the mission.
Another aspect of Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood I want to incorporate is the parkour movement aspect. Many, if not all RPGs, can feel very stiff when it comes to movement. Nick Fury is a secret agent though in peak physical condition and has trained all the members of the Secret Warriors himself. So why not have it where you can pull the camera back a little and climb and sneak through various bases and scenarios with your teammates to give it that real espionage feel? Or even have sections where you can choose to have members of your team break off from the group. Have Slingshot race around to the side of a base and flank your enemies or provide a distraction while Nick climbs up and crawls through some ventilation ducts. These choices could really provide a deep strategy aspect to the game as you try to decide what teammates to bring and how to progress through a level.
Another staple of Nick Fury stories is that he has a lot of flashbacks so even though we don’t want to make it the focus, we could have a couple of World War II levels to set up certain missions where Nick teams up with Captain America, Bucky, and/or Wolverine. This could help draw people in with some more name recognition and provide some variety incase we only use the five remaining members of the Secret Warriors as team choices. Or maybe have a few levels where Nick's agenda could go against those of the Avengers or other heroes to really put a twist on things as Nick and the Secret Warriors could face off against friends and allies.
So what do you think of a possible Nick Fury espionage RPG with his Secret Warriors? What twists and turns could be made to the plot? Should Nick call in favors from some more well-known heroes in the Marvel universe for cameos?
Added by Ray "StrongProtector' Carsillo on March 24, 2011 from COMICVINE.COM
Nick Fury's appeared in games before, but what could he do in his own stand alone title?
Nick Fury is one of the Marvel universe’s most important movers and shakers and his history is a long and storied one. World War II hero. Longest ever tenured director of SHIELD. Master manipulator of heroes and villains alike. But Nick Fury has never been the most dynamic of characters by his lonesome and is best known, especially nowadays, as working with a large group of people, whether leading a group of heroes or pulling strings behind the scenes in order to get to what he feels is best for the security of the world. So how could we make Nick the centerpiece of his own game while still playing to this strength?
The easy way out of an article like this would’ve been to just make this some World War II first-person shooter. But we’ve all seen that before and it’s not like Nick has some super powers to mix things up a bit. Plus, you move away from the group dynamic that I think Nick needs. No, this game would have to take place in the modern era and so I recommend featuring the Secret Warriors and making a hybrid game that combines RPG and gameplay elements from a game like Mass Effect 2 and action elements from a game like Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood.
The first problem we would need to consult is the plot and that Nick doesn’t typically leave one of his many secret bases unless it is a severe threat or he is meeting with someone in person (and even then it might just be a Life Model Decoy). Luckily, HYDRA and Leviathan have been pretty busy lately in the comics and keeping Nick active and so this could be our reason for him to have that more hands on approach.
Baron von Strucker would be a logical choice for an antagonist in Fury's game.
I’ve never been good at coming up with a great conspiracy theory, but I’m sure Jonathan Hickman would be willing to lend a hand on fleshing out the plot since we’re using the characters he’s currently writing and could help come up with an original story since we know all the players who will be involved. We have the Secret Warriors, Leviathan, and HYDRA all mixing it up once again for the fate of the free world. Contessa and Baron von Strucker would have to make an appearance somewhere I’m sure.
Now to get back into the gameplay. Much like Mass Effect 2, we’ll have Nick take point of a three-person party with the other two party members being chosen from the Secret Warriors. What would be interesting about this dynamic is while Nick is taking headshots at HYDRA agents, depending on whom you chose from the team, you could have Quake stunning enemies with concentrated seismic tremors while Druid acts like a mage from a fantasy based RPG boosting powers or casting spells from a distance to help strike down the foes of freedom. I’m still not sure if we’ll have Phobos or Hellfire available since they’re technically dead at this point, but this would still give you five Secret Warriors for Fury to choose from as he hops around the world quelling threat after threat.
The Secret Warriors would assist Nick in most of the game's missions.
It wouldn’t be an RPG though if there wasn’t a leveling up system. I still might include a morality meter like in Mass Effect 2, at least for how the team reacts to Nick, but the traditional leveling up system will be very different. Sure, you can upgrade powers, health, and weapons depending on what character is leveling, but Nick Fury is known for having many pieces in motion at once on his worldwide chessboard. So instead of there being a shared XP system like in most RPGs and everyone leveling up rather evenly, team members who are not with Nick on certain missions can be assigned various secondary tasks, much like your assassin trainees in Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood, and in only that way can they level up while you’re out performing your plot required duties. For example, if you always use Slingshot and Stonewall on your team, but then a mission comes up where Eden Fesi's teleportation powers might prove interesting and you haven’t been sending him on secondary missions, he might not be able to pull his own weight on the plot’s primary mission you want to use him for.
Nick will do whatever is necessary in order to complete the mission.
Another aspect of Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood I want to incorporate is the parkour movement aspect. Many, if not all RPGs, can feel very stiff when it comes to movement. Nick Fury is a secret agent though in peak physical condition and has trained all the members of the Secret Warriors himself. So why not have it where you can pull the camera back a little and climb and sneak through various bases and scenarios with your teammates to give it that real espionage feel? Or even have sections where you can choose to have members of your team break off from the group. Have Slingshot race around to the side of a base and flank your enemies or provide a distraction while Nick climbs up and crawls through some ventilation ducts. These choices could really provide a deep strategy aspect to the game as you try to decide what teammates to bring and how to progress through a level.
Another staple of Nick Fury stories is that he has a lot of flashbacks so even though we don’t want to make it the focus, we could have a couple of World War II levels to set up certain missions where Nick teams up with Captain America, Bucky, and/or Wolverine. This could help draw people in with some more name recognition and provide some variety incase we only use the five remaining members of the Secret Warriors as team choices. Or maybe have a few levels where Nick's agenda could go against those of the Avengers or other heroes to really put a twist on things as Nick and the Secret Warriors could face off against friends and allies.
So what do you think of a possible Nick Fury espionage RPG with his Secret Warriors? What twists and turns could be made to the plot? Should Nick call in favors from some more well-known heroes in the Marvel universe for cameos?
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Review: Streets of Gotham #21 from Gotham Knights Online
Review – Streets of Gotham #21
Title: The House of Hush Finale
Written by: Paul Dini
Art by: Dustin Nguyen, Derek Fridolfs
Cover by: Dustin Nguyen
Release Date: March 23, 2011
Official DC Snyopsis: The sequel to “Heart of Hush” concludes! The life of Tommy Elliot takes a shocking new turn as “House of Hush” reaches its final soul-searing chapter. Secrets are revealed, lives are torn apart and a deadly new villain rises to threaten the existence of Batman and his allies.
Review by: Cesar Rodriguez
Well, it’s here, the final issue of Streets of Gotham has arrived. All the characters and plots that Dini has been building over the last several months finally reach their climax in this concluding issue. Looking back at the entire series, if there is one character who stole the spotlight more than any other, it was definitely Hush. Dini obviously must have come to really love the character during his stint on Detective Comics, because it often felt like he couldn’t resist using him on this title repeatedly. Not that I’m complaining, because quite frankly he made Hush into kind of a bad ass. This chapter opens with Hush betraying his new ‘allies’, Judson Pierce and Doctor Death, only to then be captured by a very unsuspecting villain after trying to settle his own score by himself. Those friends of his really could have come in handy right about now. Pierce, while dying from a gunshot, then remembers how he came to this point by showing us in flashback just why he spent so many years in prison. After awakening Dr. Death, the two of them manage to escape but Pierce unfortunately has a little chemical accident, and if you read comics you know that for some reason strange chemicals always have a handy way of bringing out the most bizarre side effects, as opposed to deadly infection of course.
What’s great about this issue is that it really does feel like the final issue of a long story as many of the characters undergo some sort of change that wraps up their story for the time being. It looks like Pierce may have a future as a new addition to Batmans ever growing rogues gallery, and Hush… well, let’s just say that he won’t be posing as Bruce Wayne any longer. At the same time, it’s obvious that Dini had plans for many more issues as there were several subplots that were laid out but now abandoned (Catwoman, Bedbug) now that the book is being canceled. This certainly isn’t the end of Dini’s career on Batman, as he has a new mini series coming up, so there may be a chance that any future plans he had may be brought to another title someday. Dustin Nguyen’s art will probably be the first thing that pops into my head when I think about this book,as he brought his unique art style to render what is definitely the best rogues gallery in all comics, and while his work on Batgirl is great as well, I feel like his style just works so much better when dealing with the scummy and twisted villains of Gotham.
As a huge fan of crime fiction and film noir, I remember when Streets of Gotham was first announced and being quite intrigued by the street level nature of what at the time promised to be a successor to Gotham Central, a book I continually champion as being one of the best comic books ever made. It turned out that while Streets of Gotham was indeed a gritty street level comic, it chose to focus on the other side of the law, which I feel is just as interesting of a premise. I’m going to miss reviewing Streets of Gotham, especially considering that this was the first book that I was given to review for this website, and while not every issue was a home run, it sure was a fun ride. Obviously the adventures of Batman, and the various villains who appeared throughout this comic will never end, but with so many Bat-titles these days it is probably for the best to trim out a few.
Score: 3.5/5
Link to GKO website/review:
Review – Streets of Gotham #21
Boom! Studios To Distribute Avatar Press Graphic Trades
BOOM! Studios announced today that it has entered into an agreement with Avatar Press to distribute their graphic novels to the book trade. This agreement will see BOOM! distributing Avatar to the United States via BOOM!’s existing relationship with Simon & Schuster and Canadian distribution through BOOM!’s existing relationship through HarperCollins Canada.
The new BOOM! Studios/Avatar mass market partnership sees two of the top ten Direct Market publishers teaming in up for a unique relationship, extending both brands into the mass market.
“The Avatar library is an excellent compliment to the existing BOOM! list that doesn’t cannibalize our Studios and KABOOM! offerings, but rounds out what we are already doing,” said Founder and CEO of BOOM! Studios Ross Richie. “Avatars’ CEO William Christensen is a brilliant businessman and has a proven track record of great Direct Market success. Avatar has great growth potential in the mass market book trade, and we look forward to being an excellent partner in their continued expansion!”
“Distributing via BOOM!, Simon and Schuster, and HarperCollins enables Avatar to bring its world-renowned, best-selling catalog of the biggest creators in the business to a wider audience,” said Avatar Press publisher William Christensen. “Top talent like Alan Moore, Warren Ellis, and Garth Ennis continue to show sales growth and fan interest.”
Simon & Schuster and HarperCollins Canada begins distribution of Avatar Press’ eclectic line of independent graphic novels on March 21, 2011 and will also begin accepting returns as of that date. Diamond Comics Distributors Inc. will continue to accept returns for all Avatar Press books up until March 20, 2011.
BOOM! Studios began distributing their original and licensed graphic novels through Simon & Schuster and HarperCollins Canada in July 2009.
Avatar Press is known for publishing such comic book luminaries as Alan Moore (NEONOMICON), Garth Ennis (CROSSED, CHRONICLES OF WORMWOOD), Warren Ellis (FREAKANGELS, BLACK SUMMER), as well as New York Times bestselling author George R.R. Martin (FEVRE DREAM) and licensed comics based on George A. Romero’s NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD.
Simon & Schuster, a part of CBS Corporation, is a global leader in the field of general interest publishing, dedicated to providing the best in fiction and nonfiction for consumers of all ages, across all printed, electronic, and audio formats. Its divisions include Simon & Schuster Adult Publishing, Simon & Schuster Children’s Publishing, Simon & Schuster Audio, Simon & Schuster Digital, and international companies in Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom. For more information, please visit
HarperCollins Canada publishes fiction, non-fiction, and books for children, as well as religious and reference books. HarperCollins imprints in Canada include HarperCollins, Harper Perennial, HarperTrophyCanada, Collins, and Phyllis Bruce Books. These imprints publish many of Canada’s finest writers, including Bonnie Burnard, Charlotte Gray, Lawrence Hill, Barbara Kingsolver and Kenneth Oppel as well as writers and leading authorities from Canada and around the world, such as Nick Cave, Tim Flannery, Theo Fleury, J.L. Granatstein, and General Rick Hillier. For more information, please visit
About Avatar Press
Avatar Press is a leading independent company publishing a wide variety of comic books and graphic novels by the most talented and celebrated creators in the industry. Among their fine products are highly-regarded creator-owned titles such as George R.R. Martin’s FEVRE DREAM, Alan Moore’s NEONOMICON and WRITING FOR COMICS, Warren Ellis’ FREAKANGELS and BLACK SUMMER, and Garth Ennis’ CROSSED and CHRONICLES OF WORMWOOD, as well as licensed comic projects including NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD. For more information about Avatar Press and their publications, please visit or contact
About BOOM! Studios
Award-winning “Best Publisher” BOOM! Studios ( generates a constellation of bestselling comic books and graphic novels with the industry’s top talent, including Mark Waid series IRREDEEMABLE, Stan Lee’s SOLDIER ZERO, THE TRAVELER, and STARBORN (the first new series in print from the industry icon in 20 years), new HELLRAISER comics written by Clive Barker as well as 20th Century Fox’s PLANET OF THE APES, 28 DAYS LATER, and DIE HARD, Philip K. Dick’s DO ANDROIDS DREAM OF ELECTRIC SHEEP?, and The Henson Company’s FARSCAPE. BOOM!’s recently rebranded all-ages imprint, kaboom! will see publication of PEANUTS, SPACE WARPED, Roger Langridge’s SNARKED!, Scholastic’s WORD GIRL and DUCK TALES, as well as continuing to publish fan-favorite Disney Afternoon series DARKWING DUCK, CHIP ‘N’ DALE RESCUE RANGERS along with Disney standards MICKEY MOUSE, DONALD DUCK, UNCLE SCROOGE, and WALT DISNEY’S COMICS AND STORIES.
Bryan Singer Owns His Mistakes On Superman Returns
Another (semi) FAIL.

The best interviews are always, always the candid ones. It’s rare that you see it in the celebrity world, but sit down and pay attention when it does … because you’re going to learn something.
Bryan Singer recently sat down with VoicesFromKrypton to give a master class in being candid, discussing the cold, hard truths relating to his work on Superman Returns, which is arguably — arguably, commenters — the least of the films in that franchise. It’s not a terribly lengthy interview, but the filmmaker packs quite a lot into it.
“I think that Superman Returns was a bit nostalgic and romantic, and I don’t think that was what people were expecting, especially in the summer,” he said. He also noted that he’d spotted plenty of women in line for The Devil Wears Prada, but very few for comic book movies. “I really do think I was making the film for that Devil Wears Prada audience of women who wouldn’t normally come to a superhero film.”
Ouch. That’s probably going to come back to haunt him at some point. If you’re the one doing the haunting, just remember that he’s the one who admitted it when most would have simply just not spoken up at all.
Singer also adds that his love for the original Superman movie may have been too great, which in turn cast Returns as too much of an homage. “I embraced the comic-ness and made this alternate, bucolic Metropolis. Then there was the music and the whole thing,” he said.
“But I am very much in love with the Donner picture, and for me the journey was exciting because I got the chance to reprise those images and explore it. When you’re fascinated by something and you love it, part of making the movie is trying to please everyone and make a successful movie, but part of it is an experimental kind of thing.”
Here is a link to the article: CLICK HERE
The best interviews are always, always the candid ones. It’s rare that you see it in the celebrity world, but sit down and pay attention when it does … because you’re going to learn something.
Bryan Singer recently sat down with VoicesFromKrypton to give a master class in being candid, discussing the cold, hard truths relating to his work on Superman Returns, which is arguably — arguably, commenters — the least of the films in that franchise. It’s not a terribly lengthy interview, but the filmmaker packs quite a lot into it.
“I think that Superman Returns was a bit nostalgic and romantic, and I don’t think that was what people were expecting, especially in the summer,” he said. He also noted that he’d spotted plenty of women in line for The Devil Wears Prada, but very few for comic book movies. “I really do think I was making the film for that Devil Wears Prada audience of women who wouldn’t normally come to a superhero film.”
Ouch. That’s probably going to come back to haunt him at some point. If you’re the one doing the haunting, just remember that he’s the one who admitted it when most would have simply just not spoken up at all.
Singer also adds that his love for the original Superman movie may have been too great, which in turn cast Returns as too much of an homage. “I embraced the comic-ness and made this alternate, bucolic Metropolis. Then there was the music and the whole thing,” he said.
“But I am very much in love with the Donner picture, and for me the journey was exciting because I got the chance to reprise those images and explore it. When you’re fascinated by something and you love it, part of making the movie is trying to please everyone and make a successful movie, but part of it is an experimental kind of thing.”
Here is a link to the article: CLICK HERE
Top 10 Halo 3 Epic Fails: Episode 24 (Machinima)
In keeping up with the "FAIL" theme this week...he is a fave of mine, courtesy of HALO 3...
Friday, March 25, 2011
WTF of the Week - Fail of the Living Dead from Antartic Press
It had to happen sooner or now we've arrived.
Stories & Art: Perry, Dunn, Hutchison, Wight Congratulations, zombies, you've got yourself a mouthful of fresh, juicy, living FAIL! Even the best of zombies (such as they are) don't always get their prey. Slips, trips, flips and other mips - er, mishaps can befall them at any time, usually when it's funniest. We've captured some of these heart-warming, rib-tickling, brain-missing moments to share and enjoy with all of you.
This Week's Comic Releases: 03/23/2011
ComicList: New Comic Book Releases List for Wednesday, March 23, 2011. This work, a list of the comic books, graphic novels, and other products that should be available in your local or online comic book shop this week, is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License, and is © 2011 by Charles LePage.
Information provided by our friends at Things From Another World. To find a local comic book shop, please browse The Master List of Comic Book & Trading Card Stores. Check out the Comiclist Community Page and FriendFeed ComicList Room for discussions about your favorite comics.
PLEASE NOTE- Not all of these titles will actually arrive in all stores. Let me know if any of the names or numbers are wrong. Items being released this week per sources other than Diamond Distribution are individually noted.
TITLE, ISSUE NUMBER, PRICE IN U.S. DOLLARS ("AR" means "ask your retailer for the price")
007 Magazine #54, $17.00
Indie Comics Magazine #1, $6.49
Comics The Complete Collection HC (not verified by Diamond), $40.00
Fall Of The Wolfmen GN, $5.95
Femforce #155, $9.95
Lees Toy Review #217 (Dec 2010)(not verified by Diamond), $6.95
Manga Shakespeare Merchant Of Venice GN, $10.95
Manga Shakespeare Twelfth Night GN, $10.95
Shrek #3 (Of 4), $3.95
Archie Americana Series Volume 12 Best Of The 90s Book 2 TP (not verified by Diamond), $11.95
Neonomicon #4 (Of 4)(Jacen Burrows Regular Cover), $3.99
Neonomicon #4 (Of 4)(Jacen Burrows Book Of The Dead Incentive Cover), AR
Neonomicon #4 (Of 4)(Jacen Burrows Auxiliary Edition Cover), $3.99
Neonomicon #4 (Of 4)(Jacen Burrows Wraparound Cover), $3.99
Doctor Who The New Adventures Volume 2 The Jade Pyramid & The Gemini Contagion, $19.95
Blackbeard Legacy GN, $14.99
Female Force #14 (Sonia Sotomayor)(Foil Edition), $19.99
Female Force Best Sellers TP, $15.99
Legend Of Isis Volume 3 Return Of The Scarab Queen TP, $15.99
Rock N Roll Comics Volume 5 Elvis Presley Experience TP, $17.99
William Shatner Presents Tek War Volume 2 TP, $15.99
Futurama Comics #54, $2.99
Simpsons Comics Meltdown TP, $15.99
Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep #21 (Of 24), $3.99
Donald Duck & Friends Feathers Of Fury TP, $9.99
Dracula The Company Of Monsters #8, $3.99
Hellraiser #1 (Cover A Tim Bradstreet), $3.99
Hellraiser #1 (Cover B Nick Percival), $3.99
Hellraiser #1 (Cover C Clive Barker)(Signed by Clive Barker), AR
Walt Disneys Comics & Stories #717, $3.99
Gulliver's Travels GN (Campfire Graphic Novels), $9.99
Cinefex #125 (Apr 2011), $12.50
Comic Shop News #1240, AR
Comic Shop News Spring 2011 Preview, AR
Warriors Of The Dharuk #1 (Of 4), $3.99
Creepy #5, $4.99
Finder Library Volume 1 TP, $24.99
Mass Effect Evolution #3 (Of 4)(Massimo Carnevale Regular Cover), $3.50
Mass Effect Evolution #3 (Of 4)(Joe Quinones Variant Cover), $3.50
Oh My Goddess Volume 17 TP, $11.99
Batman Incorporated #4 (J.H. Williams III Regular Cover), $2.99
Batman Incorporated #4 (Yanick Paquette Variant Cover), AR
Batman Streets Of Gotham #21 (Final Issue), $2.99
Batman The Dark Knight #2 (David Finch Regular Cover), $3.99
Batman The Dark Knight #2 (Andy Clarke Variant Cover), AR
Cover Girls Of The DC Universe Supergirl Statue, $99.99
DC Chronicles Death Statue, $99.99
Demo Volume 2 TP, $17.99
Fables #103, $2.99
Green Lantern #64 (Ivan Reis & Oclair Albert Regular Cover), $2.99
Green Lantern #64 (Tyler Kirkham & Batt Variant Cover), AR
Green Lantern Corps #58 (Tyler Kirkham & Batt Regular Cover), $2.99
Green Lantern Corps #58 (Patrick Gleason Variant Cover), AR
Green Lantern Neon Sign, $299.99
Hellblazer #277, $2.99
inFamous #2 (Of 6), $2.99
Justice League Generation Lost #22 (Dustin Nguyen Regular Cover), $2.99
Justice League Generation Lost #22 (Kevin Maguire Variant Cover), AR
Justice League Of America #55 (Brett Booth Regular Cover), $2.99
Justice League Of America #55 (David Mack Variant Cover), AR
Legion Of Super-Heroes #11, $2.99
New York Five #3 (Of 4), $2.99
Showcase Presents The Witching Hour Volume 1 TP, $19.99
Supergirl #62, $2.99
Superman Batman #82, $2.99
Titans Volume 4 Villains For Hire TP, $14.99
True Blood Merlotte's Neon Sign, $89.99
Unwritten Volume 3 Dead Mans Knock TP, $14.99
Color Ink DIY Art Periodical Volume 9, $10.00
Fantastic Four #587 (Steve Epting Signed Edition), $29.99
Grimm Fairy Tales Myths & Legends #2 (Exclusive Cover), $14.99
Jennifer Blood #2 (Jonathan Lau Virgin Exclusive Cover), $7.99
Warlord Of Mars Dejah Thoris #1 (Arthur Adams Exclusive Red Cover), $6.99
Green Hornet #14 (Alex Ross Regular Cover), $3.99
Green Hornet #14 (Alex Ross Virgin Variant Cover), AR
Green Hornet #14 (Jonathan Lau Variant Cover), AR
Green Hornet #14 (Phil Hester Variant Cover), AR
Queen Sonja #15 (Carlos Rafael Regular Cover), $3.99
Queen Sonja #15 (Fabiano Neves Regular Cover), $3.99
Red Sonja Deluge (One Shot)(Dan Brereton Regular Cover), $4.99
Red Sonja Deluge (One Shot)(Chris Bolson Variant Cover), AR
Red Sonja Deluge (One Shot)(Dan Brereton Virgin Variant Cover), AR
Warlord Of Mars #3 (J. Scott Campbell Blue Limited Edition Cover)(not verified by Diamond), AR
Warlord Of Mars #4 (Dynamite Authentix Edition Cover)(not verified by Diamond), AR
Warlord Of Mars #4 (J. Scott Campbell Blue Limited Edition Cover)(not verified by Diamond), AR
Warlord Of Mars #4 (J. Scott Campbell Red Limited Edition Cover)(not verified by Diamond), AR
Graphic Classics Volume 20 Western Classics GN, $17.95
21 The Story Of Roberto Clemente HC (not verified by Diamond), $22.99
Arctic Marauder HC, $16.99
Complete Peanuts Volume 15 1979-1980 HC (not verified by Diamond), $28.99
Dungeon Quest Volume 2 GN, $12.99
R.I.P. Best Of 1985-2004 HC (not verified by Diamond), $28.99
Comic Heroes Magazine #5, $18.99
SFX #206, $9.99
Fantasy Plus Volume 3 Hand-Painted Illustrations SC (not verified by Diamond), $29.95
Zombie Autopsies Secret Notebooks From The Apocalypse HC, $19.99
Heavy Metal Volume 35 #3 (May 2011)(not verified by Diamond), $6.95
Archie 50 Times An American Icon SC, $10.00
Juxtapoz #123 (Apr 2011), $5.99
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Sunday, March 20, 2011
Newsarama: Interview with Greg Rucka
The following is available HERE.
Found this online today, with longtime DC scribe Greg Rucka returning to Marvel Comics....
There was a time when Greg Rucka writing Marvel comic books was a pretty common thing. The Queen & Country creator had stints on Wolverine and Elektra to his credits, along with miniseries including Spider-Man: Quality of Life and a couple of Black Widow titles, one co-written by Devin Grayson.
That time was nearly a decade ago, though, and the bulk of the writer's mainstream comic book output in the interim years has been with DC. Recently, he's returned to Marvel for short spurts, co-writing a few issues of Daredevil in 2008 with his Gotham Central collaborator Ed Brubaker, and authoring a Steve Rogers story in last year's anthology comic I Am An Avenger #2.
As first made public during Saturday evening's C2E2 Cup O' Joe panel, Rucka's back at Marvel in a big way with a new Punisher ongoing series. It's part of Marvel's "Big Shots" initiative and debuting this coming August, with art from Marco Checchetto (Squadron Supreme). Frank Castle has been through his own share of trials and tribulations as of late — most notably a temproary transformation into the undead monster FrankenCastle — but Rucka shared with Newsarama that his take is not "radically different than what’s been established previously."
Newsarama talked with Rucka about Punisher, the intelligence (or lack thereof) of the mob in Marvel Comics, and reuniting with his 52 editor, Steve Wacker.
Newsarama: Greg, first question is a simple one — what made you want to take on the Punisher?
Greg Rucka: The real quick version is, Steve Wacker asked me. That’s the bluntest, simplest answer — Wacker approached me and said, “Hey, you want to do Punisher?” and I was like, “You know what, yes. Yes, I would.”
There are characters that one feels an affinity for. I have a take on Frank that I don’t think is radically different than what’s been established previously. I like the character, it was a good fit, it was a good idea — and oddly, I don’t think the first one people would have thought of.
Nrama: Yeah, I think that Greg Rucka on Punisher seems like a natural choice on one level, but for whatever reason, I don’t think it’s something that people necessarily expected.
Rucka: Yeah. I think it’s more a throwback to Gotham Central-era writing for me. It’s very street-level, and it’s very human. The emotions involved are very restrained in a lot of aspects, and very real in a lot of aspects, and I always find it more comfortable for my own purposes to write “on the ground,” for lack of a better phrase.
Nrama: It’s interesting to hear you say that your take is not radically different from what’s been seen before.
Rucka: There are some characters you go to, and you’re like, “You know, lots of people have tried different approaches to them, and they work to different extents. They’re different flavors.” Frank doesn’t have that problem. There is a baseline that is very clear in this character, in my opinion, and I have no urge to f*ck with that at all. In all sincerity. It’s working, it’s dynamite for the character, it defines him well — I’m not going to go in there and mess with that, no way.
Nrama: So this definitely is a “back to basics” take on the Punisher?
Rucka: That I think is a very fair way to put it. I ain’t trying to reinvent a wheel here. He’s got a real clear agenda. His damage is clear, and everybody knows it, and he’s not carrying a whole lot of emotional baggage because of it. There’s the baggage he’s got that comes from what happened to his family and what he experienced prior, but beyond that, the agenda’s pretty clear. And I like that simplicity; I think there’s something actually rather elegant in it.
Nrama: Yeah, there are some characters who people praise for being versatile and working in a lot of different types of stories, but it seems like part of the beauty of the Punisher is that he’s the opposite; very singularly motivated.
Rucka: He’s got this very ‘80s — I wouldn’t equate him with Rambo, because I actually think he’s much more nuanced, but there is that, “here’s a guy with a gun, and get the hell out of the way.”
There is a piece of me that thinks the mob in the Marvel Universe is the dumbest criminal organization in the history of mankind. For years this guy has been systematically annihilating them, and yet there’s still people stepping up and saying, “Yeah, I want to be capo!” It’s like, “Dude, get a job in the post office or something, because this will not end well for you.”
Nrama: And while some Punisher stories tend to be set in kind of their own corner, it sounds like this series is firmly in the Marvel Universe.
Rucka: Well, it’s interesting. That was actually the biggest conflict I had in accepting the job; Wacker and I went back and forth on it over and over again, because he really shouldn’t exist in the mainstream Marvel U in a lot of ways. Not in a sense that he needs to be removed, but there’s a reason why the MAX stuff does so well. At a certain point, the body count gets high enough, and Spider-Man and Daredevil and those guys have to take notice. Then you find yourself having to ask questions about, how it is he’s getting away with what he does. It doesn’t say good thing about people like, Captain America, for instance. “Yeah, yeah, the Punisher’s slaughtering people. I’m worried about this over here.” You can get away with that for a certain amount of time, but eventually you run out of rope, and somebody’s going to notice him. We’re still in discussions as to what happens when he gets noticed.
It’s problematic. As has been said before, and stories have been done before, you can’t lock him up, because that’s just a playground. “We’re putting him in prison,” he’s like, “Thank you! This is great. This is a vacation for me, because everybody’s here, I don’t even have to break a sweat.” It creates some interesting questions.
Nrama: On that same token, writing the Punisher must be different from other Marvel characters, because you can’t build up villains in the same way you would for Spider-Man or Daredevil. They can’t keep coming back, or else Punisher isn’t doing his job.
Rucka: Yes, and he’s not who he is. I was talking to Axel [Alonso], who said, the joy of the Punisher is putting him up against someone who’s so horrifically vile that you can’t wait for [The Punisher] to kill him. That is, I think, the heart of a good Punisher story in many ways. The adversary needs to be somebody that, for the reader, viscerally, you want them to pay. You want them to be punished.
Part of the reason I think we read Punisher is because we want him to kick the ass that we’re not going to kick. In that way, he’s a very different character. I hate the phrase, but people who malign our passion and art form are very prone to flipping out,“adolescent power fantasy.” But in his own way, Frank is the perfect power fantasy. He really may be the only one who really is, and that’s not adolescent, that’s a universal power fantasy. If you’ve ever been stuck in traffic, you’ve wanted to whip out a machine gun on more than one occasion. [Laughs.] But you don’t.
Like I said, I love the purity of, “Here’s a guy who’s going to kick the ass of people whose asses need kicking.”
Nrama: So it’s obviously early and you don’t want to give anything away, but can you talk at all about what kind of threats the Punisher is facing in the first part of the new series?
Rucka: Especially after Fear Itself and that Mafia problem I referenced earlier, there are different criminal groups. And there is a sort of new-approach group in New York that he’s going to go up against. We start with a pretty horrific event — there’s a wedding reception that gets caught in the crossover, and the body count by the end of it is so high, that it’s a political problem, it’s a problem for the police, and it certainly gets Frank’s attention.
One of the things that I’m interested in doing is showing the procedure leading up to Frank cutting loose, and the way he approaches each mission. I think that, for him, it’s very military. There’s a war that he’s fighting, and in that war, there are mission objectives. If there’s a new objective, he’s got to gather intel on the objective, he’s got to isolate the objective, and then he’s got to make a plan to go after it. In the broader Marvel Universe, that gives him all sorts of tools he can use. I was talking to a friend about this, and he threw out a particular item that exists in the Marvel Universe, that one wonders why Frank has never tried to acquire, because the things he could do with it are devastating. And he doesn’t need much — here’s a guy who rarely misses anyway.
He’s not surrounded by people. This is not a guy who talks. I wanted to get away, just stylistically, from the War Journal. I’m not really interested in giving you a long, first-person narration with Punisher. He doesn’t have a lot to say, to anybody. We’re kind of playing a game in these first few issues to see how long he can go without having to speak. Ever. [Laughs.] People talk around him, you see what he’s doing, you hear what he’s hearing, but what’s he going to say? He doesn’t have a lot to say.
At the end of our first issue, he does something that I think ostensibly people are going to look at and go, “Well, that’s out of character.” But in the second issue you see it’s very deliberate. It’s entirely in character, because it’s objective-driven. Frank works his way up the ladder. That is the way it works. You’ve got to start with a rung, and climb to the next. We’re looking at different ways he does that.
Nrama: It seems in the past writers have gotten around the fact that the Punisher isn’t very chatty by giving him an assistant or some supporting characters to play off of, but it sounds like you’re fully embracing the taciturn nature of the character.
Rucka: Yeah. I think speech, like every thing else for him, is a tool. He’ll use his voice when his voice is going to serve him. There are certain characters I think do much better when seen by others as opposed to riding along with them the whole time. We’ve got at least one cop, who’s got a very sort of tortured relationship with Frank. The first issue has the root story, and then there’s an eight-page companion story, and that eight-page companion story sort of tells about this cop, and how he’s got into this really, really problematic relationship with Frank.
One of the things I’ve liked about Frank is, y’know, no cops, no women and children. He’ll shoot the women who are shooting at him [laughs], but he’s got his rules of engagement. He’s always been fair to cops. I’m not sure that he particularly likes them. That’s another thing that we’re toying with.
Nrama: Punisher has had a lot of great writers working on the character in recent years, but for the last dozen years or so, he’s been most strongly associated with one: Garth Ennis. Does his take on the character influence yours at all?
Rucka: You’re looking at [Rick] Remender, you’re looking at [Matt] Fraction, you’re looking at Jason Aaron, and you’re looking at Garth — Garth’s MAX run, I think “definitive” is not a bad word for it. It’s so well constructed as an entirety. Even if you’re going to say, “Well, it’s MAX, so it’s not the same world” — it is. It’s not, but it is. I’m trying to be very respectful to all of that.
By the same token, though, this is a #1. And it’s a #1 in the Marvel U. I think that allows us a certain leeway to say, we can sort of come at him fresh here. I was asked in another interview if I was going into the origin, and my answer was no. There’s no need. You get everything you need to know about this guy on the recap page. He’s never going to get “better.” If I tried to sell a reader on a story where Frank has ended his war, they’re not going to believe it for in an instant. They’re going to sit there waiting for, “He builds his house, and he starts an orphanage, and then somebody comes along and burns it all down.” You can’t ever take him there, and it seems to me that’s a waste of my time and the reader’s time. It goes back to that purity point I was making earlier: He is so beautifully simple, and in that simplicity there’s a lot of room for nuance and complexity.
Nrama: For this series, you’re paired with artist Marco Checchetto. It’s the first time you guys have worked together — how has that been thus far?
Rucka: So far it’s been excellent. Very early on we were exchanging e-mails, and we hadn’t even had a chance to discuss anything, and he sent me an e-mail going, “Just so you know, this is what I was thinking about my take, and here are some images that are influencing me.” They were, to the last — every single one of them — things I had been talking to Steve about. We were on the same wavelength without having communicated yet. I couldn’t be happier. END.
Gears of War 3 Release Date

Press Release
Gears of War 3 Release Date Revealed!
– 23 February 2011 – Get your calendar out, get a pen, and mark the 20th September 2011 as the day when Gears of War 3, this year’s biggest blockbuster title, launches worldwide.
Gears of War 3 is the glorious conclusion to one of the most memorable sagas in video games’ history and this is a date you certainly don’t want to miss.
The story takes place eighteen months after the events of Gears of War 2 and the loss of the human stronghold of Jacinto. Marcus, Baird, Dom and company continue their fight to save human civilization, as they battle the Locust and face new threats from within the planet throughout the campaign mode.
Here is what else you can expect from 2011’s most highly anticipated game:
· An enthralling cinematic story that captivates players in an intimately intense action game
· Five-on-five multiplayer experience as well as four player campaign co-op experience
· New multiplayer game modes including ‘Beast Mode’ – offering a new twist to the game where you take on the role of the locust horde and their assorted variations!
· New maps including: Trenches which features an impressive sand storm that reduces your visibility, as well as Overpass, Mercy, Checkout, and Thrashball
· New weapons including: The Bayonet Charge, The Retro Lancer, The Sawed-off Shotgun, The OneShot – a heavy sniper rifle that shoots through shields or cover for a surprise one shot kill, The Incendiary Grenade, The Digger Launcher and a few subtle tweaks to old favourites Hammerburst and The Classic Lancer. Don’t forget that each weapon now has its own execution move!
Stay tuned for more updates, and keep your eyes peeled for more news on the Official Multiplayer Public Beta coming soon!
About Xbox 360
Xbox 360 is a premier home entertainment and video game system. This November, with the addition of Kinect, Xbox 360 will forever transform social gaming and entertainment with a whole new way to play — no controller required. Xbox 360 is also home to the best and broadest games as well as the largest on-demand library of music, standard- and high-definition movies, TV shows and digital games, all in one place. The entertainment centre of the living room, Xbox 360 blends unbeatable content with the leading social network of 25 million Xbox LIVE members to create a limitless entertainment experience that can be shared at home or across the globe. More information about Xbox 360 can be found online at
About Microsoft
Founded in 1975, Microsoft (Nasdaq “MSFT”) is the worldwide leader in software, services and solutions that help people and businesses realize their full potential.
Press Release
At the furthest edge of the galaxy, the Reapers are preparing to make their return. Will Commander Shepard have what it takes to stand in their way? BioWare is announcing today Mass Effect: Arrival, the thrilling final mission for Mass Effect 2. Available for download on March 29, 2011, Mass Effect: Arrival will also include three new achievements for the Xbox 360® videogame and entertainment system and PC and three new trophies on PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system. The PDLC pack will be available for 560 MS Points on Xbox 360, £5.49 on PlayStation Network and also available for PC for 560 BioWare Points at
In Mass Effect: Arrival, Commander Shepard is sent to the edge of the galaxy to rescue an undercover operative who may have evidence of an imminent Reaper invasion that has been looming since the very beginning of the series. Returning and playing a prominent role in Mass Effect: Arrival is fan favorite Admiral Hackett, who is voiced by legendary science-fiction actor Lance Henriksen (Alien, Terminator).
“All year, we have been extremely honored and humbled by the reception we have received for Mass Effect 2 from players around the world, including our post release DLC”, said Casey Hudson, Executive Producer, Mass Effect series. “Mass Effect: Arrival is an exciting extension to Mass Effect 2 and will show players just how close the Reapers are to returning and completing their deadly harvest.”
Mass Effect 2 is one of the most highly decorated games of all time, earning over 90 perfect scores and over 150 awards. This includes over 20 “Game of the Year” honors, ranging from individual media outlets around the world such as IGN, Eurogamer, G4, and, to top honors from prestigious industry awards, including the Academy of Interactive Arts and Science’s Interactive Achievement Awards, and the Golden Joysticks. Earlier this week, Mass Effect 2 won another “Game of the Year” honor at the Swedish “Dataspelsgalan” (Videogame Awards) and “Best Game” from the British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTAs) in the UK.
Mass Effect 2 is now available for the PlayStation 3 console, Xbox 360 and PC. Stay tuned for more news about the continuation of Commander Shepard’s adventure as BioWare will release more information about Mass Effect 3 soon. For more information, please visit and follow the development team at or at
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Batman Live World Tour Coming 2012

For the first time in DC Comics history, see Batman the world's most popular DC Super Hero as you've never seen him before, in an all-new, live-action arena adventure, set to take the world by storm. Premiering in the UK in Summer 2011, Batman Live - World Arena Tour is a multi-million pound stage production of unprecedented scale and a must-see for families and Batman fans everywhere.
Based on an original story being created exclusively for the show, Batman Live is a theatrical extravaganza of thrilling stunts, acrobatic acts and illusions. Never before has Gotham City, Wayne Manor, the Batcave and Arkham Asylum been brought to life on stage in a more visually exciting way. Join Batman and Robin as they battle their nemesis The Joker and other super-villains such as The Riddler, Catwoman, The Penguin, Two-Face and Harley Quinn, set on destroying Gotham City.
Totally authentic, bold and awe-inspiring, Batman Live will be a completely new way to experience the world of Batman. This is one adventure you do not want to miss!
This will be stateside in 2012!!!!
Check out the website: BATMAN LIVE WORLD TOUR
Xombi: Reanimated from DC Comics
Written by JOHN ROZUM; Art and cover by FRAZER IRVING; 1:10 Variant cover by BRENDAN MCCARTHY
You can't keep a good XOMBI down! The immortal David Kim – kept "alive" by nanotech enhancements – returns to the DC Universe in a new ongoing series! Creator John Rozum and hot BATMAN AND ROBIN artist Frazer Irving team up to deliver the finest in contemporary urban horror – with a Super Hero twist! As an undying, unchanging Xombi, David Kim must watch the world consume itself and burn while humanity grows more distant from each other due to the rise of technology. What would a Xombi do just to feel change again? And where will he ever be able to find a kindred soul?
* DC Comics
* 32pg.
* Color
* $2.99 US
On Sale March 16, 2011
Vampirella #4 Preview
'Vampirella' Makes A Grim Discovery In Dynamite's Fourth Issue
The return of "VAMPIRELLA" has been everything it had promised to be and then some for the series faithful, and publisher Dynamite Entertainment has really turned things around for the horror mainstay. Case in point: the fourth issue of the series which will be hitting store shelves this Wednesday. Inside you can check out a 4 page preview as well as a few more variant covers before the book hits shelves tomorrow. Read on for the skinny!
This info is provided and the property of
WRITTEN BY: Eric Trautmann
ILLUSTRATIONS BY: Wagner Reis and Fabiano Neves
COVERS BY: Jelena Kevic-Djurdjevic, Jason Pearson, Paul Renaud, and Ale Garza
"Vampirella's pursuit of Dracula has revealed a cult of vampires, worshippers of an ancient evil, one so vast and terrible that even the Lord of the Vampires respects – and perhaps fears – it. As the world stands between eternal chaos and an endless army of blood-drinking horrors, Vampirella, plagued with nightmare visions of her past and of possible future, may finally have met her match."
"VAMPIRELLA" Issue #4 Drops This Week From Dynamite Entertainment! (MSRP-$3.99)
And...Next Week's Comic Releases
ComicList: New Comic Book Releases List for Wednesday, March 23, 2011. This work, a list of the comic books, graphic novels, and other products that should be available in your local or online comic book shop next week, is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License, and is © 2011 by Charles LePage.
This is the *preliminary* list and is not complete. The complete, and much more accurate, list will be published next week. This information is compiled from a variety of sources including Diamond Distribution and our friends at Things From Another World.
Remember, when you order any of these titles, whether here or at your local comic book shop, NOW instead of waiting closer to the release date, you save money AND you save the time of hunting down the issue after it sells out. To find a local comic book shop, please browse The Master List of Comic Book & Trading Card Stores.
PLEASE NOTE- Not all of these titles will actually arrive in all stores. Let me know if any of the names or numbers are wrong. Items being released this week per sources other than Diamond Distribution are individually noted.
Scroll down for "mature" items on page 2.
TITLE, ISSUE NUMBER, PRICE IN U.S. DOLLARS ("AR" means "ask your retailer for the price")
007 Magazine #54, $17.00
Indie Comics Magazine #1, $6.49
Comics The Complete Collection HC (not verified by Diamond), $40.00
Fall Of The Wolfmen GN, $5.95
Femforce #155, $9.95
Lees Toy Review #217 (Dec 2010)(not verified by Diamond), $6.95
Manga Shakespeare Merchant Of Venice GN, $10.95
Manga Shakespeare Twelfth Night GN, $10.95
Shrek #3 (Of 4), $3.95
Archie Americana Series Volume 12 Best Of The 90s Book 2 TP (not verified by Diamond), $11.95
Neonomicon #4 (Of 4)(Jacen Burrows Regular Cover), $3.99
Neonomicon #4 (Of 4)(Jacen Burrows Book Of The Dead Incentive Cover), AR
Neonomicon #4 (Of 4)(Jacen Burrows Auxiliary Edition Cover), $3.99
Neonomicon #4 (Of 4)(Jacen Burrows Wraparound Cover), $3.99
Doctor Who The New Adventures Volume 2 The Jade Pyramid & The Gemini Contagion, $19.95
Blackbeard Legacy GN, $14.99
Female Force #14 (Sonia Sotomayor)(Foil Edition), $19.99
Female Force Best Sellers TP, $15.99
Legend Of Isis Volume 3 Return Of The Scarab Queen TP, $15.99
Rock N Roll Comics Volume 5 Elvis Presley Experience TP, $17.99
William Shatner Presents Tek War Volume 2 TP, $15.99
Futurama Comics #54, $2.99
Simpsons Comics Meltdown TP, $15.99
Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep #21 (Of 24), $3.99
Donald Duck & Friends Feathers Of Fury TP, $9.99
Dracula The Company Of Monsters #8, $3.99
Hellraiser #1 (Cover A Tim Bradstreet), $3.99
Hellraiser #1 (Cover B Nick Percival), $3.99
Hellraiser #1 (Cover C Clive Barker)(Signed by Clive Barker), AR
Walt Disneys Comics & Stories #717, $3.99
Gullivers Travels GN (Campfire Graphic Novels), $9.99
Cinefex #125 (Apr 2011), $12.50
Comic Shop News #1240, AR
Comic Shop News Spring 2011 Preview, AR
Warriors Of The Dharuk #1 (Of 4), $3.99
Creepy #5, $4.99
Finder Library Volume 1 TP, $24.99
Mass Effect Evolution #3 (Of 4)(Massimo Carnevale Regular Cover), $3.50
Mass Effect Evolution #3 (Of 4)(Joe Quinones Variant Cover), $3.50
Oh My Goddess Volume 17 TP, $11.99
Batman Incorporated #4 (J.H. Williams III Regular Cover), $2.99
Batman Incorporated #4 (Yanick Paquette Variant Cover), AR
Batman Streets Of Gotham #21 (Final Issue), $2.99
Batman The Dark Knight #2 (David Finch Regular Cover), $3.99
Batman The Dark Knight #2 (Andy Clarke Variant Cover), AR
Cover Girls Of The DC Universe Supergirl Statue, $99.99
DC Chronicles Death Statue, $99.99
Demo Volume 2 TP, $17.99
Fables #103, $2.99
Green Lantern #64 (Ivan Reis & Oclair Albert Regular Cover), $2.99
Green Lantern #64 (Tyler Kirkham & Batt Variant Cover), AR
Green Lantern Corps #58 (Tyler Kirkham & Batt Regular Cover), $2.99
Green Lantern Corps #58 (Patrick Gleason Variant Cover), AR
Green Lantern Neon Sign, $299.99
Hellblazer #277, $2.99
inFamous #2 (Of 6), $2.99
Justice League Generation Lost #22 (Dustin Nguyen Regular Cover), $2.99
Justice League Generation Lost #22 (Kevin Maguire Variant Cover), AR
Justice League Of America #55 (Brett Booth Regular Cover), $2.99
Justice League Of America #55 (David Mack Variant Cover), AR
Legion Of Super-Heroes #11, $2.99
New York Five #3 (Of 4), $2.99
Showcase Presents The Witching Hour Volume 1 TP, $19.99
Supergirl #62, $2.99
Superman Batman #82, $2.99
Titans Volume 4 Villains For Hire TP, $14.99
True Blood Merlotte's Neon Sign, $89.99
Unwritten Volume 3 Dead Mans Knock TP, $14.99
Color Ink DIY Art Periodical Volume 9, $10.00
Fantastic Four #587 (Steve Epting Signed Edition), $29.99
Grimm Fairy Tales Myths & Legends #2 (Exclusive Cover), $14.99
Jennifer Blood #2 (Jonathan Lau Virgin Exclusive Cover), $7.99
Warlord Of Mars Dejah Thoris #1 (Arthur Adams Exclusive Red Cover), $6.99
Green Hornet #14 (Alex Ross Regular Cover), $3.99
Green Hornet #14 (Alex Ross Virgin Variant Cover), AR
Green Hornet #14 (Jonathan Lau Variant Cover), AR
Green Hornet #14 (Phil Hester Variant Cover), AR
Queen Sonja #15 (Carlos Rafael Regular Cover), $3.99
Queen Sonja #15 (Fabiano Neves Regular Cover), $3.99
Red Sonja Deluge (One Shot)(Dan Brereton Regular Cover), $4.99
Red Sonja Deluge (One Shot)(Chris Bolson Variant Cover), AR
Red Sonja Deluge (One Shot)(Dan Brereton Virgin Variant Cover), AR
Warlord Of Mars #3 (J. Scott Campbell Blue Limited Edition Cover)(not verified by Diamond), AR
Warlord Of Mars #4 (Dynamite Authentix Edition Cover)(not verified by Diamond), AR
Warlord Of Mars #4 (J. Scott Campbell Blue Limited Edition Cover)(not verified by Diamond), AR
Warlord Of Mars #4 (J. Scott Campbell Red Limited Edition Cover)(not verified by Diamond), AR
Graphic Classics Volume 20 Western Classics GN, $17.95
21 The Story Of Roberto Clemente HC (not verified by Diamond), $22.99
Arctic Marauder HC, $16.99
Complete Peanuts Volume 15 1979-1980 HC (not verified by Diamond), $28.99
Dungeon Quest Volume 2 GN, $12.99
R.I.P. Best Of 1985-2004 HC (not verified by Diamond), $28.99
Comic Heroes Magazine #5, $18.99
SFX #206, $9.99
Fantasy Plus Volume 3 Hand-Painted Illustrations SC (not verified by Diamond), $29.95
Zombie Autopsies Secret Notebooks From The Apocalypse HC, $19.99
Heavy Metal Volume 35 #3 (May 2011)(not verified by Diamond), $6.95
Archie 50 Times An American Icon SC, $10.00
Juxtapoz #123 (Apr 2011), $5.99
Angel #43 (Of 44)(Jenny Frison Regular Cover), $3.99
Angel #43 (Of 44)(Nick Runge Regular Cover), $3.99
Angel #43 (Of 44)(Elena Casagrande Variant Cover), AR
G.I. JOE A Real American Hero #164 (Cover A Herb Trimpe), $3.99
G.I. JOE A Real American Hero #164 (Cover B Rod Whigham), $3.99
G.I. JOE A Real American Hero #164 (Larry Hama Sketch Variant Cover), AR
Ghostbusters Infestation #2 (Of 2)(John K. Snyder III Regular Cover), $3.99
Ghostbusters Infestation #2 (Of 2)(Kyle Hotz Regular Cover), $3.99
Ghostbusters Infestation #2 (Of 2)(Zombiefied Logo Variant Cover), AR
Jeffrey Jones A Life In Art HC (Signed & Numbered Limited Edition), $79.99
Phoenix Without Ashes HC, $21.99
Starstruck HC (Deluxe Edition), $49.99
Transformers Heart Of Darkness #1 (Casey Coller Regular Cover), $3.99
Transformers Heart Of Darkness #1 (Ulises Farinas Regular Cover), $3.99
Transformers Heart Of Darkness #1 (Dan Khanna Sketch Variant Cover), AR
Transformers Heart Of Darkness #1 (Ulises Farinas Sketch Variant Cover), AR
Echoes #4 (Of 5), $3.99
Haunt #14 (resolicited), $2.99
Invincible #78, $2.99
Invincible The Ultimate Collection Volume 6 HC, $34.99
Jack Staff Volume 1 Everything Used To Be Black & White TP (New Printing), $19.99
L'il Depressed Boy #1 (Second Printing Variant Cover), $2.99
Lorna Relic Wrangler (One Shot)(Darwyn Cooke Regular Cover), $3.99
Lorna Relic Wrangler (One Shot)(Dean Yeagle Regular Cover), $3.99
Marineman #4, $3.99
Meta 4 #5 (Of 5), $3.50
Mission #2, $2.99
Savage Dragon Emperor Dragon TP, $14.99
Spawn #205 (resolicited), $2.99
Spawn Origins Volume 10 TP, $14.99
Velocity #2 (Of 4)(Kenneth Rocafort Project Comic-Con Variant Cover), $10.00
Walking Dead Weekly #12, $2.99
Witchblade #143, $2.99
Knights Of The Dinner Table #172 (not verified by Diamond), $4.99
Yehuda Moon & The Kickstand Cyclery Volume 1 TP (not verified by Diamond), $14.95
Sam And Friends Mystery Volume 2 Lake Monster Mix-Up GN (not verified by Diamond), $7.95
Dodgem Logic Magazine #7, $7.00
Krampus The Devil Of Christmas HC, $18.95
Locus #602 (Mar 2011), $6.95
5 Ronin #4 (Of 5)(David Aja Variant Cover), $2.99
5 Ronin #4 (Of 5)(David Mack Regular Cover), $2.99
Amazing Spider-Man #654 (Paulo Siquera 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99
Astonishing Spider-Man & Wolverine #5 (Of 6), $3.99
Captain America #615.1, $2.99
Captain America And Batroc #1 (One Shot), $3.99
Captain America Comics #1 (70th Anniversary Edition)(Brian Ching Regular Cover), $4.99
Captain America Comics #1 (70th Anniversary Edition)(Joe Simon, Jack Kirby & Kai Spannuth Variant Cover), AR
Captain America Man Out Of Time #5 (Of 5), $3.99
Captain America Reborn #1 (Marvel's Greatest Comics), $1.00
Daken Dark Wolverine #7, $2.99
Daredevil Reborn #3 (Of 4), $3.99
Deadpool #34 (Dave Johnson Regular Cover), $2.99
Deadpool #34 (Ed McGuinness Captain America 70th Anniversary Variant Cover), AR
Deadpool MAX #6, $3.99
Essential Captain America Volume 6 TP, $19.99
Fantastic Four #587 (3rd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99
Fantastic Four Extended Family TP, $24.99
FF #1 (Steve Epting Regular Cover, $3.99
FF #1 (Gerald Parel Fantastic Four 50th Anniversary Variant Cover), AR
FF #1 (Daniel Acuna Variant Cover), AR
FF #1 (Blank Variant Cover), AR
FF #1 (Marko Djurdjevic Character Variant Cover), AR
FF #1 (Stan Goldberg Variant Cover), AR
FF #1 Limited Edition Gatefold Variant Cover Print (Promotional Item), AR
FF #1 (Premiere Variant Cover)(not verfied by Diamond), AR
Hulk #31, $3.99
Iron Man Rapture TP, $14.99
Klaws Of The Panther TP, $14.99
Marvel Masterworks The Avengers Volume 3 TP (Book Market Edition), $24.99
Marvel Masterworks The Avengers Volume 3 TP (Direct Market Variant Edition Volume 27), $24.99
Namor The First Mutant #8, $2.99
New Mutants #23, $2.99
Osborn #4 (Of 5), $3.99
Power Man And Iron Fist #3 (Of 5), $2.99
Silver Surfer #2 (Of 5), $2.99
Skydoll Spaceship TP, $19.99
Speaker For The Dead #3 (Of 5), $3.99
Spider-Man #12 (Marvel Adventures), $2.99
Thing Classic Volume 1 TP, $24.99
Thor #620.1, $2.99
Ultimate Comics Doom #4 (Of 4), $3.99
Ultimate Comics New Ultimates Thor Reborn HC (Premiere Edition), $24.99
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #156 (Mark Bagley Regular Cover), $3.99
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #156 (Kaare Andrews Variant Cover), AR
Uncanny X-Force #6, $3.99
Uncanny X-Men #534 (Greg Land Regular Cover), $3.99
Uncanny X-Men #534 (Janet Lee Variant Cover), AR
What If Dark Avengers TP, $24.99
Wolverine And Jubilee #3 (Of 4), $2.99
X-Men #9 (Terry Dodson Regular Cover), $3.99
X-Men #9 (Chris Bachalo Variant Cover), AR
X-Men #9 (John Tyler Christopher Captain America 70th Anniversary Variant Cover), AR
Rotten #9, $3.99
Ayn Rand Anthem GN, $15.00
Sky Over The Louvre HC, $19.99
Story Of Lee Volume 1 GN, $11.99
Non-Sport Update Volume 22 #2 (Apr/May 2011)(not verified by Diamond), $5.99
Sixth Gun #10, $3.99
Stumptown Volume 1 HC, $29.99
Cardboard Valise GN, $25.95
Hardy Boys The New Case Files Volume 2 Break Up GN, $6.99
Papercutz Slices Volume 2 Breaking Down GN, $6.99
New Character Parade GN, $12.00
2000 AD Pack February 2011 (issues 1719-1722), $20.00
Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files Volume 17 TP, $32.99
Judge Dredd Megazine #308, $11.99
Draw Nexus How To Tips And Techniques SC (Spiral Bound Edition)(resolicited), $17.95
Doc Savage Double Novel Volume 46, $14.95
Shadow Double Novel Volume 47, $14.95
Vampire Cheerleaders Volume 1 GN, $10.99
Pepper Penwell And The Land Creature Of Monster Lake GN, $14.95
Heavy Hand GN, $14.00
Neptune GN (not verified by Diamond), $14.00
Whirlwind Wonderland GN, $15.00
Zombies An Illustrated History Of The Undead SC, $17.99
Dragon Heir Reborn Volume 1 GN, $12.00
To Teach The Journey In Comics GN, $15.95
Star Wars Insider #124 (Newsstand Edition), $6.99
Star Wars Insider #124 (Previews Exclusive Edition), $6.99
Owly & Wormy Friends All Aflutter HC, $15.99
Back Issue #47, $7.95
Howard Chaykin Conversations HC (not verified by Diamond), $40.00
Vanguard Frazetta Classics Volume 1 Johnny Comet HC (not verified by Diamond), $49.99
Rocket Girls The Last Planet SC, $13.99
Cartooning Philosophy And Practice SC (by Ivan Brunetti) (not verified by Diamond), $13.00
Bamboo Blade Volume 8 TP (not verified by Diamond), $11.99
Black God Volume 12 TP (not verified by Diamond), $11.99
Bunny Drop Volume 3 GN (not verified by Diamond), $12.99
Cirque Du Freak Volume 8 Allies Of The Night GN (not verified by Diamond), $10.99
Gossip Girl Volume 2 For Your Eyes Only GN (not verified by Diamond), $12.99
K-ON Volume 2 GN (not verified by Diamond), $10.99
Melancholy Of Haruhi Suzumiya Volume 8 GN (not verified by Diamond), $10.99
My Girlfriends A Geek Novel Volume 2 GN (not verified by Diamond), $11.99
Nabari No Ou Volume 6 TP (not verified by Diamond), $11.99
Time And Again Volume 5 GN (not verified by Diamond), $10.99
Grimm Fairy Tales #57, $2.99
Grimm Fairy Tales Beyond Wonderland #0 (Of 6)(New Dimension Comics Exclusive Cover), $19.99
Monster Hunters Survival Guide #3 (Of 5)(Cover A Steven Cummings), $2.99
Monster Hunters Survival Guide #3 (Of 5)(Cover B Erik Jones), $2.99
Playoff 2010 NTL Treasures Football Trading Card Box, AR
Press Pass 2011 Eclipse Racing Trading Card Box, AR
Upper Deck 2010 SP Authentic Football Trading Card Box, AR
Dakota Board Game, $59.90
Pokemon TCG 2011 Spring Sneak Peek Tin Display, AR
Pokemon TCG Call Legends 3-Pack Single Blister, AR
Pokemon TCG Call Legends Booster Display, AR
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Witchs Song, $29.95
Mutants & Masterminds 3rd Edition RPG Heros Handbook, $32.95
Games - PSI
Hunter RPG Block By Bloody Block, $14.99
Alien Vs Ninja Blu-Ray, AR
Flesh Eater DVD & Blu-Ray Combo, AR
Kanokon Girl Who Cried Fox DVD, AR
Late Fee DVD & Blu-Ray Combo, AR
Let Me In Blu-Ray, AR
Vampire Knight Guilty DVD Volume 1, AR
Walking Dead BD Season 1, AR
Walking Dead BD Season 1, AR
Walking Dead DVD Season 1, AR
Walking Dead DVD Season 1, AR
Army Of Darkness This Is My Boomstick 30/1 T-Shirt LG, $18.99
Avengers Reborn Iron Man Fine Art Statue, $200.00
Boba Fettish Black T-Shirt LG, $19.99
Boba Fettish Black T-Shirt MED, $19.99
Boba Fettish Black T-Shirt XL, $19.99
Boba Fettish Black T-Shirt XXL, $19.99
Brad Meltzer Inner Circle Tour T-Shirt MED, $20.95
Buffy The Vampire Slayer Hover Board Charcoal T-Shirt LG, $19.99
Buffy The Vampire Slayer Hover Board Charcoal T-Shirt MED, $19.99
Buffy The Vampire Slayer Hover Board Charcoal T-Shirt XL, $19.99
Buffy The Vampire Slayer Hover Board Charcoal T-Shirt XXL, $19.99
Captain America Good Ol Steve Navy T-Shirt LG, $16.99
Captain America Good Ol Steve Navy T-Shirt MED, $16.99
Captain America Good Ol Steve Navy T-Shirt XL, $16.99
Captain America Good Ol Steve Navy T-Shirt XXL, $18.99
Celcius Vinyl Figure Do It Yourself Version, $35.00
Daft Punk X Tron Legacy Kub 2 Pack, $19.99
DC Catwoman Bishoujo Statue, $59.99
DC Comics 75th Anniversary Carded 4 Piece Button Set, AR
Disney Traditions Tinker Bell Figurine July, $27.50
Doctor Who 11th Doctor Christmas Adventure Action Figure 3 Pack, $64.99
Doctor Who 7th Doctor Time And The Rani Action Figure, $24.99
Doctor Who Cyber Propaganda Black T-Shirt LG, $18.99
Doctor Who Cyber Propaganda Black T-Shirt MED, $18.99
Doctor Who Cyber Propaganda Black T-Shirt XL, $18.99
Doctor Who Cyber Propaganda Black T-Shirt XXL, $21.99
Doctor Who Dalek Projector Alarm Clock, $52.99
Doctor Who Doctor Will See You Black Hoodie XXL, $49.99
Evangelion Rei Ayanami Ani-Statue Ballerina Ver, $74.99
Family Guy Mini Figure 16 Piece BMB DS Series 1, AR
Ghostbusters Light-Up Slimer Statue, $69.99
Green Lantern Lantern Stripe Hunter Green T-Shirt LG, $18.99
Green Lantern Lantern Stripe Hunter Green T-Shirt MED, $18.99
Green Lantern Lantern Stripe Hunter Green T-Shirt XL, $18.99
Green Lantern Lantern Stripe Hunter Green T-Shirt XXL, $21.99
Halo Reach Play Arts Kai Carter Action Figure, $49.99
Halo Reach Play Arts Kai Jorge Action Figure, $49.99
Halo Reach Play Arts Kai Kat Action Figure, $49.99
Halo Spartan Armour Black T-Shirt LG, $16.99
Halo Spartan Armour Black T-Shirt MED, $16.99
Halo Spartan Armour Black T-Shirt XL, $16.99
Halo Spartan Mark VI Bust Bank, $19.99
Homer Simpson Asleep On Couch 25 Oz Glass Mug, $17.99
Joker Dark Detective #1 Military Green T-Shirt LG, $18.99
Joker Dark Detective #1 Military Green T-Shirt MED, $18.99
Joker Dark Detective #1 Military Green T-Shirt XL, $18.99
Joker Dark Detective #1 Military Green T-Shirt XXL, $21.99
Kingdom Hearts Stacked Against Black T-Shirt LG, $16.99
Kingdom Hearts Stacked Against Black T-Shirt MED, $16.99
Ledbetter Cluster Tin Box, $17.95
Living Dead Dolls Red Riding Hood Doll Assortment, AR
Manaka De Ikuno Komaki Manaka Ani-Statue, $74.99
Marvel Heroes Playing Cards Single Deck, $6.50
Marvel Minimates Series 38 Assortment, AR
Marvel Minimates Series 39 Thor Movie Assortment, AR
Mazinger Z Coin Bank, $45.00
MGLN Nanoha Takamachi Ani-Statue Everday Version, $64.99
Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker Naked Snake Grey T-Shirt LG, $19.99
Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker Naked Snake Grey T-Shirt MED, $19.99
Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker Naked Snake Grey T-Shirt XL, $19.99
Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker Naked Snake Grey T-Shirt XXL, $19.99
Neon Genesis Evangelion 2.0 Asuka Entry Plug Chopsticks, $12.99
Neon Genesis Evangelion 2.0 Mari Entry Plug Chopsticks, $12.99
Neon Genesis Evangelion 2.0 Mari Illustrious Figma Action Figure, AR
Patlabor Mobile Police AV X0 Zero D-style Model Kit, $21.99
Replicant Gray T-Shirt LG, $16.99
Replicant Gray T-Shirt MED, $16.99
Replicant Gray T-Shirt XL, $16.99
Replicant Gray T-Shirt XXL, $18.99
Rock Iconz Beatles Yellow Sub Blue Meanie Statue, AR
Scream Ghostface 7-Inch Action Figure Assortment, AR
Spider-Man Hero & Villain Action Figure Assortment 201004, AR
Spider-Man Hero & Villain Action Figure Assortment 201102, AR
Strike Witches Gertrud Barkhorn Plush, $49.99
Star Wars Back To Boxes Black T-Shirt XXL, $18.99
Star Wars Darth Maul Light Up ARTFX Statue, $119.99
Star Wars Figrin Dan Mini Bust, $59.99
Star Wars Stormtrooper ARTFX+ Statue 2 Pack, $74.99
Star Wars Wheat Machine Red Heather T-Shirt LG, $16.99
Star Wars Wheat Machine Red Heather T-Shirt MED, $16.99
Star Wars Wheat Machine Red Heather T-Shirt XL, $16.99
Star Wars Wheat Machine Red Heather T-Shirt XXL, $18.99
Thor Ground N Pound Charcoal T-Shirt XXL, $18.99
Thor Movie Athletic Avenger Red T-Shirt LG, $16.99
Thor Movie Athletic Avenger Red T-Shirt MED, $16.99
Thor Movie Athletic Avenger Red T-Shirt XL, $16.99
Thor Movie Athletic Avenger Red T-Shirt XXL, $18.99
Thor Movie Basic Helmet Case, AR
Thor Movie Deluxe Action Figure Assortment 201101, AR
TMP MLB Cooperstown Series 8 McCovey Action Figure Case, AR
Transformers Legends Action Figure Assortment 201102, AR
Vampire Hunter D Red Slash Black T-Shirt LG, $19.99
Vampire Hunter D Red Slash Black T-Shirt MED, $19.99
Vampire Hunter D Red Slash Black T-Shirt XL, $19.99
Vampire Hunter D Red Slash Black T-Shirt XXL, $21.99
Voltron Big Red Black T-Shirt LG, $19.99
Voltron Big Red Black T-Shirt XL, $19.99
Voltron Big Red Black T-Shirt XXL, $22.99
World Of Warcraft Murloc Green Zip-Up Hoodie LG, $90.00
World Of Warcraft Murloc Green Zip-Up Hoodie XL, $90.00
WWE 6-Inch Action Figure Assortment, AR
WWE 6-Inch Elite Collection Action Figure Assortment, AR
WWE Rumblers Action Figure Assortment, AR
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Last Week's Comic Releases
ComicList: New Comic Book Releases List for Wednesday, March 16, 2011. This work, a list of the comic books, graphic novels, and other products that should be available in your local or online comic book shop this week, is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License, and is © 2011 by Charles LePage.
Information provided by our friends at Things From Another World. To find a local comic book shop, please browse The Master List of Comic Book & Trading Card Stores. Check out the Comiclist Community Page and FriendFeed ComicList Room for discussions about your favorite comics.
PLEASE NOTE- Not all of these titles will actually arrive in all stores. Let me know if any of the names or numbers are wrong. Items being released this week per sources other than Diamond Distribution are individually noted.
Scroll down for "mature" items on page 2.
TITLE, ISSUE NUMBER, PRICE IN U.S. DOLLARS ("AR" means "ask your retailer for the price")
007 Magazine #54 (not verified by Diamond), $17.00
215 INK
Brian & Bobbi GN, $9.99
Indie Comics Magazine #1 (not verified by Diamond), $6.49
Cosplay Fever Red SC, $19.95
How To See Faeries HC, $24.95
Fall Of The Wolfmen GN (not verified by Diamond), $5.95
Downsized GN, $6.95
5 Very Good Reasons To Punch A Dolphin In The Mouth SC (, $14.99
Planet Of The Living Dead #1, $3.50
Time Lincoln Cuba Commander (One Shot), $3.99
Penguins Of Madagascar Volume 1 TP, $6.95
Archie & Friends #153, $2.99
Betty & Veronica Double Digest #189, $3.99
Jughead #206, $2.99
Sonic Universe #26, $2.99
World Of Archie Double Digest #5, $3.99
Grim Ghost #1 (Qing Ping Mui Regular Cover), $2.99
Grim Ghost #1 (Qing Ping Mui Sketch Variant Cover), AR
Grim Ghost Statue Incentive Piece A (not verified by Diamond), AR
Grim Ghost Statue Incentive Piece B (not verified by Diamond), AR
Phoenix #1 (Dean Zachary Regular Cover), $2.99
Phoenix #1 (Dean Zachary Sketch Variant Cover), AR
Mindfield #5 (Cover A Alex Konat), $2.99
Mindfield #5 (Cover B Phil Noto), $2.99
Doctor Who Demon Quest Audio CD Set, $74.95
Night Of The Living Dead Death Valley #1 (Of 5)(Michael Dipascale Regular Cover), $3.99
Night Of The Living Dead Death Valley #1 (Of 5)(Matt Martin Gore Cover), $3.99
Night Of The Living Dead Death Valley #1 (Of 5)(Mike Wolfer Classic Black & White Variant Cover), AR
Night Of The Living Dead Death Valley #1 (Of 5)(Mike Wolfer Wraparound Cover), $3.99
Wolfskin Hundredth Dream #5 (Of 6)(Gianluca Pagliarani Regular Cover), $3.99
Wolfskin Hundredth Dream #5 (Of 6)(Juan Jose Ryp Blood Thirst Cover), $3.99
Wolfskin Hundredth Dream #5 (Of 6)(Juan Jose Ryp Bronze & Blood Variant Cover), AR
Wolfskin Hundredth Dream #5 (Of 6)(Felipe Massafera Painted Cover), $3.99
Wolfskin Hundredth Dream #5 (Of 6)(Gianluca Pagliarani Wraparound Cover), $3.99
Simpsons Comics #176, $2.99
28 Days Later #21, $3.99
Amory Wars In Keeping Secrets Of Silent Earth 3 Volume 2 TP, $14.99
Darkwing Duck #10 (Cover A James Silvani), $3.99
Darkwing Duck #10 (Cover B Amy Mebberson), $3.99
Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep Dust To Dust Volume 2 TP, $12.99
Mickey Mouse #306, $3.99
Soldier Zero #6 (Cover A Trevor Hairsine), $3.99
Soldier Zero #6 (Cover B Matteo Scalera), $3.99
Soldier Zero #6 (Cover C Trevor Hairsine), AR
Toy Story Toy Overboard TP, $9.99
Oz Wonderland Chronicles Jack & Cat Tales #2 (Of 3), $3.99
Excalibur The Legend Of King Arthur HC, $21.99
Excalibur The Legend Of King Arthur SC, $11.99
Comic Shop News #1239, AR
Suddenly Something Happened GN, $20.00
Warriors Of The Dharuk #1 (Of 4)(not verified by Diamond), $3.99
Gantz Volume 16 TP, $12.99
Guild Tink (One Shot)(Ron Chan Regular Cover), $3.50
Guild Tink (One Shot)(Peter Bagge Variant Cover), $3.50
Your Highness GN, $7.99
60th Anniversary Classic Peanuts #5 Schroeder Statue, $49.95
Classic Uncle Scrooge Series 2 #5 Uncle Scrooge Moneybags Statue, $49.95
Adventure Comics #524, $2.99
Batman #708, $2.99
Batman Black & White Statue Tony Daniel, $80.00
Brightest Day #22 (David Finch Regular Cover), $2.99
Brightest Day #22 (Ivan Reis Variant Cover), AR
DC Comics Presents Batman Irresistible #1, $7.99
DC Universe Legacies #10 (Of 10)(Jesus Saiz Regular Cover), $3.99
DC Universe Legacies #10 (Of 10)(Gary Frank Variant Cover), AR
DC Universe Online Legends #4, $2.99
Deus Ex #2 (Of 6), $2.99
DMZ #63, $2.99
Gears Of War #16, $2.99
God Of War TP, $14.99
I Zombie Volume 1 Dead To The World TP, $14.99
Joker 1:4 Scale Museum Quality Statue, $325.00
Justice League Of America Volume 8 Dark Things HC, $24.99
Knight & Squire #6 (Of 6), $2.99
Northlanders #38, $2.99
Power Girl #22, $2.99
R.E.B.E.L.S. #26, $2.99
Red Robin #21, $2.99
Scooby-Doo Where Are You #7 (replaces 03/02/11 misprint), $2.99
Spirit #12, $2.99
Superman #709 (John Cassaday Regular Cover), $2.99
Superman #709 (Adam Hughes Variant Cover), AR
Superman New Krypton Volume 3 TP, $17.99
T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents #5, $2.99
Tiny Titans #38, $2.99
Unwritten #23, $2.99
Xombi #1 (Frazer Irving Regular Cover), $2.99
Xombi #1 (Brendan McCarthy Variant Cover), AR
Young Justice #2, $2.99
Star Wars The Official Figurine Collection Magazine #19 (Palpatine), $14.00
Star Wars The Official Figurine Collection Magazine #21 (Clone Trooper), $14.00
Star Wars The Official Figurine Collection Magazine #22 (Padme Amidala), $14.00
Star Wars The Official Figurine Collection Magazine #63 (Shuttle Theta), $18.00
PS238 #49, $2.99
Daredevil Reborn #1 (Of 4)(Dynamic Forces)(John Romita Sr. Signed Edition)(not verified by Diamond), $19.66
Fantastic Four #587 (Dynamic Forces)(CGC 9.8 Graded Edition), $89.99
Grimm Fairy Tales Myths & Legends #1 (Dynamic Forces)(J. Scott Campbell Remarked Cover), $69.99
Jennifer Blood #1 (Dynamic Forces)(Tim Bradstreet Exclusive Red Variant Cover), $19.74
True Blood #1 (Dynamic Forces)(Exclusive Tainted Cover), $6.99
Vampirella #3 (Dynamic Forces)(Limited Edition Variant Cover)(not verified by Diamond), $14.99
Kato Origins #7 (The Hellfire Club)(Colton Worley Regular Cover), $3.99
Kato Origins #7 (The Hellfire Club)(Francesco Francavilla Variant Cover), AR
Last Phantom #5 (Alex Ross Regular Cover), $3.99
Last Phantom #5 (Alex Ross Negative Incentive Cover), AR
Last Phantom #5 (Alex Ross Virgin Incentive Cover), AR
Last Phantom #5 (Fabiano Neves Incentive Cover), AR
Last Phantom #5 (Joe Prado Incentive Cover), AR
Lone Ranger Zorro The Death Of Zorro #1 (Alex Ross Regular Cover), $3.99
Lone Ranger Zorro The Death Of Zorro #1 (Alex Ross Black & White Variant Cover), AR
Lone Ranger Zorro The Death Of Zorro #1 (Alex Ross Negative Art Variant Cover), AR
Lone Ranger Zorro The Death Of Zorro #1 (Alex Ross Virgin Variant Cover), AR
Lone Ranger Zorro The Death Of Zorro #1 (Francesco Francavilla Variant Cover), AR
Lone Ranger Zorro The Death Of Zorro #1 (Jerry Lawler Variant Cover), AR
Lone Ranger Zorro The Death Of Zorro #1 (Tom Yeates Variant Cover), AR
Vampirella #4 (Ale Garza Regular Cover), $3.99
Vampirella #4 (Jason Pearson Regular Cover), $3.99
Vampirella #4 (Jelena Kevic-Djurdjevic Regular Cover), $3.99
Vampirella #4 (Paul Renaud Regular Cover), $3.99
Vampirella #4 (Jason Pearson Red Variant Cover), AR
Vampirella #4 (Ale Garza Black & White Variant Cover), AR
Vampirella #4 (Paul Renaud Virgin Variant Cover), AR
Warlord Of Mars #5 (Joe Jusko Regular Cover), $3.99
Warlord Of Mars #5 (Lucio Parrillo Regular Cover), $3.99
Warlord Of Mars #5 (Joe Jusko Black & White Variant Cover), AR
Warlord Of Mars #5 (Lucio Parrillo Virgin Variant Cover), AR
Warlord Of Mars #5 (Patrick Berkenkotter Variant Cover), AR
Warlord Of Mars #5 (Stephen Sadowski Red Variant Cover), AR
Warlord Of Mars #5 (Stephen Sadowski Variant Cover), AR
Red Sonja AP Edition Frank Cho Statue (not verified by Diamond), $249.99
Red Sonja MP Edition Frank Cho Statue, $249.99
Arctic Marauder HC (not verified by Diamond), $16.99
Dungeon Quest Volume 2 GN (not verified by Diamond), $12.99
Krazy & Ignatz 1919-1921 A Kind Benevolent And Amiable Brick TP, $24.99
MOME Volume 21 GN (Winter 2011)(not verified by Diamond), $14.99
Comic Heroes Magazine #5 (not verified by Diamond), $18.99
SFX Special #48 (Vampires Special), $17.99
Broken Honour MMPB (Warhammer), $8.99
Hammer Of The Emperor An Imperial Guard Omnibus SC (Warhammer 40K), $15.00
Blueberry Girl SC (by Neil Gaiman), $6.99
Juxtapoz #123 (Apr 2011)(not verified by Diamond), $5.99
Horrorhound #28, $6.99
Classic Jurassic Park Volume 2 Raptor's Revenge TP, $19.99
Doctor Who Volume 2 #2 (Tommy Lee Edwards Regular Cover), $3.99
Doctor Who Volume 2 #2 (Photo Cover), $3.99
Doctor Who Volume 2 #2 (Ben Templesmith Variant Cover), AR
Dragon Age Volume 1 TP, $19.99
Ghostbusters Displaced Aggression #1 (Nick Runge 100 Penny Press Edition Cover), $1.00
G.I. JOE A Real American Hero #1 (Herb Trimpe 100 Penny Press Edition Cover), $1.00
G.I. JOE Infestation #2 (Of 2)(Giovanni Timpano Regular Cover), $3.99
G.I. JOE Infestation #2 (Of 2)(John K. Snyder III Regular Cover), $3.99
G.I. JOE Infestation #2 (Of 2)(Zombie-Fied Logo Variant Cover), AR
Spike #6 (Of 8)(Nick Runge Regular Cover), $3.99
Spike #6 (Of 8)(Jenny Frison Variant Cover), AR
Transformers 3 Movie Prequel Foundation #2 (Of 4)(Brian Rood Regular Cover), $3.99
Transformers 3 Movie Prequel Foundation #2 (Of 4)(Andrew Griffith Interconnected Variant Cover), AR
Artifacts #2 (Of 13)(Georges Jeanty & John Tyler Christopher Armageddon Expo Variant Cover)(not verified by Diamond), AR
Artifacts #6 (Of 13)(Cover A Phil Noto), $3.99
Artifacts #6 (Of 13)(Cover B John Tyler Christopher), $3.99
Artifacts #6 (Of 13)(Foil Symbol Variant Cover), AR
Artifacts #6 (Of 13)(Phil Noto Sketch Variant Cover), AR
Bad Dog #4 (resolicited), $2.99
Bomb Queen Vs Hack Slash Valentines Day Special (One Shot), $3.50
Chew Script Book, $3.99
Hack Slash #2 (Cover A Tim Seeley & Carlos Badilla), $3.50
Hack Slash #2 (Cover B Eamon O'Donoghue), $3.50
Mice Templar Volume 3 #3 (Cover A Michael Avon Oeming), $2.99
Mice Templar Volume 3 #3 (Cover B Victor Santos & Veronica Gandini), $2.99
Morning Glories #8, $2.99
Twilight Guardian #3 (Of 4), $3.99
Walking Dead Weekly #11, $2.99
Cowboys And Aliens HC (It Books Edition), $24.99
Dodgem Logic Magazine #7 (not verified by Diamond), $7.00
Comics Buyers Guide #1676 (April 2011), $5.99
Locus #602 (Mar 2011)(not verified by Diamond), $6.95
Rue Morgue Magazine #109 (Mar 2011), $9.95
5 Ronin #3 (Of 5)(Giuseppe Camuncoli Regular Cover), $2.99
5 Ronin #3 (Of 5)(David Aja Variant Cover), AR
Age Of Heroes TP, $19.99
Amazing Spider-Man #656 (Marcos Martin Regular Cover), $3.99
Amazing Spider-Man #656 (Joe Quesada Captain America 70th Anniversary Variant Cover), AR
Astonishing X-Men Xenogenesis HC (Premiere Edition), $24.99
Avengers Academy #11, $2.99
Avengers The Childrens Crusade Young Avengers #1, $3.99
Captain America And Crossbones #1 (One Shot), $3.99
Captain America Poster By Travis Charest, $8.99
Captain America The Captain TP, $39.99
Casanova Gula #3 (Of 4), $3.99
Dark Tower The Gunslinger Born #1 (Marvel's Greatest Comics), $1.00
Dark Tower The Gunslinger The Little Sisters Of Eluria #4 (Of 5), $3.99
Deadpool MAX A History Of Violence #1 (One Shot), $4.99
Deadpool Pulp HC (Premiere Edition), $19.99
Essential X-Men Volume 4 TP (All-New Edition), $19.99
Fantastic Four #583 (4th Printing Variant Cover), $2.99
Fantastic Four #584 (3rd Printing Variant Cover), $2.99
Fantastic Four #585 (3rd Printing Variant Cover), $2.99
Fantastic Four #586 (3rd Printing Variant Cover), $2.99
Fear Itself Book Of The Skull #1 (Marko Djurdjevic Regular Cover)(was 'Fear Itself Prologue'), $3.99
Fear Itself Book Of The Skull #1 (Joe Quesada Variant Cover)(was 'Fear Itself Prologue'), AR
Formic Wars Burning Earth #3 (Of 7), $3.99
Generation Hope #5 (David LaFuente Regular Cover), $2.99
Generation Hope #5 (Greg Land Variant Cover), AR
Hulk #30.1, $2.99
Iceman And Angel #1 (One Shot), $2.99
Invincible Iron Man #502 (Salvador Larroca Regular Cover), $3.99
Invincible Iron Man #502 (Marko Djurdjevic Variant Cover), AR
Invincible Iron Man #502 (Mike Del Mundo Captain America 70th Anniversary Variant Cover), AR
Iron Man 2.0 #2 (Salvador Larroca Regular Cover), $2.99
Iron Man 2.0 #2 (Dheeraj Verma Variant Cover), AR
Iron Man 2.0 #2 (Marko Djurdjevic Variant Cover), AR
Loki #4 (Of 4), $3.99
Marvel Zombies Supreme #2 (Of 5), $3.99
Ruse #1 (Of 4)(Butch Guice & Mike Perkins Regular Cover), $2.99
Ruse #1 (Of 4)(Mitch Breitweiser Variant Cover), AR
Super Hero Squad Super Hero Safari TP, $14.99
Thor The Lost Gods TP, $26.99
Thunderbolts #155 (Stepanie Hans Regular Cover)(was 'Arthur Adams Regular Cover'), $2.99
Thunderbolts #155 (Gerald Parel Captain America 70th Anniversary Variant Cover), AR
Thunderbolts Cage TP, $14.99
Thunderstrike #4 (Of 5), $3.99
Ultimate Comics Avengers Vs New Ultimates #2 (Of 6)(Leinil Yu Regular Cover), $3.99
Ultimate Comics Avengers Vs New Ultimates #2 (Of 6)(Bryan Hitch Variant Cover), AR
Uncanny X-Force #5.1, $2.99
Uncanny X-Men Annual #3, $3.99
Venom Poster By Joe Quesada, $8.99
X-Factor #217, $2.99
X-Men Origins II HC, $24.99
Kolchak The Night Stalker Files #2 (Cover A Woodrow Hinton), $3.50
Kolchak The Night Stalker Files #2 (Cover B Jaime Martinez), $3.50
Kolchak The Night Stalker Files #2 (Dave Ulanski Variant Cover), AR
Spider #1 (Dan Brereton Cover), $2.99
Spider #1 (Doug Pagacz Cover), $2.99
Spider Burning Lead For The Walking Dead GN, $7.99
Sea Ghost #1 (Sea Ghost In The Machine), $3.99
Possessions Volume 2 Ghost Table GN, $5.99
Yo Gabba Gabba Comic Book Time HC, $24.99
Dan Dare Pilot The Pilot Of Future The Biography HC, $19.95
Doctor Who Magazine #431, $8.99
New Character Parade GN (not verified by Diamond), $12.00
2000 AD Pack January 2011 (issues 1715-1718), $20.00
2000 AD Pack February 2011 (issues 1719-1722)(not verified by Diamond), $20.00
Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files Volume 17 TP (not verified by Diamond), $32.99
Judge Dredd Megazine #307, $11.99
Judge Dredd Megazine #308 (not verified by Diamond), $11.99
Vesha Valentine Story A Pin-Up Storybook GN, $12.95
Spellbound Black Magic Women SC, $14.95
Otaku USA Volume 4 #6 (Jun 2011)(not verified by Diamond), $5.99
Dragon Heir Reborn Volume 1 GN (not verified by Diamond), $12.00
Halo MP3 Audio CD, AR
Sworn Audio CD Book 1 Fallen Kings Cycle, AR
Amazing Figure Modeler #49 (not verified by Diamond), $8.00
Star Wars Insider #124 (Newsstand Edition)(not verified by Diamond), $6.99
Owly & Wormy Friends All Aflutter HC (not verified by Diamond), $15.99
Modern Masters Volume 25 Jeff Smith SC (resolicited), $15.95
Mega Man Battle Network Official Complete Works TP, $39.99
Neon Genesis Evangelion Volume 12 TP, $9.99
Rocket Girls The Last Planet SC (not verified by Diamond), $13.99
Charmed #8 (Cover A David Seidman), $3.50
Charmed #8 (Cover B Photo), $3.50
Harry Potter Deathly Hallow Part 1 Trading Card Box, AR
Sci Fi Horror Trading Card Pack, AR
Panini 2010 11 Crown Royale Hockey Trading Card Box, AR
Panini 2010 Americana I Century Collection Trading Card Box, AR
Legends Of Marvel Series Two Trading Card Set, AR
Star Wars Galaxy Series 6 Trading Card Box, AR
Upper Deck 2010 World Of Sports Trading Card Box, AR
Arkham Horror Beige Dice Single Pack, AR
Oh Gnome You Dont Board Game, $31.99
Pokemon TCG World Of Illusions Box, AR
Mansions Of Madness Board Game, $79.95
Champions RPG Villains Volume 1 Master Villains, $37.99
Champions RPG Villains Volume 2 Villain Teams, $37.99
Yu Gi Oh TCG Structure Deck Dragunity Legion, AR
Games - NECA
Marvel Heroclix Giant Sized X-Men Brick, $119.90
Marvel Heroclix Giant Sized X-Men Organized Play Kit, AR
Marvel HeroClix Giant Sized X-Men Super Booster, $23.98
Games - PSI
Give Me The Brain 3rd Edition Card Game, $19.99
Magic The Gathering TCG Deck Builders Toolkit 2011 Edition, $19.99
Creator Chronicles Matt Wagner DVD, $29.95
Doctor Who Ark DVD, AR
Doctor Who Seeds Of Doom DVD, AR
Dragonball Z Kai Season 1 Part 4 DVD, AR
Excalibur Blu-Ray, AR
Sgt Frog DVD Season 1, AR
Voltron Lion Force DVD Part 1, AR
Voltron Lion Force DVD Part 2, AR
Arkham Asylum Inmate Hoodie LG, $42.95
Arkham Asylum Inmate Hoodie MED, $42.95
Arkham Asylum Inmate Hoodie XL, $42.95
Arkham Asylum Inmate Hoodie XXL, $45.95
Army Of Darkness This Is My Boomstick 30/1 T-Shirt MED, $18.99
Army Of Darkness This Is My Boomstick 30/1 T-Shirt XL, $18.99
Army Of Darkness This Is My Boomstick 30/1 T-Shirt XXL, $20.99
Barbie Renaissance Doll, AR
Barbie Russia Mila Gold Label Collectors Doll, AR
Batman Brave & Bold Battle Armor Batmobile, AR
Batman Brave & Bold Basic Action Figure Assortment, AR
Beatles Yellow Submarine Ice Cube Tray, $11.99
Blue Beetle Symbol T-Shirt LG, $17.95
Blue Beetle Symbol T-Shirt MED, $17.95
Blue Beetle Symbol T-Shirt XL, $17.95
Blue Beetle Symbol T-Shirt XXL, $20.95
Back To The Future Minimates 25th Anniversary Box Set, $17.99
Cars 1/55 Deluxe Vehicle Assortment, AR
Cars Lenticular Eyes 1/55 Vehicle Assortment, AR
Cars Lightyear Launcher Assortment, AR
Cars Toon 1/43 Monster Truck Assortment, AR
Cars Toon Ninja Knockout Track Set, AR
Cars Toon Stunt Track Set Assortment, AR
DC Comics 75th Anniversary 7 Piece Keychain Set, AR
DC Comics 75th Anniversary 7 Piece Magnet Set, AR
Disney Britto Mickey Ears Summer Box, $30.00
Disney Britto Mickey Mouse Patriotic Figurine, $27.50
Disney Britto Mickey Summer Figurine, $27.50
Disney Traditions Personality Pose Ariel Figurine, $22.00
Disney Traditions Personality Pose Cheshire Cat Figurine, $22.00
Disney Traditions Personality Pose Genie Figurine, $22.00
Dissidia Final Fantasy Trading Arts Cecil Figure, $16.99
Dissidia Final Fantasy Trading Arts Firion Figure, $16.99
Dissidia Final Fantasy Trading Arts Sephiroth Figure, $16.99
Dissidia Final Fantasy Trading Arts Terra Figure, $16.99
Doctor Who Doctor Will See You Black Hoodie LG, $49.99
Doctor Who Doctor Will See You Black Hoodie XL, $49.99
Elvis Burnin Love Mints Tin 18 Count Display, AR
Final Fantasy XIV Guildleve Business Card Case Constancy, $34.99
Final Fantasy XIV Guildleve Business Card Case Diligence, $34.99
Final Fantasy XIV Guildleve Business Card Case Valor, $34.99
Final Fantasy XIV Guildleve Strap Constancy, $19.99
Final Fantasy XIV Guildleve Strap Diligence, $19.99
Final Fantasy XIV Guildleve Strap Valor, $19.99
Final Fantasy XIV Stuffed Moogle Kuplu Kopo, $24.99
Firefly Engineered By Firefly Bumper Sticker, $4.95
Firefly Serenity In Flight Bumper Sticker, $5.95
FMP TSR Apx-7 Arbalest 1:48 Scale Model Kit, $49.99
Futurama Zoidberg 12-Inch Plush, $29.99
Grand Jester Tron Kevin Flynn Mini-Bust, $75.00
Green Arrow Bullseye T-Shirt LG, $17.95
Green Arrow Bullseye T-Shirt MED, $17.95
Green Arrow Bullseye T-Shirt XL, $17.95
Green Arrow Bullseye T-Shirt XXL, $20.95
Hercules Statue, $200.00
Hippy Kong Trexi Vinyl Figure & Stamp Set, $24.95
Hot Wheels Vintage Racing 1/64 Die Cast Assortment, AR
Iron Man 6-Inch Action Figure Assortment 201101, AR
Iron Man Collection 1 Action Figure Assortment 201101, AR
Iron Man Original Armor Museum Pose Statue, $175.00
Jet Jaguar 30/1 T-Shirt LG, $18.99
Jet Jaguar 30/1 T-Shirt MED, $18.99
Jet Jaguar 30/1 T-Shirt XL, $18.99
Jet Jaguar 30/1 T-Shirt XXL, $20.99
LBP Sackboy Superstars Mini PVC Series 1 BMB Display, $59.88
Little Trickers Vinyl Figure 16 Piece BMB Display Series 1, AR
Marvel Comic Action Figure 2-Pack Assortment 201101, AR
Marvel Minimates Excalibur Box Set, $17.99
Marvel Minimates Series 39 Thor Movie Assortment, AR
Marvel Minimates Thor Army Builder Dump, $71.88
Marvel Super Hero Squad 2-Pack Action Figure Assortment 201101, AR
Marvel Universe Action Figure Assortment 201102, AR
Moustache Mints Tin 12 Count Display, AR
Obelix Mini Bust, AR
Olivia Bettie Page Playing Cards, $4.99
Ron English Homer Simpson 1000 Piece Puzzle, $20.00
Satana Mini Bust, $60.00
Serenity Little Damn Heroes River Tam Animated Maquette, $39.95
Shining Wind Clalaclan Ani-Statue Noir Maid Version, $79.99
Simpsons Duff Beer Pint Glass, $8.99
Sleepy Hollow Ichabod Crane Real Action Hero, $199.99
Sonic The Hedgehog Super Sonic Statue, $149.95
Spider-Man Classic Heroes Action Figure Assortment 201101, AR
Star Wars Clone Wars Basic Action Figure Assortment 201101, AR
Star Wars Vintage Action Figure Assortment 201102, AR
Strike Witches Charlotte E Yeager Plush, $49.99
Strike Witches Erica Hartmann Plush, $49.99
Strike Witches Francesca Lucchini Plush, $49.99
Star Wars Darth Vader 1:10 Scale Resin Statue, AR
Star Wars Yoda 9 Inch Talking Plush, $21.99
Teen Titans Symbol T-Shirt LG, $17.95
Teen Titans Symbol T-Shirt MED, $17.95
Teen Titans Symbol T-Shirt XL, $17.95
Teen Titans Symbol T-Shirt XXL, $20.95
Thor Hamburst Black Zip-Up Hoodie XL, $49.99
Thor Movie Action Figure Assortment 201101, AR
Thor Movie Basic Hammer, AR
Thor Movie Electronic Feature Action Figure, AR
Thor Movie Foam Sword, AR
Thor Movie Lightning Hammer, AR
Thor Movie Super Hero Squad Action Figure Assortment 201101, AR
Tinker Toy Classic Mini Set, AR
TMP MLB Cooperstown Series 8 Action Figure Assortment, AR
TMP MLB Cooperstown Series 8 Fisk 2 Bos Action Figure, AR
TMP MLB Cooperstown Series 8 Fisk 2 CWs Action Figure, AR
TMP MLB Cooperstown Series 8 Gehrig 2 Action Figure, AR
TMP MLB Cooperstown Series 8 Nolan Ryan 4 Action Figure, AR
TMP MLB Cooperstown Series 8 Rickey Nyy Action Figure, AR
TMP MLB Cooperstown Series 8 Rickey Oak Action Figure, AR
TMP MLB Elite Series 1 Action Figure Assortment, AR
TMP MLB Elite Series 1 Cano 2 Action Figure, AR
TMP MLB Elite Series 1 Votto Action Figure, AR
To-Fu Gum Vinyl Figure Bubblegum Version, $13.95
To-Fu Gum Vinyl Figure Mother Version, $13.95
To-Fu Gum Vinyl Figure Son Version, $13.95
Tonner Firefly Jayne Cobb Doll, AR
Toy Story 3 Kubrick 24 Piece BMB Display, AR
Transformers Combiner 2-Pack Action Figure Assortment 201101, AR
Transformers Combiner 5-Pack Action Figure Assortment 201101, AR
Transformers Legends Action Figure Assortment 201101, AR
Transformers Scout Action Figure Assortment 201101, AR
Transformers Voyager Action Figure Assortment 201102, AR
Worlds Greatest DC Heroes Black Adam Action Figure, $25.99
Worlds Greatest DC Heroes Darkseid Action Figure, $25.99
Worlds Greatest DC Heroes Martian Manhunter Action Figure, $25.99
Worlds Greatest DC Heroes Shazam Action Figure, $25.99
WWE Superstar Ring Assortment, AR
X-Men Panels Lamp In A Box, $59.00
Yellowjacket Statue, $185.00
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